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I am looking for a small, effective bandit squad/clan.

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Hello and thank you for bothering to read this! The title basically explains what the purpose of this topic is, so I'll just get into the details; I am a very experienced DayZ player, have been in multiple clans and was very active for a long time. I haven't played in maybe a month, just started up again, and want another group of people to shoot other people with, and by "other people", I mean anybody and everybody not in our group/clan/squad. I am a good sniper, driver, etc, but the only thing I think you'd care about is that I have limited helicopter experience. At one point I could fly one crapily but I do not think I will remember how to now lol. However, I am a fast learner. I've played most of the maps/mods that were out a month ago; Taviana, Utes, Wasteland, DayZ 1945, etc. Have not done origins or the new crap but I can easily download them and learn them. As long as it's DayZ I should be proficient. I am 17 years old and if you care, but I doubt it matters unless you are one of those "Must be 25+, have Navy Seal experience, live in Intercourse, Pennsylvania, have 2000 posts on Dayz forums, over 9000 hours of DayZ gameplay, and have ventrilo, TS3, skype, mumble, and a fax machine" clans. I also live in Texas, but I'm obviously not a hillbilly :). I want a small, close clan/squad that can kill quickly and cleanly, can have fun, but is mature. For these reasons I will decline invitations to clans full of squeaky 10 year olds. I would prefer an American clan, but I really don't care if it's a UK group or something, as long as the time zones won't be detrimental to our gameplay. 6-8 hour difference I can probably handle. 12 hour, maybe not. Anyway, if you like what you hear, (well, read :P), please leave a post! I will most likely take the quickest promising offer; I don't want to wait 3 weeks unless I have to.

Thanks for reading!

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OH, and btw, I happen to have Ventrilo, Mumble, and TS3. I would prefer a group that has a server on one of the 3, but it doesn't matter as long as you guys have some way of talking not via DayZ global chat.

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Great. Another penisfaced group of bandits using TS3.

I bet you I can take you on and 5 of your bandit friends, anytime and anyplace in DayZ. Get your group together and PM me.

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join and ask an admin about recruitment~!

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Great. Another penisfaced group of bandits using TS3.

I bet you I can take you on and 5 of your bandit friends, anytime and anyplace in DayZ. Get your group together and PM me.

LOL aren't you hardcore.

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