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US 1994 Cheater Report List

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US 1994 Official Cheater Report List

We are publicly posting all cheaters caught on our server. We will be adding to this thread as we catch more cheaters.

We back up our bans with solid log evidence, which will be included with every ban in this thread.

We will post full logs of cheaters caught, in order to show the full extent of their cheating.
If you are on this list and believe you are falsely banned, please visit us at:

Click a banned ID below to see the logs behind it.

Current list of cheaters caught (updated 12/14/13):




















































Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "Col.Elkin[FEMA]"

Offense: Teleported all players to the debug plains.

Logs (AttachTo):

26.06.2013 16:50:47: Col.Elkin[FEMA] () f1fe3f2c447f51438f68061ad75bef71 - #0 25:5 Survivor2_DZ 27:5 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,3,1]

26.06.2013 16:50:48: Col.Elkin[FEMA] () f1fe3f2c447f51438f68061ad75bef71 - #0 15:6 Survivor2_DZ 27:5 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,3,1]

26.06.2013 16:50:50: Col.Elkin[FEMA] () f1fe3f2c447f51438f68061ad75bef71 - #0 8:341 Survivor2_DZ 27:5 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,3,1]

26.06.2013 16:50:51: Col.Elkin[FEMA] () f1fe3f2c447f51438f68061ad75bef71 - #0 26:5 Survivor2_DZ 27:5 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,3,1]

26.06.2013 16:50:53: Col.Elkin[FEMA] () f1fe3f2c447f51438f68061ad75bef71 - #0 13:5 Survivor2_DZ 27:5 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,3,1]

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "Irvin"

Offense: Kicked by BattlEye for using a confirmed hack.

Link to confirmation here.

Note: Older ban, recovered and posted.

Logs (PublicVariable):

23.06.2013 09:45:11: Irvin () 31d10226ed099b3ac47e32a673e6c51f - #0 "BIS_MPF_logic" = <NULL-object>

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "Cove"

Offense: SetDamage hack.

Note: Older ban, recovered and posted.

Logs (SetDamage):

23.06.2013 17:07:52: Cove () 2f4f19bdf3c38a13115810dce0d53f01 - #1 1.000000 441:108 z_new_worker3

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Cheater caught: Player "SlothKing"

Offense: RemoteExec hack.

Note: Older ban, recovered and posted.

Logs (RemoteExec):

25.06.2013 12:07:51: SlothKing () 9b14fa756180d3fb41f41ee7ea48e922 - #37 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",remExField]; if (true) then RE;


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Cheater caught: Player "Drakken"

Offense: Teleporting players to themself.

Note: Older ban, recovered and posted.

Logs (AttachTo):

23.06.2013 06:42:02: Drakken () 9a706ca2082d2134908e50105adea423 - #0 10:47 Survivor1_DZ 4:8 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]

23.06.2013 06:45:21: Drakken () 9a706ca2082d2134908e50105adea423 - #0 10:47 Survivor1_DZ 3:26 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]

23.06.2013 06:49:03: Drakken () 9a706ca2082d2134908e50105adea423 - #0 10:47 Survivor1_DZ 16:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]

23.06.2013 06:51:29: Drakken () 9a706ca2082d2134908e50105adea423 - #0 10:47 Survivor1_DZ 14:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]

23.06.2013 06:52:33: Drakken () 9a706ca2082d2134908e50105adea423 - #0 10:47 Survivor1_DZ 6:239 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]

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Cheater caught: Player "PLAYER 7"

Offense: Failed vehicle teleporting attempt.

Note: Older ban, recovered and posted.

Logs (AttachTo):

19.06.2013 09:26:46: PLAYER 7 () 69b10e86e66fc40f7b0990ed5fcb3023 - #50 2:46 V3S_Civ 103:5 Survivor3_DZ -1 [3,5,1]

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Cheater caught: Player "Heisenberg"

Offense: SetPos hack.

Note: Older ban, recovered and posted.

Logs (SetPos):

20.06.2013 08:25:16: Heisenberg () d62f6792d41ccd95e2b8af116992b06b - #0 13:73 Cow03 [7331,5328,237]

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Cheater caught: Player "Big Boss"

Offense: Blatant hacking.

