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torph (DayZ)

Complete Satisfaction

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The following is the story of a jaded traveller who refuses to give in, vowing never to stoop to the same level as the bandits who sow terror everywhere they walk!

Since I had my inventory wiped (thanks for that), i decided to respawn and try out the new difficulty level and see if it really was nigh on impossible to get a foothold in the game without a starter weapon. So with that said, I proceeded directly to Elektro, and was promptly put down by a sniper on top of the hospital. I was annoyed, sure I was, I had no weapon and no loot whatsoever at the time and provided zero threat to this player. 'Oh well' I thought, 'I'll just head somewhere quieter and see what else I find'. So fast forward to another respawn and I find myself outside a factory, 'Jackpot' i utter to myself, imagining the great bounty within. I crouch down, I begin slinking towards to concrete wall, checking my surroundings, one false move and i pull the zombie to my left and i don't have a weapon to defend myself. But I make it, I reach the factory and step other the threshold, I look to my left, nothing, I look to my right.. BANG. My sorry existence is cut short by yet another rifleman, clearly he was jealous of my flashlight and just needs to get his hands on it.

I curse my luck (it was a rather nice flashlight) but steady my resolve and hit the respawn button yet again, eager for more punishment it seems. I get lucky, i spawn in Cherno, i head straight for the restaurant in front of me for two reasons. From experience i know that the likelyhood of weapons in those places is high, and secondly there's gunfire to my right and I just need a place to hide! I decide that sneaking just won't cut it, I run, sprint in fact and attract a couple zombies, 'There better be a weapon in there' i think to myself. I dart upstairs, zombies hot on my tail, i search frantically, no guns, damn it! But, a lifeline.. out of the corner of my eye.. a crowbar.. i walk over and wrap my fingers around my new steel salvation, ready for the walking punching bags as soon as they enter the room. The first one arrives, he swings at me and i'm bleeding already, curse the fact I was born a haemophiliac! I swing back quickly, three swift blows to the head and he's down. I'm losing blood, the other zombie arrives and i dispatch of him too, quickly reaching into my pocket i close the wound and search the house again. Nothing.

After more searching of the nearby buildings i've amassed a full inventory, i am a walking armoury. I wield a double barreled shotgun, i feel safer. But also, a makarov, never again will I take this weapon for granted, it is all that stands between me and certain death now, I am invincible. I spy another building to my left, determined to be greedy I decided to delay my plans to leave and head that way, inside I find just what i've been looking for, a camping tent, this is my lucky day. Or not, as bandit number three promptly arrives and empties an AKS clip into my sorry face whilst I am shifting items in my inventory.. My heart sank, all hope seemed lost, if I hadn't have been so greedy I might have survived! But there is no time for feeling sorry for myself I think, I must respawn and carry on, it's what Jesus would do.

I respawn, i'm at the docks in Elektro, back to the scene of the first crime, gunshots ring out around the city, I don't feel good about this. Nevertheless I push forward, throwing caution to the wind I sprint through the city, aiming for a supermarket next to a firestation and office building. 7 or so zombies are attracted by my freakishly loud and flamboyant running, clearly not fans of interpretive dance. I reach the market however, but there's an ill omen, the doors are closed, someone's been here recently.. someone may be inside. But i charge in the back anyway, I know I can't survive out here, so i'll take my chances that the occupant may by friendly. I close the door behind me, no good, the zombies have been upgraded, they're magic now and can phase through objects, foul demons! I quickly move to the front of the shop, it's empty, no one's here, I search the area and find a revolver and a ton of acp ammo. Loading the gun and steadying my hand I unload on the zombies, all 7 fall quickly, I can breathe again, the noise has died down, i'm all alone. I go about looting the place unashamedly, stocking up on food, soda and various pieces of gear that had been left behind. I even find an alice pack, again, my lucky day, but not a lucky day for the person i'm looting it from, poor guy, his bodies not even cold yet... uh-oh.

