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CBR1000rider (DayZ)

Server Log- How to tell who killed who?

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Does any one know if any server files track who killed what player? For all I know, all I see is the server tracking who died. Not how they died.. or who killed them.

Does any one know where I can find this? I had people complaining they were randomly dropping dead on the map.. which led me to believe there was some one killing people in the debug area.

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You can enable it in the dificulty.cfg just put a 1 where the 0 is, think its deathmessages ive enabled mine byt not had a chance to play on my server yet to see if its worked

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This will also make it visible ingame to players though, which is why some admins (like me) want to keep it off.

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Well in that case then i dont suppose you will ever know who killed who. But if there is away other than the one i mentioned id like to know aswell

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I don't think this is working. At least not with .4 and 825. I've had deathmessages enabled for a long time and all you see is if someone is killed. Not who killed them. We've had someone keep server hopping into the NW AF on very top of the fire house, sniping everyone in sight and then DCing. It's happened to me two times personally. That douche needs to be banned. :/

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So there's no way to enable showing who is killing whom?

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It might be because I don't have EnemyTag=1 in the profile. I haven't tried that setting option yet though.

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