Logs (Scripts):

29.06.2013 10:32:24: Big Boss () 16b7a3486b885703934f68f88ff09636 - #76 "x)) then {_a = _a - [_x];};

if ( _x != player && getPlayerUID _x != "" && name _x !="" && !(_x in _a) && _x iskindof "S"

29.06.2013 10:32:24: Big Boss () 16b7a3486b885703934f68f88ff09636 - #81 "


if (ESP > 1 ) Then {ESP = 0; };

hint format ["ESP %1",ESP];

_a = [];

while {ESP == 1"

29.06.2013 10:32:24: Big Boss () 16b7a3486b885703934f68f88ff09636 - #182 "

_a = [];

while {ESP == 1} do


if (visibleMap) then {_a = []; waituntil {!visibleMap};};


if "

29.06.2013 10:32:24: Big Boss () 16b7a3486b885703934f68f88ff09636 - #238 "

_a set [count _a, _x];

_nil= [_x] execvm "wuat\scripts\!Nametags.sqf";

sleep 0.001;


} fo"

29.06.2013 10:32:36: Big Boss () 16b7a3486b885703934f68f88ff09636 - #43 "amicText") displayctrl 9999);

_ctrl ctrlShow true; _ctrl ctrlEnable true; _ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;

_unit = _this select 0;


29.06.2013 10:32:36: Big Boss () 16b7a3486b885703934f68f88ff09636 - #47 "und _dist,_plrpic,_Tsize,_Psize,_HP]; };

_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText _text;

_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;


sleep 0.0075;"

29.06.2013 10:32:36: Big Boss () 16b7a3486b885703934f68f88ff09636 - #48 "e getvariable "BIS_dynamicText") displayctrl 9999);

_ctrl ctrlShow true; _ctrl ctrlEnable true; _ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;

_unit ="

29.06.2013 10:32:36: Big Boss () 16b7a3486b885703934f68f88ff09636 - #58 "dist < 100) then {_Tsize = 0.3;};

_HP = round (100 - ((damage _unit)*100));

_text = parseText format ["<img size='%5"

29.06.2013 10:32:36: Big Boss () 16b7a3486b885703934f68f88ff09636 - #76 " 1;} else {_invehicle = 0;};

if ((_x != player) && (getPlayerUID _x != "") && ((player distance _x) < 800)) then



29.06.2013 10:32:36: Big Boss () 16b7a3486b885703934f68f88ff09636 - #81 "adg2iu2da == 0) then


ESP_infiSTAR_a2zhgdadg2iu2da = 1;

hint "ESP ON";

while {ESP_infiSTAR_a2zhgdadg2iu2da == 1} do



29.06.2013 10:32:36: Big Boss () 16b7a3486b885703934f68f88ff09636 - #182 "e _unit) && ((player distance _unit) < 800)} do


if (visibleMap) then {_ctrl ctrlShow false; _ctrl ctrlEnable false;}else{"

29.06.2013 10:32:36: Big Boss () 16b7a3486b885703934f68f88ff09636 - #194 "se{_ctrl ctrlShow true; _ctrl ctrlEnable true;};

if (ESP_infiSTAR_a2zhgdadg2iu2da == 0) exitWith {_ctrl ctrlShow false; _ctrl"

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "Ultimatum"

Offense: SetPos hack.

Logs (SetPos):

29.06.2013 10:38:59: Ultimatum () 8d89ac0de4ed655dc1a9354c69922529 - #0 478:5 Survivor2_DZ [6538,4175,205]

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Cheater caught: Player "David Tennant"

Offense: SetDamage hack.

Logs (SetDamage):

29.06.2013 11:32:08: David Tennant () f0e14de4ed1f3c2fe5c26bc9e2b06594 - #2 1.100000 500:63 z_soldier_heavy

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Cheater caught: Player "s1l3nt"

Offense: PublicVariable hack.

Note: Player likes to change names. They were using a different name when they were banned from the server.

Logs (PublicVariable):

29.06.2013 09:44:23: s1l3nt () 9d9244b1063a7b90747715ececf96843 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

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Cheater caught: Player "James"

Offense: RemoteExec hack causing all players to be kicked for SetPos Restriction #0: BattleFieldClearance.

Note: Older ban, recovered and posted.

Logs (RemoteExec):

11.05.2013 16:10:52: James () def39c78f265d01cc9d1848539b2c070 - #4 "if (isServer) then


"dayzLoginRecord" addPublicVariableEventHandler


_debug = markerText "respawn_east";

_source = (([0,0,0] nearEntities 100000) select 0);

_source setVehicleInit _debug;


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Cheater caught: Player "Izzy Matsumoto"

Offense: SetDamage hack, general hacking.

Note: Player also caught on another server.

