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i keep getting this problem #1062 - Duplicate entry 'Land_HBarrier_large' for key 'uq1_building'

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If you have access to your database navigate to the table 'building' and type this query: SELECT * FROM `building` WHERE `class_name` = 'Land_HBarrier_large'; there should be more then one result. If you can modify this table remove all indexes for this table, you can do this by executing this query "DROP INDEX uq1_building ON `building`" it is a useless index and wont cause any harm when removed.



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#1062 - Duplicate entry 'Land_Misc_deerstand' for key 'uq1_building'

can anyone help me and talk me through how to fix it thank you

Edited by Inception.
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Check your file integrity? There's a key-item inconsistency, could be a .pbo registry error. Or I could be blowing smoke and not know what the hell I'm talking about. I never got custom crap to work, besides 3 AI A10s that fly around bombing Cherno.


I'm not familiar with custom servers, but I am familiar with SQL. Basically, whatever database file is being uploaded to, has a primary key defined for the field "uq1_building". Any data stored in a primary key field must be unique, so you cannot have duplicates. It would seem that the table your data is being inserted into, already has an entry for 'Land_Mil_Barracks_i_EP1'

Do you see any entries in your BEIDI file for that? If so, can you remove it?



So it's a mySql error not a .bikey error. So I was blowing smoke.

Your game doesn't like your tables being edited with new buildings.

Scrap your custom mission file, youtube it, and try again.

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