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All ANZ servers have disappeared?

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I can't seem to see any ANZ servers at all.

I know ausarma was having some issues with their servers today but now I can't see a single one, even those hosted by other people.

Is this for everyone or just me?

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Servers are back up. The cause of the outage is being investigated. Please don't jump to conclusions and immediately throw the blame on someone and attack them' date=' it can only back-fire if you're guess is wrong. With 200+ players effected we did give a possibly reason for the outage, but no need to take it for a certainty and then go on the war-path.

You do know ANZ3+4 get shut-down tonight too. Won't be back for a day or two as it's moved to a new host... Thankfully you don't know where I live...

Devs have been pretty good with us so far, and there are more then 4 ANZ servers, just none have updated to yet.


From the rant thread complaining about ANZ servers.

Not much we can do unfortunately, just have to sit tight.

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Thanks man, I did see that thread but I thought he was only talking about ausarma servers.

I had seen some ANZ servers just a couple of hours ago though is the thing, after the ausarma ones disappeared but now they have followed ausarma and have completely disappeared.. weird :\

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Rocket's a New Zealander, the New Zealand servers are all still up. Clearly it's a conspiracy. :D


But yeah, not seeing a single Aussie server at the moment. Looks like we'll be playing on Dallas tonight, NZ's chock full already.

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The server that I have been faithful to for a while is..


3 people on.. err

ANZ 10

Would appreciate updates..

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ANZ5 is hosted by same provider.

ANZ10 is hosted in same data centre.

I believe our problems (ANZ1-4) are host related, not DayZ or our servers. They're looking into the routing issues for us. Something with MTU settings on a router may have changed. That would probably affect ANZ5, and possibly ANZ10.

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Yea but 3 people are on ANZ 10 and its locked.

Been like this for the last 30m or so.

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Yes they are probably trying to figure out what's wrong with it... I can only guess so don't take my word for gospel (again :P).

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