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US 1994 Cheater Report List

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Cheater caught: Player "Ghost"

Offense: Scripting, weapon spawning.

Note: Player likes to change names, GUIDs, and IPs. This player was not an obvious scripter but was caught by other players talking to him and asking for weapons. In the chat logs below the player is asking for an M249 scoped. Watch what happens a little over 10 seconds after that.

Chat Log:

16:12:34 : (Direct) RG Khajiit: erm

16:13:08 : (Direct) RG Khajiit: m249

16:13:18 : (Direct) RG Khajiit: scoped if possible

Logs (AddMagazineCargo):

06.07.2013 16:13:34: Ghost () 6c8aefe13dfd0ced5def996998131319 - #114 "100Rnd_556x45_M249" 0:0

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "sprinkles"
Offense: AttachTo hack.

Logs (AttachTo):
15.07.2013 15:14:52: sprinkles () 6f1e833c1b0d79ff261862eaea831dcc - #0 2:68  184:5 Bandit1_DZ -1 [3,5,2]
15.07.2013 15:50:33: sprinkles () 6f1e833c1b0d79ff261862eaea831dcc - #0 2:51 Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1 184:83 Sniper1_DZ -1 [3,5,2]
15.07.2013 15:50:33: sprinkles () 6f1e833c1b0d79ff261862eaea831dcc - #28 2:51 Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1 184:83 Sniper1_DZ -1 [3,5,2]

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "Ben Dover"

Offense: SetVariable hack.

Note: Older ban, recovered and posted.


Logs (SetVariable):
11.07.2013 14:53:45: Ben Dover ()
4c3b42c7034fc485b10a4aceaf9fd8e1 - #0 "" = false 83:5 Survivor2_DZ

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Cheater caught: Player "Jay"

Offense: SetVariable hack.


Logs (SetVariable):
19.07.2013 08:14:13: Jay ()
9a23ef919e3edf11243227df629f976f - #0 "slx_xeh_playable" = true 2:592 Survivor1_DZ

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Cheater caught: Player "Didier"

Offense: SetVariable hack.


Logs (SetVariable):
20.07.2013 02:26:04: Didier ()
c3727162a37dcaa7d9c1bf525dcdf9c9 - #0 "slx_xeh_playable" = true 2:1091 Survivor1_DZ

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Cheater caught: Player "Donk"

Offense: SetVariable hack.


Logs (SetVariable):
21.07.2013 09:22:17: Donk () d96e22bc318cd16b4daaba84a8d53263 - #0 "slx_xeh_playable" = true 224:21 Survivor1_DZ

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Cheater caught: Player "Benny"

Offense: SetVariable hack.


Logs (SetVariable):
22.07.2013 00:51:52: Benny () 160b8e50b8e222afc9027dc9ae9edf62 - #0 "slx_xeh_playable" = true 360:59 Survivor1_DZ

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "gameed"

Offense: AttachTo hack (presumably teleporting players to them / them teleporting to players).


Logs (AttachTo):

23.07.2013 13:52:06: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:37 Survivor1_DZ 90:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 13:52:17: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:37 Survivor1_DZ 80:157 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 13:54:59: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:91 Survivor1_DZ 98:5 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 13:56:11: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:91 Survivor1_DZ 18:481 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 13:57:29: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:128 Survivor1_DZ 101:14 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 13:58:19: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:128 Survivor1_DZ 101:14 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 14:00:39: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:128 Survivor1_DZ 49:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 14:01:06: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:128 Survivor1_DZ 36:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 14:01:32: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:128 Survivor1_DZ 90:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 14:02:11: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:128 Survivor1_DZ 84:5 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 14:03:51: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:128 Survivor1_DZ 18:481 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 14:04:33: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:128 Survivor1_DZ 106:5 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 14:06:23: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:128 Survivor1_DZ 67:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 14:06:33: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:128 Survivor1_DZ 18:481 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
23.07.2013 14:06:46: gameed () 32484831d056b66dd8783ee3c31dccc4 - #0 96:128 Survivor1_DZ 76:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]

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Cheater caught: Player "ASSASSINLeha"

Offense: Weapon spawning.