Logs (SetDamage):

29.06.2013 13:08:13: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 13:55:56: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 13:56:08: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:06:38: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:06:41: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:06:45: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:06:48: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:06:52: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:08:50: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:09:52: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:10:03: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:11:16: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:11:24: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:25:07: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:25:19: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:28:03: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

29.06.2013 14:28:14: Izzy Matsumoto () 548b9ab13f07263796c6e93fbebd827f - #0 0.000000 2:70

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "Echo"

Offense: General Hacking

Note: Player caught on US 564 1 month ago!

Logs (PublicVariable):

29.06.2013 12:18:01: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"motor",0]

29.06.2013 12:18:08: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"velka vrtule",0]

29.06.2013 12:18:30: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"glass1",0]

29.06.2013 12:18:37: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"glass2",0]

29.06.2013 12:18:41: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"glass3",0]

29.06.2013 12:18:47: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"glass5",0]

29.06.2013 12:18:51: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"glass4",0]

29.06.2013 12:18:55: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"sklo predni P",0]

29.06.2013 12:19:05: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"sklo predni L",0]

29.06.2013 12:19:08: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"glass6",0]

29.06.2013 12:19:30: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"NEtrup",0]

29.06.2013 12:19:35: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"elektronika",0]

29.06.2013 12:19:38: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"mala vrtule",0]

29.06.2013 12:19:51: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #9 "PVDZ_veh_SF" = [<NULL-object>,"munice",0]

29.06.2013 12:20:20: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.02]

29.06.2013 12:20:23: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.04]

29.06.2013 12:20:26: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.06]

29.06.2013 12:20:29: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.08]

29.06.2013 12:20:31: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.1]

29.06.2013 12:20:34: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.12]

29.06.2013 12:20:37: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.14]

29.06.2013 12:20:39: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.16]

29.06.2013 12:20:42: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.18]

29.06.2013 12:20:45: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.2]

29.06.2013 12:20:47: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.22]

29.06.2013 12:20:49: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.24]

29.06.2013 12:20:51: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.26]

29.06.2013 12:20:53: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.28]

29.06.2013 12:20:55: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.3]

29.06.2013 12:21:02: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.32]

29.06.2013 12:21:05: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.34]

29.06.2013 12:21:08: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.36]

29.06.2013 12:21:11: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.38]

29.06.2013 12:21:14: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.4]

29.06.2013 12:21:17: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.42]

29.06.2013 12:21:20: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.44]

29.06.2013 12:21:22: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.46]

29.06.2013 12:21:25: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.48]

29.06.2013 12:21:28: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.5]

29.06.2013 12:21:31: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.52]

29.06.2013 12:21:33: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.54]

29.06.2013 12:21:36: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.56]

29.06.2013 12:21:38: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.58]

29.06.2013 12:21:41: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.6]

29.06.2013 12:21:43: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.62]

29.06.2013 12:21:45: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.64]

29.06.2013 12:21:53: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.6]

29.06.2013 12:21:56: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.62]

29.06.2013 12:21:58: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.64]

29.06.2013 12:22:01: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.66]

29.06.2013 12:22:03: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.68]

29.06.2013 12:22:05: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.7]

29.06.2013 12:22:07: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.72]

29.06.2013 12:22:09: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.74]

29.06.2013 12:22:12: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.76]

29.06.2013 12:22:14: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.78]

29.06.2013 12:22:16: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.8]

29.06.2013 12:22:19: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.82]

29.06.2013 12:22:21: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.84]

29.06.2013 12:22:24: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.86]

29.06.2013 12:22:26: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.88]

29.06.2013 12:22:28: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.9]

29.06.2013 12:22:30: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.92]

29.06.2013 12:22:32: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.94]

29.06.2013 12:22:35: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.96]

29.06.2013 12:22:37: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,0.98]

29.06.2013 12:22:40: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #7 "PVDZ_veh_SetFuel" = [<NULL-object>,1]

29.06.2013 14:08:57: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[103,[6916.04,11367.8,0]],"Wire_cat1"]

29.06.2013 14:10:26: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[201,[6920.93,11371.5,0]],"Wire_cat1"]

29.06.2013 14:10:45: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[134,[6916.99,11372.1,0]],"Hedgehog_DZ"]

29.06.2013 14:11:16: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[143,[6914.13,11363,0]],"Wire_cat1"]

29.06.2013 14:11:39: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[123,[6910.94,11360.6,0]],"Hedgehog_DZ"]

29.06.2013 14:11:52: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[114,[6910.95,11359.7,0]],"Hedgehog_DZ"]

