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Placid (DayZ)

Looking for a group of anywhere from 2-4 players

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Hello fellow survivors (and bandits)! I have been playing DayZ for a good....few months and I have come to the same conclusion that so many others have come to. That I would have way more fun and probably make it farther and survive longer with a group of other survivors (or just a single partner). I'm not hard to get along with. I have had a few partners in the past and most of the time we had an easier time surviving when we put our heads together. I don't kill other players often (that's assuming that they are friendlies and not bandits) but to be honest, sometimes If I deem it necessary I will shoot first when coming face-to-face with another player. Most of the time I sneak around and try to stay unnoticed, but sometimes as a fresh spawn I will just run out into danger seeing as I have nothing to lose. That basically explains me as a partner. I can play basically anytime that I am needed and just as a side note I live in the US. Specifically the west coast. I can use any Vehicle. I know the maps pretty well without an in-game map. So if you are interested in joining up with me or if you already have a group going you can message me on skype: aj.campbell5 Also if you have a group bigger than 4 I am not too picky. I will probably still join up with you, but I would prefer a group of 2-4.

Your friendly survivor,


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If you are looking for a team to join, check out Vision of Perfection Community. We take care of each other, we leave no one behind and we let nothing compromise collective survival!

• Steam Page : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/VisionOfPerfection

• Teamspeak :

Add me as a friend on steam by finding me ([VoP] PilotVtol) in the steam group and we can get you setup on TeamSpeak and start playing.

Thank you


Commanding Officer

Vision Of Perfection

Edited by PilotVtol

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