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Looking for Clan members

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Hey i am looking for some team members to play DayZ along, i am fairly noobish to this game, but i doesnt mean i am completely new at it, i have had little expierence, so dont expect me to know like everything, because i havnt gotten as far as getting my first Assault rifle, not even once (Solo) as i am rather dumb playing Solo.... so im here to look for some people to group up with preferably someone in the same timezone as me, although im not being too picky :P im in the EU Time Zone, and for those whom are like me who want to know the age, i am 19 :P im decently mature, but i do like to have a laugh from time to time, im a relativly nice guy :D id preferably want someone who is mature, and can take the game seriouse when it counts, dont need anyone below the age of 16.... add me on skype so we can play sometime :D soon hopefully :S and im not looking for a big Clan group, organisation.....or anything like that, just looking for a small group around 2-3 other players to join me, please and thank you

Skype name: Vividandrew

Hope to see you soon in the Zombie apocalypse!!!!

Edited by vividandrew

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