Logs (AddWeaponCargo):

24.07.2013 16:28:10: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "bizon_silenced" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:28:11: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "M9SD" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:28:16: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "ItemGPS" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:28:16: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "ItemMap" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:28:17: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:28:17: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "ItemHatchet" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:28:18: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "ItemKnife" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:28:18: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "ItemMatchbox" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:28:19: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "ItemEtool" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:28:19: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "ItemToolbox" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:28:20: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "ItemMachete" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:28:24: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "NVGoggles" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:28:25: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:29:43: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #0 "ksvk" 0:0
24.07.2013 16:29:43: ASSASSINLeha () be23139251b9b37aa73c9f1cc97e532e - #37 "ksvk" 0:0

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Cheater caught: Player "-Asp-Cubias"

Offense: PublicVariable hack. Tried to increase their humanity by an unprecedented amount.


Logs (PublicVariable):

26.07.2013 12:29:10: -Asp-Cubias () 426e09ad7bc51e219bc4e6bb315388a4 - Value Restriction #77 "PVDZ_plr_Humanity" = [<NULL-object>,-2.42881e+009,30]

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Cheater caught: Player "Hoosier Daddy"

Offense: General hacking, ran the BattleFieldClearance script causing all players to get kicked.


Logs (CreateVehicle):

29.07.2013 08:50:41: Hoosier Daddy () 974fc68dcbf9b707c84b2e1138cb80a3 - #0 "BattleFieldClearance" 76:21 [100000000,9999999,0]
29.07.2013 08:50:42: Hoosier Daddy () 974fc68dcbf9b707c84b2e1138cb80a3 - #0 "BattleFieldClearance" 76:26 [100000000,9999999,0]


Logs (PublicVariable):

29.07.2013 08:50:43: Hoosier Daddy () 974fc68dcbf9b707c84b2e1138cb80a3 - #0 "HAS_VG_1" = ["Hoosier Daddy"]

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "Barack Obama"
Offense: Weapon spawning, teleporting, SetVariable hacks.

Logs (AddWeaponCargo):
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "Binocular" 0:0 (x5)
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0 (x5)
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0 (x5)
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "ItemEtool" 0:0 (x5)
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "ItemFlashlight" 0:0 (x5)
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "ItemFlashlightRed" 0:0 (x5)
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "ItemGPS" 0:0 (x5)
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "ItemHatchet" 0:0 (x5)
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "ItemKnife" 0:0 (x5)
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "ItemMap" 0:0 (x5)
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "ItemMatchbox" 0:0 (x5)
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "ItemRadio" 0:0
11.08.2013 06:39:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #37 "ItemRadio" 0:0

Logs (AttachTo):
11.08.2013 06:50:36: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 2:31 ATV_US_EP1 32:51 Camo1_DZ -1 [3,5,2]
11.08.2013 06:50:36: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #7 2:31 ATV_US_EP1 32:51 Camo1_DZ -1 [3,5,2]
11.08.2013 06:59:35: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 35:26 Survivor2_DZ 38:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
11.08.2013 07:01:30: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 35:26 Survivor2_DZ 39:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]
11.08.2013 07:04:34: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 35:26 Survivor2_DZ 33:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]

Logs (SetVariable):
11.08.2013 06:35:37: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "argt_jump_power" = 5.5 27:18 Survivor2_DZ
11.08.2013 07:06:40: Barack Obama () 688dd69c502d6feedf85dbc3a6f9bd2c - #0 "supgrade" = 1 2:47 Lada2

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "Spacew00t"

Offense: Teleporting.


Logs (AttachTo):

04.08.2013 12:33:07: Spacew00t () db61b1000d8b1c09272af5dba25187ad - #0 39:5 Survivor2_DZ 36:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,3,0]
04.08.2013 12:35:59: Spacew00t () db61b1000d8b1c09272af5dba25187ad - #0 2:44 TT650_Ins 36:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [3,5,2]
04.08.2013 12:35:59: Spacew00t () db61b1000d8b1c09272af5dba25187ad - #40 2:44 TT650_Ins 36:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [3,5,2]

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Cheater caught: Player "Jdawg424"

Offense: Admin / moderator impersonation, teleporting, weapon spawning, vehicle spawning.

Note: Chat logs provided, important parts highlighted in red.


