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1st Mountain Recruiting

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We are a small group of players who have been playing DayZ together since early November. There are 5 of us so far and we use tactics and teamwork to get the job done. Some of us come from a military lifestyle so there is some military lingo that is thrown out there quite often. Most of us are in the 20-30s age range. So that is the age range we are looking for. We are very tight knit so this group is definitely not for everyone. We make jokes about each other in good fun quite often. So we are looking for people that can fit into our mold quite well. We have been playing Origins on a new server for about a week now and we are already really geared. So we mainly play on a Origins server but every now and then we go onto a PvP server just to have some fun. We are hardcore bandits and our main rule is that if they are not in Teamspeak with us then they are an enemy. If you would like to join us please leave an application below. My steam name is ke5ykw. So I will add you to my steam.

Application Format:



Do you have a Mic:

Do you blend well with others:

Steam Name:

Edited by Gooftroop

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Age: 22

Playstyle:Shoot from a far and and take what now ours.

Do you have a Mic: Yes

Do you blend well with others: I can be freindly and not fight with with others.

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Playstyle: silent but deadly - i love to survive off the land

Do you have a Mic: yes

Do you blend well with others: yes, i want to have fun and have fun doing it

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Age: 29

Playstyle: I would say hero ish, i do love hunting bandits though so it tends to keep the humanity levels down (there are a lot of them).

Do you have a Mic: I most certainly do

Do you blend well with others: Yep

Steam Name: Makin_012

Edited by makin_012

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