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Rifle Eyez

UK/EU, mature - looking for players.

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I feel like I'm writing a profile for match.com or myspace back in 2007 lol.

tl;dr version - Looking for a serious relationsh - I mean ..uh,teammates/squad.

I'm 24, from UK - from down south London way originally but living in the North East for the past 5 years. Played DayZ mod since June last year, would consider myself above average and usually come out on top when it comes to PVP and hold my own as a lonewolf. Good vehicle driver and decent in heli's. Played Vanilla, Origins, DayZero and Broken Point (try to avoid BP cuz of all the issues it has). ATM playing Origins as DayZero is preferred but too squad orientated even for the better lone wolves (the standard of PvP and squad play on there is ridiculously good - approaching Stary/NWAF solo can be suicide). I'm not looking to build anything on Origins however, just general banditry. Half the reason my original squad disbanded somewhat is losing our shit on Origins every 2 weeks haha.

I would consider myself a neutral player generally - I go out my way to help people on occasions and sometimes hesitate to KoS and will never shoot a unarmed player. I met everyone I squadded with in game through helping them/them helping me and us teaming up so I'm not a straight hero or bandit.

Record my gameplay quite a bit and would stream if my 0.8 upload could handle it and I'd put effort into a channel if I had some decent squad play behind me - at the moment I just have a shit ton of clips that I just keep deleting and recording over lol. So I'd be happy to team up with some serious players who actually don't mind taking their time and playing tactically, especially hotspot areas (i wont miss the random enfield spam or people deciding to run into the middle of the NWAF for no reason from ). Also don't mind farming/repairing vehicles if needs be - I get bored of running around Cherno/Electro playing TDM.

Regarding my old squad the 2 mature guys have moved on to other games, 1 can barely run the game so we spend more time troubleshooting/looking for FPS tips, 1 is quite immature and 1 gets bored too easily and decides to spam their Enfield in the middle of Stary for no reason at all haha. So I'm branching out and making new friends <3. Usually on most nights about 630/7pm GMT > 11/midnight GMT - between working/catering to my girlfriend (aka under the thumb) and studying for my accountancy quals. On weekends if I'm free it's not uncommon for me to totally geek out and do a huge session, especially as my sleep schedule is fucked on weekends (it's like 4am here now, debating on hopping back into a server for a little even though i'm up at 10am and I work a 9-5 during the week) Have a mic + Skype, usually use my mic but in a effort to not be totally ignorant to my GF and lock myself away I don't use it 24/7.

pm me on here or just add me on Skype - xstarblazer1

Edited by showtime

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Hello there!

Feel free to come and check out the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland, or TMW for short.

TMW is a friendly Hero clan that mainly operates along the Main Hive, our goal is to show that DayZ does not have to be shoot on sight, we tend to go around

major cities offering aid to other players and neutralizing anyone who shows them self to be hostile.

When were not doing that we are on medic operations, we have a sticky thread on this website created by Dr Wasteland MD, (our founder). In this thread players

can request help from TMW, and then we will dispatch a team to their aid, this includes medical and general survival, food and water and such.

There is much more to us, as we cater for most styles of gameplay.

  • Medic
  • Bodyguard
  • Supply & Logistics

Because of how TMW is laid out it supports all types of players, New or Veteran, For our new players not only do we have our large 150+ Member community to help guide them, but we also have a dedicated rank within TMW known as "Mentors" to help you get to grips with the game.

Any way if you would like to know more go ahead and come onto our teamspeak and chat to a few of our members, and feel free to come and play on our main hive

servers, that are monitored by active and friendly admins.

Contact info:

  • Teamspeak: ts.dayzmedics.com
  • DayzMod.com Sticky Thread: Medic Thread
  • TMW Forum: tmwdayz.com
  • Gameservers: US2419 / EU2419
  • Or feel free to PM me personally for more info!

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Oh man, I like your style of writing - made me laugh. But on a serious note - and not to sound like a matchmaker pimp - I just contacted myself the dude from this thread:


So he seemed to be looking for people to play with and I think you fit the picture just right in. As you are living in somewhat of a european timezones, this might also fit great as so is he and me too. I do not know how many there are already. He says to recruit people for Origins servers which is fine for me, and I personally also like playing in other mods of the mod. I'm 22 years old dude living in GMT +2 timezone. My skype is crunchfoot.

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I think we match as a player, I usually play lonewolf my self but always end up getting killed because I get to impatient when I'm playing alone. I am mature but i also like to have alot of fun when playing, joking about with people but never really killing anyone.

Recently ive been playing Panthera and some Lingor with a decent amount of players logged in (Booring when there's 40+ people logged in on these kind of maps) I'm also up to trying new maps and new mods if you would wish to do that. Also stumbled into a couple of alike friends as yours, either too immature or hesitating too much. I'm 18 years old from Norway (Explains my lack of english-knowledge) But i would say i speak decent english but i understand most. Really only been playing with people from UK, don't know why.. Maybe it's the acsent

Just hit me up if you wish too, my skype is: brianw321

Edited by Brianbby

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