Logs (AttachTo):

10.08.2013 10:43:07: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 90:25 Sniper1_DZ 81:130 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-1,0]
10.08.2013 10:44:53: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 90:43 Sniper1_DZ 81:130 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-1,0]
10.08.2013 10:51:53: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 60:503 Survivor2_DZ 90:62 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 10:51:59: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 84:170 Survivor2_DZ 90:62 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 11:09:10: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 90:62 Bandit1_DZ 116:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-1,0]
10.08.2013 11:13:06: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 118:5 Survivor2_DZ 90:62 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 11:14:49: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 90:62 Bandit1_DZ 116:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-1,0]
10.08.2013 11:15:39: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 116:5 Survivor2_DZ 90:62 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 11:15:44: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 118:5 Survivor2_DZ 90:62 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 11:19:24: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 118:5 Survivor2_DZ 90:107 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 11:19:28: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 116:116 Camo1_DZ 90:107 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 11:22:12: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 90:107 Camo1_DZ 120:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [0,-1,0]
10.08.2013 11:25:32: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 123:5 Sniper1_DZ 90:107 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 11:26:15: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 123:5 Sniper1_DZ 90:107 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 11:28:37: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 2:38 BAF_Offroad_W 90:107 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 11:28:37: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #9 2:38 BAF_Offroad_W 90:107 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 11:29:29: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 124:5 Camo1_DZ 2:51 Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1 -1 [0,-1,0]
10.08.2013 11:33:54: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 124:5 Camo1_DZ 120:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [0,-1,0]
10.08.2013 11:36:25: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 2:30 ATV_CZ_EP1 124:5 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 11:36:25: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #6 2:30 ATV_CZ_EP1 124:5 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,1,0]
10.08.2013 11:52:06: Jdawg424 () 815269d0c3c0d826cd88765d39715883 - #0 125:28 Camo1_DZ 120:41 Sniper1_DZ -1 [0,-1,0]


Logs (Chat):

10:43:26 : (Direct) Jdawg424: hey
10:43:40 : (Direct) Jdawg424: IM HELPING
10:44:23 : (Direct) Jdawg424: HEY DICK
10:44:37 : (Direct) Jdawg424: STOP
10:44:39 : (Direct) Jdawg424: YOU COCK

10:44:57 : (Direct) Jdawg424: STOP
10:45:01 : (Direct) Jdawg424: OR I WILL BLOW YOU UP

10:47:18 : (Direct) Jdawg424: hi
10:47:25 : (Direct) Jdawg424: here
10:48:35 : (Direct) Jdawg424: wtf
10:48:45 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: sorry
10:48:50 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: you started shooting
10:49:03 : (Direct) Jdawg424: here backpack
10:49:11 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: i was saying if you needed a blood transfusion

10:49:34 : (Direct) Jdawg424: yes
10:49:50 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: you admin?
10:49:56 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Sorta

10:50:27 : (Direct) Jdawg424: take stuff in there
10:50:30 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: do i get hero points for giving blood to a bandit?
10:50:42 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Yea pretty sure
10:50:49 : (Direct) Jdawg424: If you need any help on the server ask

10:50:55 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: oh you not damaged
10:51:01 : (Direct) Jdawg424: I don't use godmode like the other admins
10:51:18 : (Direct) Jdawg424: here
10:51:19 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: leme get some camo lol
10:51:47 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: he is gone
10:52:01 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: er...
10:52:06 : (Direct) Jdawg424: It's

10:52:10 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Here
10:52:22 : (Direct) Jdawg424: one sec lemme repair
10:52:54 : (Direct) Jdawg424: here is a ghillie
10:53:06 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: well thanks man
10:53:19 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: hold up zeds
10:53:39 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: pfft now more zeds
10:53:45 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: dont shoot yer gun
10:54:04 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: i had silenced mag
10:54:06 : (Direct) Jdawg424: take the wheel repair the car
10:54:31 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: hold on gota drop some stuff

10:55:13 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: where is wheel
10:55:16 : (Direct) Jdawg424: there
10:55:23 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: ah

10:55:26 : (Direct) Jdawg424: fully repaired
10:55:37 : (Direct) Jdawg424: hop in guys
10:55:40 : (Direct) Jdawg424: free car
10:56:15 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: actually i gtg i was on my way to airfield but i guess not lol.
10:56:22 : (Direct) Jdawg424: I can send you to it

10:56:27 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: cya later and thanks for the help
10:56:37 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Welcome I am a moderator atm
10:56:46 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: cool
10:56:47 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Tell the admins I did a good job
10:56:52 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: i will lol
10:56:57 : (Direct) Jdawg424: k cool
10:57:57 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Hi
10:57:57 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: well im loggin off cya later
10:58:04 : (Direct) Argimor[Trader]: zeds watch out
10:58:05 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Don't shoot

10:58:09 : (Direct) Jdawg424: I am an admin
10:58:18 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Would you like assistance?
10:58:26 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Yes sir
10:58:37 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Been asking if anyone needs assistance

10:58:43 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Oh it's an admin skin
10:58:55 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Well on this server only admins can get it!

