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Wanted: Coyote BP/DMR/Antibiotics

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Admittedly newbish, so bear with me... these are things that I would love to have. Not sure what they typically go for.

What does stuff like this usually go for?

I have been looting for a bit and have a full tent, but it's mostly (I'm guessing) middle to middle-advanced stuff (a couple of M16A2's MP5SD6, I think an M4A1, etc.)

Offers? Advice?

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I'd trade a Czech Backpack for four wheels, it's the same size as the Coyote Backpack

I don't have four wheels... sadly. If I can scavenge them I will certainly let you know, though! Thanks for the offer!

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Please note: I'm looking for any one of these items individually... not as a kit/set.

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