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Where can I get the latest scripts.txt?

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hey guys,

My clan is (or was) hosting a very popular german DayZ-Server until all the players got kicked because of script-restrictions. But nobody of us had the time to fix it in the last few weeks.

Today I got a little bit time for it and searched the whole day for solutions, but I couldn't find any...

I also cloned the files from here (https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/source/browse/#git%2Ffilters) and copied it on the server. After I restarted it and joined I always got kicked by retriction #20, #44, #111, #117 and # 118. So I just commented the lines out, but the only thing that happend, is, that I get kicked for other restrictions.

So my question is: where can I find the latest scripts.txt that will word with our server (Beta 103718)?

And seriously, why do they upload that in a GIT Repo?

I don't think that the most of the server-admins know what GIT is...

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What are the "other" restrictions?

I think your scripts.txt updates automatically when you update your server version. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty confident. It does take tweaking to get them working.

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Yeah, I looked over your link too quickly. What you were looking at was a community ban list with what I assume are out dated filters. Se7en is right.

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