29.06.2013 14:15:57: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[355,[6919.14,11370.6,0]],"Hedgehog_DZ"]

29.06.2013 14:18:32: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[114,[6910.92,11359.2,0]],"Hedgehog_DZ"]

29.06.2013 14:18:51: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[106,[6910.83,11358.5,0]],"Hedgehog_DZ"]

29.06.2013 14:19:37: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[130,[6916.33,11364.6,0]],"Wire_cat1"]

29.06.2013 14:19:52: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[206,[6912.83,11362.3,0]],"Wire_cat1"]

29.06.2013 14:20:09: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[114,[6913.72,11363.2,0]],"Wire_cat1"]

29.06.2013 14:20:54: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[101,[6911.38,11359.7,0]],"Sandbag1_DZ"]

29.06.2013 14:21:56: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[149,[6910.4,11358.3,0]],"Sandbag1_DZ"]

29.06.2013 14:24:12: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[73,[6947.01,11426.2,0]],"Wire_cat1"]

29.06.2013 14:24:28: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[83,[6948.09,11422.9,0]],"Hedgehog_DZ"]

29.06.2013 14:24:37: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[83,[6949.6,11423.1,0]],"Wire_cat1"]

29.06.2013 14:25:18: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[61,[6946.47,11431.5,0]],"Sandbag1_DZ"]

29.06.2013 14:25:26: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[61,[6946.41,11431.5,0]],"Hedgehog_DZ"]

29.06.2013 14:25:59: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[76,[6947.71,11431.6,0]],"Wire_cat1"]

29.06.2013 14:26:16: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[62,[6945.85,11435.3,0]],"Sandbag1_DZ"]

29.06.2013 14:26:24: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[62,[6947.16,11436,0]],"Wire_cat1"]

29.06.2013 14:26:24: Echo () 0a6158cb5b48e1be5e654ec42448d8eb - #17 "PVDZ_obj_Publish" = ["42912439",<NULL-object>,[62,[6947.16,11436,0]],"Wire_cat1"]

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "Batman"

Offense: Item spawning, general hacking.

Logs (AttachTo):

30.06.2013 16:32:16: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 2:385 MedBox0 29:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,2,2]

Logs (AddWeaponCargo):

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "Binocular" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "ItemEtool" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "ItemFlashlight" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "ItemFlashlightRed" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "ItemGPS" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "ItemHatchet" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "ItemKnife" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "ItemMap" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "ItemMatchbox" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "ItemToolbox" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "ItemWatch" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:22: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "NVGoggles" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "M14_EP1" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "Remington870_lamp" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "M4A3_CCO_EP1" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "M4A1_AIM_SD_camo" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "BAF_AS50_scoped" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "Winchester1866" 0:0 (50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "LeeEnfield" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "revolver_EP1" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "FN_FAL" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "FN_FAL_ANPVS4" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "M107_DZ" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "Mk_48_DZ" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "DMR" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "M16A2" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "M16A2GL" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "bizon_silenced" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "AK_74" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "M4A1_Aim" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "AKS_74_kobra" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "AK_47_M" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "M24" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "M1014" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "M4A1" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "MP5SD" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "MP5A5" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "huntingrifle" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "Crossbow" 0:0

30.06.2013 16:32:28: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #1 "Crossbow" 0:0(x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:29: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "glock17_EP1" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:29: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "M9" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:29: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "M9SD" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:29: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "Colt1911" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:29: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "UZI_EP1" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:29: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "SVD_CAMO" 0:0 (x50)

30.06.2013 16:32:29: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #0 "AK_47_S" 0:0

30.06.2013 16:32:29: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #1 "AK_47_S" 0:0

30.06.2013 16:32:29: Batman () fb609884e1ab76868717732d9f64db70 - #23 "AK_47_S" 0:0

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Cheater caught: Player "Brandon"

Offense: RemoteExec hack, caused a server crash by running the "BattlefieldClearance" script.

