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Dodge (DayZ)

Faith In Humanity Restored! :D

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So I was playing on US3480 and was around Polana, right after a server restart. I looked away from the computer screen for a few minutes in a pine tree to wish my family goodnight, and when I look back... I see 2 players crawling past my tree, scared the ever loving shit out of me. I crouched and rolled the hell out of Dodge (no pun intended) I stood by a tree with my trusty M249 SAW and asked if they were friendly, they were :D ! I asked them If they saw me in the bush AFK, they did. They saw me, I had some of the best gear in the game, coyote backpack, 5 antibiotics, M9sd, M4A3 CCO, and last but not least, the fabled mountain dew, and they didn't kill me, they had all the chance to kill me and split the loot, I would have been an easy target, but nope, they leave me. Truly the greatest thing Anyone could EVER do in such a game like this. I offered them anything in my pack, they didn't want any of it, wow.

Edited by Dodge
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Yeah maybe you'll have the opportunity to return the favour one day, me and friend once met a gilli in cherno who gave us a car when my friend got killed by zombies

Later he came to our rescue when bandits ambushed us, helped us bloodbag a load of people and finnaly have us a DMR and M4SD and left the game

Good people exist, and I feel you get more satisfaction from saving someone who needs help then just killing them, but that's just me

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I hope I'll have the opportunity to give back, They sure deserve it.

Edited by Dodge

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