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Looking for group

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Hey everyone!

I'm looking for a partner or two to sort of chill with on DayZ.

:About Me:

Basic info: 20 years old, in college, USA, Male.

Play Style: Nothing set in stone.

Others: I'm a relatively layed back person, and I don't take DayZ too seriously. However, that doesn't mean I don't want to be good at it. I've played enough to know the ropes, and understand how to do pretty much everything required in the game. I sort of want to have fun, be serious sometimes, and just sort of hang out.

I tend to stick to regular DayZ, Origins, and Breaking Point.

What I'm looking for, maybe what you're looking for:

-College age preferred (18,19,20,21 (older is cool, but younger would probably just make me feel weird.))

-Just a couple of buds that play DayZ.

If you feel like you'd be alright for this, either post here or PM me.

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You sound like a cool guy, I'll play with you. Just add me on steam and we can go over detail there. Steam profile name - notimetobleeb

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hey i would like to give it a try, 


im 23 years old, in college speak fluent enlgish, mostly play on a steady panthera server ( pvp sniper map.) but i also tend to play some normal chernarus dayz aswell.


i can be serious at times, but normally il just lay back make some jokes and let time pass by.


just le me know if u think we can co-operate.





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