10:59:50 : (Direct) Jdawg424: doesn't matter
11:00:27 : (Direct) Jdawg424: for you
11:00:44 : (Direct) Jdawg424: yes and its contents
11:01:35 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Welcome
11:01:37 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Anytime
11:01:58 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Where are you heading?
11:02:06 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Cherno? Elektro?

11:02:13 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Want me to teleport you?
11:02:23 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Yes I am haa

11:02:33 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Thanks
11:02:40 : (Direct) Jdawg424: You sure?
11:02:50 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Cuz I am nored
11:02:52 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Bored

11:02:58 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Want a car?
11:03:06 : (Direct) Jdawg424: okay
11:03:51 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Thought you would want it
11:04:18 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Good for a single person, that's why I thought you would like it.
11:04:53 : (Direct) Jdawg424: This one is easy
11:05:13 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Yea
11:05:19 : (Direct) Jdawg424: I am an admin on lots of servers
11:05:46 : (Direct) Jdawg424: thanks
11:05:55 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Just call if you need help
11:06:41 : (Direct) Jdawg424: no
11:06:47 : (Direct) Jdawg424: I can TP to you ocassionly

11:06:51 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Or talk in global
11:06:56 : (Direct) Jdawg424: But you're not allowed
11:07:01 : (Direct) Jdawg424: So only in emergencies
11:07:25 : (Direct) Jdawg424: ok

11:09:14 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Hi
11:09:17 : (Direct) Jdawg424: I am an admin

11:09:22 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: hi
11:09:26 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Would you like any assistance?
11:09:36 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Guns? Vehicles? Health?

11:09:48 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: ony antibiotics, do u have one?
11:09:51 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: only
11:09:54 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Yep
11:10:16 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: i put one blood in ur bag
11:10:16 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Just call me if you need help
11:10:20 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: can u use in me?
11:10:48 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: can u?
11:10:54 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Hmm not working
11:11:13 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: =(
11:11:37 : (Direct) Jdawg424: stand still
11:12:02 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: =/ im dying

11:12:05 : (Direct) Jdawg424: You sure you don't want a vehicle?
11:12:11 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: nops,
11:12:17 : (Direct) Jdawg424: I could kill you and teleport you back?
11:12:31 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: i dont want, i ve um friend
11:12:41 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: he is comming to help me
11:12:43 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Let me do it
11:12:47 : (Direct) Jdawg424: I can TP your friend also
11:12:57 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: ac mizifih
11:12:58 : (Direct) Jdawg424: What's your friends name?
11:13:28 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: thx
11:13:33 : (Direct) |aC|mizifih: thanks mate!
11:13:40 : (Direct) Jdawg424: welcome
11:13:44 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Here stay here
11:13:45 : (Direct) |aC|mizifih: may I abuse?
11:14:54 : (Direct) Jdawg424: i put a car out there
11:14:59 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: lol
11:15:01 : (Direct) Jdawg424: for you guys
11:15:10 : (Direct) |aC|mizifih: I need antibiotics
11:15:54 : (Direct) |aC| Kowalski: wait
11:15:54 : (Direct) |aC|mizifih: brb
11:16:04 : (Direct) Jdawg424: ANTI
11:16:21 : (Direct) Jdawg424: here
11:18:00 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Hacker?
11:18:34 : (Direct) Jdawg424: lol hacker
11:18:49 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Woah guys
11:18:53 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Check this out
11:19:33 : (Direct) |aC|mizifih: antibiotics?
11:19:35 : (Direct) Jdawg424: hey

11:19:39 : (Direct) Jdawg424: clcik G on this
11:19:56 : (Direct) Jdawg424: LOL I SPAWNED THIS
11:19:59 : (Direct) Jdawg424: LOLOLOL

11:22:18 : (Direct) Jdawg424: hello
11:22:24 : (Direct) martyrR: howdy
11:22:30 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Would you like any assistance?
11:22:32 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Any hackers?
11:22:41 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Lol

11:22:46 : (Direct) Jdawg424: I am here to moderate the server
11:22:47 : (Direct) martyrR: i think i shit my pants
11:22:51 : (Direct) Jdawg424: LOL
11:22:53 : (Direct) Jdawg424: haha
11:23:01 : (Direct) Jdawg424: So need anyhelp

