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Hendrix (DayZ)

Several Suggestions for a better game...

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I am a huge fan of the zombie genre and what has been accomplished so far in Day Z. I find the game to be very atmospheric and intense. One of the problems I have with the game however is in the lack of an overall objective other then survive. Survival alone in zombie movies or literature is usually not the key goal. In shows like The Walking Dead or movies like 28 Days Later. The goal goes from survival to a preservation of humanity and an almost family values approach to survival that centers on perserving what is human in us.

One element I think would add to the atmosphere would be random events involving NPC's. You could help them or rob them go on missions to save their family from zombies, or bandits or even escort valuable medicine and food to encampments if your good or if your evil loot pillage and rob for your sadistic gang leaders.

I like the idea of having gear that can be lost. Now imagine if you add currency to the mix by including money or a barter system and loot shops at different camps. You could make camps for the good guys and also have bandit camps so that either play style was supported and had a safe zone to log out in and find people to party with in.

Having missions that vary in difficulty and require more then one person would encourage grouping and the rewards could steadily increase. All the while however perma death would linger over everyones head giving the game that almost Old school diablo hardcore feel.

Also fleshing out the game with voice actors would add some depth. Hearing the screams of innocents dying all around you would ratchet up the tension. Finding peoples cell phones or answereing machines with easter eggs of horror ala bioshock would be great. Or hearing bandits talk about how they are going to rape and pillage a town of survivors at night will give all the more gravity to the situation at hand. Especially when night arrives and they actually do attack in a random scripted event.(see what the Arena Net team is doing in Guild Wars 2 for an idea of how to raise the bar on random events)

I also would like to see cosmetic rewards earned through achievements in game that would be permanent like hats ,cammo and clothes that would make your character far more unique to you. Also a way to select racial features hairstyles facial hair ect. in addition to gender.

I also firmly believe there should be a more efficient stealth system in the game. I want to be able to silently sneak up behind a zombie, npc or fellow player and take them out with a knife kill. The 3rd person of course needs to go for this to work properly and it should as it adds nothing and detracts from the tension a 1st person view gives the game.

I would also say that making loot spawn completely randomly is needed. As far as a logical reason for a draganov sniper rifle making it's way into grandma's study, well obviously in an apocalypse the military was moving throughout this town and setting up in differnt locations ect. All you need is a bloody soldier hear and ther clutching the loot and it all makes sense. It will also prevent people from making a bee line for the best items and return the joy of exploratin to the game for everyone new and old alike.

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objectives: boring, L4D, not easily implementable, suggested many times and likely not going to happen.

currency: not realistic (in this scenario, where everything everywhere has been killed), would actully decrease the worth of equipment for some and have no change for others, because money would just accumulate on certain players

voice actors: press caps lock near someone,

cosmetic changes: meh not important to me

cosmetic rewards: HAHAHAHAHA NO. your thoughts during the apocalypse wont be: Man I hope I can find a Cylinder and monocle somewhere here.

stealth: 100% right 100% on the list already I would guess

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