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Looking for mature guys to play DayZ BP small group like 3-5

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I like to live off the land kinda just set up ambushes , i love pvp SOS is a great way to live. I just want to have fun with a few guys that are laid back and want to enjoy the game.

Like 3-5 people is good. or just 2 lol . usually on during all hours , steam/skype is probably best for communication.

Steam = makimoo305

Pm me below is fine


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If you are looking for a team to join, check out Vision of Perfection Community. We take care of each other, we leave no one behind and we let nothing compromise collective survival!

Steam Page : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/VisionOfPerfection

Teamspeak :

Add me as a friend or message me on steam by finding me ([VoP] PilotVtol) in the steam group and we can get you setup on TeamSpeak and start playing.

Thank you


Commanding Officer

Vision Of Perfection

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