I immediately see my mistake, there's a dead body in here, he's got ammo so why didn't he shoot the zombies attacking him? Unless it wasn't zombies.. it was.. BANG. I'm down.. an enfield shot rings out from across the road, the occupant of the office building now has two victims, and is feeling pretty damn awesome right now. I'm angry, not at the shooter, but with myself for being stupid enough not to run when I realised there was a dead survivor in there. My revolver, lost, my food, lost, my gear, all lost, this just isn't my day. I decide to try ONE LAST TIME. I hit the respawn button and I load in.. inside Elektro. The game is toying with me, it's dangling the very same carrot in front of me.. it wants me to go back to the shop.. but i'm smarter than that. Ahh who am I kidding, i went straight back to the market at full sprint, inside the same door. I envision the rifleman in the offce, waiting for his next victim, I know he's going to camp there, but I think to myself if I can just get to my corpse, position myself away from a window, then i've got a chance.. ok lets do this! I begin moving, my footsteps are loud and heavy.. but not loud enough to drown out the noise of someone tucking into a can of beans.. there's someone in here.. the guy who shot me.. he's eating MY beans!

I'm enraged, not only did he shoot me.. but he's taken the food from my still warm body and is unashamedly eating it. I've got no weapon, i can't stop him.. i spy the stock room at the end of the store, i pray to god or whoever is listening that there's a gun in there. I sneak over, my footsteps unbearably loud, he MUST be able to hear me. I reach my destination though, he's not moving, no doubt he's camping a corner waiting for me to step out into the open. To my relief there's a Winchester with 2 slug magazines. More than enough to take this guy out I imagine. However a new thought enters my mind, what if this guy isn't the same person that shot me? What if he's just an innocent traveller like me just trying to survive.. i can't.. i won't shoot him, but I will go and beg for some beans. Shotgun in hand, I walk through the back of the shop and through the door to the front, he's in the corner like I predicted, enfield in hand, I can see him but he can't see me just yet thanks to the wall. I type to him, asking for him to allow me to live so that I might pick up the can of sardines on the floor. He agrees to the arrangement and I walk towards the sardines, he opens fire, breaking our newly forged friendship as quickly as it had started, his fatal mistake however.. was missing. I turn around and as quickly as I could, found my aim and filled his skull with lead, he drops dead instantly and I breathe a sigh of relief, 'it's over' i think. I walk over to his corpse and take MY food back as well as MY revolver before writing a rude word on his face. I notice he's taken the alice pack that i'd stolen from another corpse and promptly steal it back, I just gotta survive. I turn around, there are footsteps, clearly my shot has attracted someone else, my heart races and i prepare to defend myself, I never open fire first.

I wait, the footsteps are getting louder, too close together to be a zombie, I know there's a player here. Who could it be? Surely not the murderous bandit I just ended, he hasn't had enough time yet. I remember the corpse in the corner, could he have come back for revenge too? I quickly realise that even if this man might be innocent, he may mistake me for the person that killed him. A firefight is inevitable I accept. He walks through the main doors, a makarov in his hand, he scans the room, spotting the various corpses, he loots the two closest to the door, mine and what may well be his own. I allow this, i pray that he just leaves then and there so I don't have to compromise my morals and values and become a murderer. But he's not happy with the meagre findings, and walks further into the store, he hasn't seen me yet.

He looks around, and sees the corpse i'm using for camouflage, licking his lips at the thought of a truly large haul I bet. He creeps forward, he will see me, there's no way he's going to accept me as a corpse AND not take my stuff. He stops in his tracks, staring at me, he's spotted me, he sees my shotgun no doubt and is weighing up whether his makarov will down me in time before i return fire. He decides to go for it, madness! Two shots ring out, he hits me with one, then 'clicking' follows. He stands there in fright, clearly realising he's out of ammo, he's at my mercy. I don't return fire, I take pity on him and tell him to run if he values his life. He fails to respond, and reloads a clip I assume he was keeping in his czech backpack for emergencies, I don't give him a chance to fire and litter his face with shot. He falls to the floor, dead. I decide not to stick around, I need to get to safety, no time for looting him and I run to the office across the road. It's empty, I take a few seconds for myself before I decide to head out of town and leave Elektro behind me. I step towards the door and am confronted by another survivor, my trigger finger itches and I prepare to defend myself.. but I laugh when I spot the mans hands. He holds a flashlight.. my memory goes back to the factory.. I decide to take pity on this poor soul, pity that I have never received on my own travels. I tell him there's a gun upstairs and he thanks me, I run the hell outta there before he chances his luck for my winchester and get to safety.

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