Logs (PublicVariable):

30.06.2013 23:13:58: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #1 "HAS_VG" = ["Brandon"]

Logs (RemoteExec):

30.06.2013 23:13:31: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #0 ""

30.06.2013 23:13:31: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #0 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",remExField]; if (true) then RE;


30.06.2013 23:13:31: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #38 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",remExField]; if (true) then RE;


Logs (Scripts):

30.06.2013 23:13:28: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #20 "ld]; if (true) then RE;



clearVehicleInit player;

waitUntil {!isNil "HangenderRE"};

hint "Init R"

30.06.2013 23:13:28: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #32 "emExField";

"BattleFieldClearance" createUnit [[0,0,0], createGroup sideLOGIC];

sleep 0.5;

player setVehicleInit " if (isDed"

30.06.2013 23:13:28: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #38 "ublicVariableServer "remExField";

"BattleFieldClearance" createUnit [[0,0,0], createGroup sideLOGIC];

sleep 0.5;

player setV"

30.06.2013 23:13:28: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #81 ";

clearVehicleInit player;

waitUntil {!isNil "HangenderRE"};

hint "Init RE Successful";

PVDZ_hlt_Epi = createTeam ["instance_"

30.06.2013 23:13:28: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #149 "ode+"";"")];publicVariable""remExField"";""respawn_west""setMarkerText""PRO"";};}; if (isServer) then {HangenderRE=true;publicVa"

30.06.2013 23:13:28: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #165 "it [[0,0,0], createGroup sideLOGIC];

sleep 0.5;

player setVehicleInit " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,""per"",remEx"

30.06.2013 23:13:31: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #129 "1 "ca\Modules\BC\data\scripts\BCserverStartUsingLogic.sqf"

scriptName "BC\data\scripts\BCserverStartUsingLogic.sqf";


30.06.2013 23:13:31: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #156 "ct","_group"];

_logicObject = (_this select 0);

_logicObject setPos [1000,10,0];

if (isServer) then


_groups = [];


_group = "

30.06.2013 23:13:34: Brandon () f753ce5df49833aa20e0f481728d8f85 - #122 "n_west",[],0,"NONE"];

_newUnit setDir _dir;

{_newUnit removeMagazine _x;} forEach magazines _newUnit;

removeAllWeapons _newUn"

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Cheater caught: Player "patrick"

Offense: SetVariable hack.

Note: Older ban, recovered and posted.

Logs (SetVariable):

25.06.2013 16:07:36: patrick () 80bd46442292deeca5ad78956079ad4f - #0 "bis_greetedpeople" = [] 77:152 Bandit1_DZ

Edited by crazykid1297

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Cheater caught: Player "Inpostable"

Offense: SetDamage hack.

Logs (SetDamage):

03.07.2013 16:20:28: Inpostable () 764cd0944478b97af7d4f785bcae5e3c - #2 1.000000 14:379 Survivor2_DZ

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Cheater caught: Player "Leh Madness" aka "XdOkAmYs" or "Dark Hunter"

Offense: SetDamage hack, SetVariable hack.

Note: Player changes names frequently. SetDamage logs shortened. The same line was logged over 3,400+ times in 5 minutes.

Logs (SetDamage):

04.07.2013 12:45:15: Leh Madness () f69872cb05808a4587ee4aad17b61b1e - #0 0.000000 2:34 BAF_Offroad_W

Logs (SetVariable):

04.07.2013 11:06:49: XdOkAmYs () f69872cb05808a4587ee4aad17b61b1e - #0 "supgrade" = 1 2:42 Lada2

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Cheater caught: Player "RexPeiTa - krillex"

Offense: SetVariable hack.

Logs (SetVariable):

04.07.2013 11:05:28: ReXpeiTa - krillex () 7d62cf1e05ea62777d6cba10b7362f38 - #0 "bis_greetedpeople" = [] 103:5 Bandit1_DZ

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Cheater caught: Player "Razz"

Offense: Scripting. Teleporting, etc.

Chat Log:

7:40:00 AM | (Vehicle) Razz: if u let me drive i can just teleport to him lol

7:40:54 AM | (Vehicle) Razz: u can take the nightvision in back if u want

7:41:18 AM | (Vehicle) Razz: ha

7:41:53 AM | (Direct) Razz: LOL

Logs (AttachTo):

08.07.2013 19:41:23: Razz () cf718f9c741cdb52c6da6aedb2dc9d8e - #0 59:5 Survivor2_DZ 2:42 Lada2 -1 [0,1,2]

08.07.2013 19:41:56: Razz () cf718f9c741cdb52c6da6aedb2dc9d8e - #0 59:5 Survivor2_DZ 2:42 Lada2 -1 [0,0,0]

08.07.2013 19:42:02: Razz () cf718f9c741cdb52c6da6aedb2dc9d8e - #0 2:42 Lada2 59:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,8,2]

08.07.2013 19:42:02: Razz () cf718f9c741cdb52c6da6aedb2dc9d8e - #21 2:42 Lada2 59:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,8,2]

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