11:23:08 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Would you like me to teleport you out of here?
11:23:13 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Not at the moment.
11:23:35 : (Direct) martyrR: can you teleport me to a truck?
11:23:41 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Would you like a video? Anything?
11:23:42 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Sure
11:23:47 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Near where?
11:24:06 : (Direct) martyrR: idk i thought yo uwould know where since your moderator lol
11:25:17 : (Direct) Jdawg424: This good?
11:25:22 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Sure
11:25:23 : (Direct) Jdawg424: What's his name?
11:26:23 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Hello!
11:26:58 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Welcome.
11:27:03 : (Direct) Jdawg424: here
11:27:13 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Sure
11:27:15 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Where at?
11:27:23 : (Direct) Jdawg424: okay
11:27:26 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Let me check if it
11:27:29 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Is spawning
11:30:18 : (Direct) Jdawg424: I left.

11:30:25 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Trying to get this thing to spawn
11:30:27 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Yep
11:30:40 : (Direct) Jdawg424: It kicked me when I tried to get it to work
11:30:55 : (Direct) Jdawg424: I will talk to the owner about it
11:30:59 : (Direct) Jdawg424: He is offline atm
11:31:04 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Where are you guys heading?
11:31:19 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Want me to TP to you?

11:31:25 : (Direct) Jdawg424: You there?
11:31:29 : (Direct) Kilthemall: YEAH
11:31:32 : (Direct) Kilthemall: sorry caps
11:31:39 : (Direct) Kilthemall: could u not hear me?
11:31:53 : (Direct) Kilthemall: we were looking for vehicles
11:32:00 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Okay
11:32:02 : (Direct) Kilthemall: but u solved that XD
11:32:03 : (Direct) Kilthemall: ty <3
11:32:05 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Want me to give you some?
11:32:08 : (Direct) Kilthemall: Still looking though
11:32:18 : (Direct) Kilthemall: O.o what do u have for offer?
11:32:58 : (Direct) Kilthemall: Could u bring these to our base?
11:33:04 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Sure
11:33:07 : (Direct) Jdawg424: where at?
11:33:37 : (Direct) Kilthemall: ### ###
11:33:42 : (Direct) Kilthemall: sorry had to look in notes
11:34:15 : (Direct) Kilthemall: base is at ### ###
11:34:16 : (Direct) Jdawg424: okay where is your base?
11:34:19 : (Direct) Jdawg424: kk
11:35:13 : (Direct) Jdawg424: ## ##?
11:35:17 : (Direct) Kilthemall: mhm
11:35:18 : (Direct) martyrR: yes
11:35:23 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Hmm
11:35:29 : (Direct) Jdawg424: What stuff does it have in it?
11:35:32 : (Direct) Kilthemall: a bus
11:35:42 : (Direct) Kilthemall: North West
11:35:46 : (Direct) Kilthemall: dont tell me its all gone D:
11:37:27 : (Direct) Kilthemall: is it all gone?
11:37:30 : (Direct) Kilthemall: our base? D:
11:37:32 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Nope
11:37:36 : (Direct) Kilthemall: PHEW
11:37:38 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Private hive is fucked
11:37:39 : (Direct) Kilthemall: heart attack
11:37:40 : (Direct) martyrR: scared me
11:37:41 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Everyone get in the car
11:37:45 : (Direct) Kilthemall: yeah it is messed
11:38:33 : (Direct) Kilthemall: poor tents
11:39:02 : (Direct) Jdawg424: SHIT
11:39:05 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Did I smash em?
11:39:07 : (Direct) Kilthemall: no worries
11:39:10 : (Direct) martyrR: lol yep o well
11:39:11 : (Direct) Jdawg424: here
11:39:11 : (Direct) Kilthemall: a bit
11:39:17 : (Direct) Kilthemall: it just had car parts

11:39:26 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Press G on this
11:39:52 : (Direct) Kilthemall: nothing happening O.o
11:40:02 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Give it time
11:40:07 : (Direct) Jdawg424: It has every item in the game in it

11:40:07 : (Direct) Kilthemall: k
11:40:16 : (Direct) Jdawg424: every item in the game is  in it
11:40:16 : (Direct) Kilthemall: mind if we put some in tents?
11:40:22 : (Direct) Jdawg424: nope
11:40:30 : (Direct) Kilthemall: ty <3

11:40:47 : (Direct) Kilthemall: someone blew out all our tires!
11:41:11 : (Direct) Jdawg424: repaired it

