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Clan: [HOW] Looking for young dutch players (NL) age 16 -

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Hi everyone,

My clan is looking to start a new group for young (in)experienced dutch players.

We are the HOW clan (Hounds of War). At the moment we play Dayz Origins on the PCGN Server ( )

Of course English people are also allowed to team up with us ;)

If you're interested add me on steam: Soldier (profile has a pic of a skeleton with playing cards in the hand)


Age 16-

Needs Team speak (will be given after adding me on steam)

Stay active a lott

Needs to be able to talk dutch and English

Have a little experience

anyway i hope i will hear from you soon,

Much regards.

For more info our webside: http://www.aog-community.com/forum

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Dude, clan recruitment posts belong here.

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