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Archit (DayZ)

Post Apocalyptic Wolfpack

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About me:
I am the leader of the group. I am 18 yearsold. I would call myself an elitist and I prefer people who long to be on the top. I see that as a strenght in one's character and a passion towards gaming. At the same time when we are just chilling I absolutely love people with a sense of humour. I am a man with a wide range of humour and from my experience a dose of humour always makes gaming much more enjoyable and also brings better score results.



(Post Apocalyptic Wolfpack)

Apply here


We look forward to become a clan with many mature and experienced players.
We are now a clan which is strongly looking forward to DayZ standalone. Currently we are playing the mod just to keep ourselves as sharp as possible. We currently have 3 players who will surely buy the standalone and including me - 4.
However we want to become a structured and organized clan. We've already created ranks and rule books. We have a symbol by which we go by as well. Now we just need trustworthy recruits to help us make our name echo through Chernarus. We are currently playing in a private hive which doesn't need you to have a legit cd key.
We are looking for mature and very active players. If you are mature, experienced and active then I highly suggest you apply for our clan. However you should read the recruit rules:
Recruit Rules
It's not the whole rule book it's just a cutout from it.

We are playing DayZero, DayZ Overwatch and DayZ Unleashed. Some other mods like Utes etc. from time to time.

Edited by Archit

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Thanks for making it easier to read :P

Edited by narkoman14
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This sounds interesting,so what mod do you play,and is the server private or official,how many people are in your clan already, do you use ts3,skype or something. Any matter how old you are or where you live?

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You should of gone to the forums and asked. You would have gotten a faster reply. We play the classic DayZ mod, the server is private, there are 5 people in the clan and we just got 2 new applicants thanks to this site I guess. We use skype at the moment. Me and Slenderman are working on securing a TS server right now. With any luck we'll have one in a week.

Born in 1995 in Bulgaria. We have people from all nations though. Portugal, england, croatia, netherlands.

Edited by Archit

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Glad to see a fellow Wolf Pack clan. I'm from this forum post - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/144974-%E2%99%A3%E2%99%A3wolf-pack-dayz-ai-patrolsclear-roadsno-foghero-basestowingheli-liftself-bloodbagkill-messagesdebugactive-community-so-many-features%E2%99%A3%E2%99%A3/ .


Not for Advertising, just thought it was funny that their are two groups.

Edited by Doughnut

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