11:41:25 : (Direct) Kilthemall: Oh cool thanks  I think someone may have found us out though  with those being broken
11:41:41 : (Direct) Kilthemall: or maybe not idk

11:41:59 : (Direct) Jdawg424: IT WORKED
11:41:59 : (Direct) Kilthemall: u ok?
11:42:04 : (Direct) Kilthemall: what worked?
11:42:09 : (Direct) martyrR: im lagging

11:42:09 : (Direct) Jdawg424: this right here
11:42:12 : (Direct) Jdawg424: New script

11:42:48 : (Direct) Kilthemall: any of these illegal? O.o
11:42:58 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Yep, john would be pissed
11:43:05 : (Direct) Jdawg424: It's ok it deletes after I log off

11:43:09 : (Direct) Kilthemall: I mean any of these weapons
11:43:15 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Nah
11:43:20 : (Direct) Kilthemall: Cause I know battle eye might get ya if u use illegal ones
11:43:24 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Ill take the fall
11:44:04 : (Direct) Kilthemall: was that as50?
11:44:14 : (Direct) Jdawg424: yea
11:44:20 : (Direct) Kilthemall: doesnt that do 0dmg now?
11:44:26 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Yep
11:44:42 : (Direct) Kilthemall: are u sure silencers are in game?
11:45:46 : (Direct) Jdawg424: brb
11:45:49 : (Direct) Kilthemall: kk
11:47:11 : (Direct) martyrR: if i relog will it still be laggy?
11:47:22 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Not sure
11:47:29 : (Direct) Jdawg424: Stay here
11:47:31 : (Direct) martyrR: im gonna try brb
11:47:50 : (Direct) Kilthemall: can we get more vehicles? But not too many.
11:48:15 : (Direct) Kilthemall: ty :3
11:49:25 : (Direct) Kilthemall: I thought vann was broken too
11:49:57 : (Direct) martyrR: im lagging so bad
11:50:48 : (Direct) Jdawg424: LOL
11:51:05 : (Direct) martyrR: what ?
11:52:06 : (Direct) martyrR: isnt that going to blow up right there
11:52:57 : (Direct) Jdawg424: It's gonna work now
11:53:51 : (Direct) martyrR: lol
11:54:04 : (Direct) martyrR: hey im gonna reset my whole dayz im lagging pretty bad lol
11:54:11 : (Direct) Jdawg424: WAIT
11:54:17 : (Direct) Jdawg424: this might  help
11:54:24 : (Direct) martyrR: ok
11:54:28 : (Direct) Jdawg424: get in the tractor
11:54:41 : (Direct) Jdawg424: get on motorcycle
11:54:57 : (Direct) Kilthemall: uh that heli is gonna blow up
11:55:39 : (Direct) Jdawg424: still lagging?
11:56:03 : (Direct) martyrR: ya can you remove the other heli from camp cuz its gonna blow up
11:56:10 : (Direct) martyrR: everything
11:56:16 : (Direct) martyrR: im gonna log brb
11:56:22 : (Direct) Jdawg424: no it isnt
11:56:27 : (Direct) Jdawg424: full health
11:56:38 : (Direct) Kilthemall: if we try and fly it out it will XD
11:58:41 : (Direct) Kilthemall: We cant take heli away from here will hit a tree

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Cheater caught: Player "Nabs"

Offense: SetVariable hack.


Logs (SetVariable):

03.08.2013 11:55:09: Nabs () f8918700e5b55532b663ad9420b90173 - #0 "slx_xeh_playable" = true 95:90 Survivor1_DZ

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Cheater caught: Player "Lyes"

Offense: SetVariable hack.


Logs (SetVariable):

10.08.2013 04:06:19: Lyes () 04655f6abede9e04eecb1716b0a4645e - #0 "slx_xeh_playable" = true 2:533 Survivor1_DZ

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "Evil Panda"

Offense: SetVariable hack.


Logs (SetVariable):

09.08.2013 12:21:00: Evil Panda () 0d1aa213bc4cbaf94d47b4e3d082f560 - #0 "slx_xeh_playable" = true 2:1298 Survivor1_DZ

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Jeeze did they have a hacker convention on your server today?  I had a flood yesterday by the way.

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Jeeze did they have a hacker convention on your server today?  I had a flood yesterday by the way.


No, just haven't had the time to post our latest bans, so I posted all of the recent ones.

