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Vehicles more common or just luck?

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Hello fellow survivors, bandits, and forum wanderers, I am just curious as to why me and my friends have found around 4 vehicles in the last day.

First off this morning I found myself a bus in Cherno, then my friend found a ATV in Elecktro, then we found a van like car somewhere east of Elecktro, and then we found a car somewhere on the east coast. The only vehicle we were actually able to take was the bus, which I drove up north (But I died due to hunger and had broken legs so I just saved it up there and left it).

So are we very lucky or just something I didn't notice?

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if i had to take a guess, either the server recently respawned them all, or you like to play on really low pop servers.

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Actually the first half of the finds were on a different server then the second, we had hopped servers because the server crashed (That's our normal thing to do when a server crashes, find another).

EDIT:OH and the first server was 50/50 when I joined it, and I found the bus in about an hour.

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all servers recently respawned all vehicles and additionally put in a respawn function for if they die or are left alone for 7 days

so now is a good time to find them

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