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These moments will always make this game amazing.

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That's amazing. XD One thing I have to say...

"I want to ride my bicycle"

And now I have to go listen to "Bicycle Race" by Queen. =p

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Haha, Hope ye didnt damage the bike. lol

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Haha' date=' Hope ye didnt damage the bike. lol


Yeaaaah, about that... haha.

Definitely one of the most entertaining nights I've had in a while. Bunch of other stuff:

Wish I was recording before, too, when I was on an epic hatchet hunting/light up cherno with flares trip.

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Lucky that's the only thing that happened, we once had a full UAZ (7 players) all with pretty good equipment, bicycle in the middle of the road, one slight nudge on it's side exploded the UAZ and everyone in it, car was completely green. There were 2 survivors, me and another dude, both unconscious but he got up and bandaged with < 1k blood left and I bled out.

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...Was the bike okay?

Lucky that's the only thing that happened' date=' we once had a full UAZ (7 players) all with pretty good equipment, bicycle in the middle of the road, one slight nudge on it's side exploded the UAZ and everyone in it, car was completely green. There were 2 survivors, me and another dude, both unconscious but he got up and bandaged with < 1k blood left and I bled out.


I was in the big blue ural truck with me and 2 mates the other day and I was driving, gunning it at around 70 and I was using alt view to look around for other players..

I ended up hitting a tiny concrete barrier slightly with the left side of the truck and it completely exploded and it was fully green.. lol.. gotta love arma vehicles!

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Prior to this they had another UAZ that they ended up going up a hill at 90+ with and hitting a rock, and they both ejected just before it blew up, hahaha. We are apparently horrible with vehicles.

And the bike... Oh the poor bike. I don't want to talk about it. :(

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