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Cheater caught: Player "Cheeselord"

Offense: Scripting.


Logs (Scripts):

15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #184 "CMD_NEXT_WAYPOINT"
15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #90 "CMD_JOIN"
15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #54 " (IsLeader * (1 - CursorOnGroupMember))"
15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #90 "CMD_JOIN_AUTO"
15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #54 "IsLeader * CursorOnGroupMember * (CursorOnNotEmptySubgroups)"
15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #54 "IsLeader * CursorOnGroupMember * (1 - CursorOnNotEmptySubgroups)"
15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #54 "(IsLeader * (1 - CursorOnGroupMember))"
15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #54 "IsLeader * CursorOnGroupMember * CursorOnHoldingFire"
15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #54 "IsLeader * CursorOnGroupMember * (1 - CursorOnHoldingFire)"
15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #55 "(IsLeader * (1 - CursorOnGroupMember) * (1 - CursorOnGroupMemberSelected))"
15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #54 "IsLeader * CursorOnGroupMember * (1 - IsSelectedToAdd)"
15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #55 "IsLeader * CursorOnGroupMember * (1 - CursorOnGroupMemberSelected) * IsSelectedToAdd"
15.08.2013 09:53:45: Cheeselord () 6260ff52242b5e3813c0978bf97f672c - #55 "IsLeader * (CursorOnGroupMemberSelected) * IsSelectedToAdd"

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Cheater caught: Player "rizlot"

Offense: Item spawning, scripting.

Note: The players cooperating with the scripter were also banned because of this chat log: 10:30:31 PM | (Direct) [EH]Jordan: we wont tell the admins a thing

Note: The AddWeaponCargo logs show an illegal Mk 48. The legal classname is Mk_48_DZ.


Logs (AddWeaponCargo):
17.08.2013 10:58:28: rizlot () c0e996be7ed28731b71f9d6c2ccbd565 - #64 "Mk_48" 0:0


Logs (SetVariable):

17.08.2013 10:25:36: rizlot () c0e996be7ed28731b71f9d6c2ccbd565 - #0 "boost_e" = 1 2:47 Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1


Logs (SetDamage):

17.08.2013 10:20:12: rizlot () c0e996be7ed28731b71f9d6c2ccbd565 - #0 0.000000 2:73 HMMWV_DZ (this line repeated 1195 times)
17.08.2013 10:50:42: rizlot ( c0e996be7ed28731b71f9d6c2ccbd565 - #0 0.000000 2:48 UAZ_CDF (this line repeated 30 times)


Logs (Chat):

10:21:03 PM | (Direct) pedro zavala-cortez: need a ride or somthing?
10:21:33 PM | (Direct) rizlot: dude
10:21:38 PM | (Direct) rizlot: can u hear me?
10:21:43 PM | (Direct) rizlot: sorry
10:21:49 PM | (Direct) rizlot: umm
10:21:54 PM | (Direct) rizlot: i want to play with yall
10:22:03 PM | (Direct) pedro zavala-cortez: we loggin of soon
10:22:14 PM | (Direct) rizlot: dont shoot me through the glass ull damage the car
10:22:21 PM | (Direct) pedro zavala-cortez: we where just gonna go hide our car
10:23:58 PM | (Direct) rizlot: damn nice truck
10:24:06 PM | (Vehicle) rizlot: nice wheels
10:24:13 PM | (Direct) pedro zavala-cortez: we will drop u off in stary okay?
10:24:18 PM | (Vehicle) [EH]Jordan: WERE TAKING YOU TO STARY
10:24:23 PM | (Direct) rizlot: mates im just screwing with ya
10:24:29 PM | (Direct) rizlot: enjoy
10:24:34 PM | (Direct) pedro zavala-cortez: thanks m8
10:29:25 PM | (Direct) rizlot: hello
10:29:29 PM | (Direct) rizlot: :D
10:29:41 PM | (Direct) [EH]Jordan: aye hate
10:29:43 PM | (Direct) rizlot: :(
10:29:44 PM | (Direct) [EH]Jordan: mate
10:29:47 PM | (Direct) rizlot: hey
10:29:50 PM | (Direct) [EH]Jordan: lol my bad

10:30:10 PM | (Direct) [EH]Jordan: mate you wanna give us a heli?
10:30:17 PM | (Direct) rizlot: hahha
10:30:20 PM | (Direct) rizlot: SURE THING
10:30:25 PM | (Direct) rizlot: COMING RIGHT UP
10:30:31 PM | (Direct) [EH]Jordan: we wont tell the admins a thing
10:30:47 PM | (Direct) [EH]Jordan: can i have ur uaz?
10:30:57 PM | (Direct) rizlot: lol of coarse

