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Stealth = Always Prone = Not a well-designed mechanic

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The random nature of their super powers has made me uninstall this patch and wait for a retweak. Outsmarting zombies shouldn't be about glitching them to drop agro. I've had zombies spawn in, while I'm crouched motionless and relatively well concealed and had them immediately agro on me. I've been prone, had a zombie spawn in and agro on me immediately. I've been inside buildings and walked up stairs only to agro a group of zombies through the walls.

For me, this is the first patch where I dislike the game. I hope we get a quick fix, because this current iteration of zombies is worse than having the server crash every 30 minutes.

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God dammit' date=' it seems the general consensus is that no one likes the stealth. Fuck... I love it. It took me an hour to get from the docks of Cherno to the Military Hospital towards the back! I love that! In real life, you wouldn't be able to be as reckless in a city like Cherno as you could be in previous patches. The amount of Zombies and the amount of risks you'd take even taking a misstep would be enough incentive. I think what it's at now is good enough, or at the very least somewhere in between this patch and 1.7 is.

Either way, it'll probably get nerfed, but what I'm really hoping for is zombie mechanic buffing to make stealth almost entirely necessary.


Good job at COMPLETELY missing the point

Read the thread title again: "Stealth = ALWAYS prone = not a well-designed mechanic"

And the title is spot on, either crawl like a snail or sprint

Crouch walking gives the same audio/visibility levels as full sprint does

Might as well fire a gun and run like a madman, same results

It's not an issue of the general zombie AI, it's an issue with the 2 stealth related mechanics, audo and visibility

It was great on

The LoS system had some minor flaws, but you were able to sneak through a town by dodging the line of sight of nearby zombies

In all you need to do is crouch walk in an empty warehouse and every zombie in 150m proximity has you locked in and starts hunting you down


Oh well, it's acknowledged by Rocket and will be fixed

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It's a bug in the "speed affects sound" department, they're ironing it out, just be super careful and use a combination of flares bottles and tin cans to herd them so you can get around... oh and stay away from streets and pavement as much as possible.

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Whats the use of going prone when you have to get up when you enter certain buildings and get zombie aggro then?

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Stealth does need a rethink. I dont think that merely going prone should be an Invisibility cloaking device that it once was' date=' but neither is the super spidey senses of the current Zeds realistic as well.

As stated by Rocket in another thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=16919 the current system will be rectified.

Lets wait and see eh?


Yep I agree. They were a bit too easy to sneak past in 1.7.0, but now they are at the other extreme where crouching might as well not exist, since it seems to aggro almost as much as sprinting.

This might work okay if you could prone crawl in to buildings, but currently you have to crouch or stand to get in most of them. A good stealth system should allow a smart player to avoid detection, but with this current system going in to a building is almost guaranteed aggro.

Hopefully they can work out a middle-ground in future patches.

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Hi' date=' first post here after being reading for a while.

I think the biggest problem is sound detection. I understand that a zombie will see you from 50 feet away while crouching and therefore going prone is necessary, but the fact that zombies hear through walls and that crouch walking is heard from far away doesn't make sense.

Crouch walking (= sneaking) should have same levels than being prone, 0, while walking while standing should have 1, same level than crouch running (you're swapping speed for stealth).

Also running shouldn't have more than 2 bars, a person can hear "loud" steps when they are close, but not at a medium range. And walls/buildings should muffle sounds, I can run behind a wall/corner and nobody will notice.

I think the LOS is well the way it is, maybe i'd tweak how aggro works, like sight from afar will trigger attention and the zombie will move towards you (maybe a new, faster walk for the walkers?) but aggro wouldn't happen until zombie is sure you're food (closer range).

And it'd be nice to see that direct communication channel is heard by zombies. Lots of pple would switch to TS or general channel, but for the real DayZ experience to have to shut up when Z's are nearby i think it's a good idea, if this is doable.


Except the whole premise of zombies was to make them have good hearing but weak vision. This made sense because it would force you to consider when/where you might start shooting to defend yourself, having extremely good vision just makes the whole game feel tedious and most people who just want to be efficient/don't have the patience realize that running through building and then cleaning up whatever's left is far, far easier than crawling in the dirt for an hour for a few supplies while Johnny Rambo went sprinting through a military camp/barn/industrial building and has almost a full loadout ready.

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Not reading all the qq posts, but the force to crawl bug actually does take skill. Try like me and raid the northern airfield barracks, coms tower, and all 5 or 6 hangers on the NE side without alerting one zombie. I kept having to barrel roll and dodge zombies and use different techniques to get around them.

I think the sight mechanic is good, but the sound one could use some tweaking. I don't think zombies should distinguish a survivor from other zombies by their walk sound lol. Running on the other hand should work as is.

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Unless your also speaking about previous builds, the current state of zombie detection is not intended as mentioned here by Rocket.

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Not reading all the qq posts' date=' but the force to crawl bug actually does take skill. Try like me and raid the northern airfield barracks, coms tower, and all 5 or 6 hangers on the NE side without alerting one zombie. I kept having to barrel roll and dodge zombies and use different techniques to get around them.

I think the sight mechanic is good, but the sound one could use some tweaking. I don't think zombies should distinguish a survivor from other zombies by their walk sound lol. Running on the other hand should work as is.


Were you just looking for an excuse to try and brag about sneaking around airfield instead of actually contributing to the discussion? Nobody thinks that sneaking around prone is difficult. It's that it's our only option.

Prone = Congrats you're an invisible ninja that zombies won't notice unless they step on you.

Crouch, slow walk = You are now a mobile car alarm that constantly shoots flares out of your asshole.

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Were you just looking for an excuse to try and brag about sneaking around airfield instead of actually contributing to the discussion? Nobody thinks that sneaking around prone is difficult. It's that it's our only option.

Prone = Congrats you're an invisible ninja that zombies won't notice unless they step on you.

Crouch' date=' slow walk = You are now a mobile car alarm that constantly shoots flares out of your asshole.


You should read what someone actually says before quoting it lol. I did mention my thoughts on the matter in my last 3 sentences.

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It was great on

The LoS system had some minor flaws' date=' but you were able to sneak through a town by dodging the line of sight of nearby zombies

In all you need to do is crouch walk in an empty warehouse and every zombie in 150m proximity has you locked in and starts hunting you down


Oh well, it's acknowledged by Rocket and will be fixed


Yeah, anyway zombies behavior was really good.

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have to agree with this.

i've pulled zombies that were arround a whole house just because i was crouching instead of prone. they didn't see me but they must have heard me because they came running arround the corner. so annoying...how am i supposed to know they are even there if i can't see them?

it's kind of retarded how insane the aggro is right now unless you go prone ABSOLUTELY everywere.

the added zombies inside buildings don't help either. the mechanic should definately be adjusted so you have to use a mix of prone/crouch/stand still upright.

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Yeah, its annoying, but isnt the next patch going to fix this a lot? looking at the patch notes I hope so.

Also zeds spawning in buildings stinks when you are unarmed and trying to find basic supplies.

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