10:31:03 PM | (Direct) [EH]Jordan: really?
10:31:36 PM | (Direct) rizlot: brb
10:33:44 PM | (Direct) rizlot: fuck
10:33:50 PM | (Direct) rizlot: HAHAH
10:33:55 PM | (Direct) rizlot: WAS THAT FUNNY OR WHAT
10:33:57 PM | (Direct) [EH]Jordan: mate...lol
10:34:04 PM | (Direct) [EH]Jordan: you hurt me
10:34:10 PM | (Direct) rizlot: oh here
10:34:33 PM | (Direct) [EH]Jordan: yo can you find the v3s?
10:34:53 PM | (Direct) [EH]Jordan: and you broke the uaz:(
10:34:57 PM | (Direct) rizlot: lol
10:35:01 PM | (Direct) rizlot: LMAO
10:35:38 PM | (Direct) rizlot: lol

10:35:44 PM | (Direct) rizlot: ok what gear yall want?
10:35:49 PM | (Direct) rizlot: ghillies
10:36:03 PM | (Direct) rizlot: rpk?
10:36:10 PM | (Direct) rizlot: akm?
10:36:17 PM | (Direct) rizlot: here
10:36:48 PM | (Direct) rizlot: alright brb
10:39:28 PM | (Direct) rizlot: what else?

10:39:30 PM | (Direct) rizlot: :D
10:48:44 PM | (Direct) rizlot: get in
10:48:45 PM | (Direct) pedro zavala-cortez: halp
10:48:51 PM | (Direct) rizlot: get in
10:49:03 PM | (Direct) rizlot: where we meeting your friend
10:49:07 PM | (Direct) rizlot: dont worry ill come back
10:49:17 PM | (Direct) rizlot: ill get the uaz
10:49:28 PM | (Direct) rizlot: where we meeting ur friend
10:49:36 PM | (Direct) rizlot: cant hear u
10:49:53 PM | (Direct) pedro zavala-cortez: ######
10:52:38 PM | (Direct) rizlot: is this ur camp
10:52:46 PM | (Direct) pedro zavala-cortez: gonna be

10:52:55 PM | (Direct) rizlot: need tents?
10:53:12 PM | (Direct) rizlot: wire
10:53:17 PM | (Direct) rizlot: sandbags/
10:53:21 PM | (Direct) rizlot: anything?
10:53:33 PM | (Direct) pedro zavala-cortez: can u hear me?
10:53:36 PM | (Direct) rizlot: no
10:53:47 PM | (Direct) pedro zavala-cortez: tents and sandbags
10:53:51 PM | (Direct) rizlot: k
10:53:53 PM | (Direct) rizlot: order up
10:54:51 PM | (Direct) rizlot: cant spawn sandbags
10:54:53 PM | (Direct) rizlot: good
10:55:00 PM | (Direct) rizlot: ill get ya some wires?

10:55:13 PM | (Direct) rizlot: ok
10:55:50 PM | (Direct) rizlot: where is this heli
10:56:04 PM | (Direct) rizlot: oooh i see
10:56:06 PM | (Direct) pedro zavala-cortez: its fine i doubt itll be found

10:56:16 PM | (Direct) rizlot: i could bring it here?
10:56:36 PM | (Direct) rizlot: oh dont worry then ill give you plenty of gear for the tents

10:57:29 PM | (Direct) rizlot: 16 steaks in there
10:57:47 PM | (Direct) rizlot: no here
10:57:53 PM | (Direct) rizlot: here
10:57:57 PM | (Direct) rizlot: in here
10:58:14 PM | (Direct) rizlot: dmr?
10:58:21 PM | (Direct) rizlot: what guns yall like?
10:58:36 PM | (Direct) rizlot: everyone loves an mk 48

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "Bacon"

Offense: Ran hack scripts and scared off players


Logs (RemoteExec):

29.10.2013 12:23:23: Bacon () 50df81244b776e8cffca6f7bc851ccf1 - #0 "allUnits = [];"


Logs (SetVariable):

29.10.2013 12:31:03: Bacon () 50df81244b776e8cffca6f7bc851ccf1 - #0 "boost_shiftl" = 1 2:1093 AN2_DZ

Edited by crazykid1297

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