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reidloS doG

PST (UTC-8) Looking for Bandits on Origins

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What I'm looking for:

  • People with mics
  • Bandits that don't kill spawn kill
  • Prefer to use Raidcall
  • I'm willing to play with noobs.
  • 18+
  • Mature players

Send me a message if interested or post on here. If you have a server of preference, that is fine as well. Not very many bandit groups recruiting it feels like. This is not a group, so if you are from a group, feel free to post a reply on here. But I'm looking for bandit only groups for Origins.

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Im Louis, a 19 year old university student. Add me on steam if you want to play some Dayz sometime. Ive been playing Dayz for around a year now and i prefer the original Chenarus to all the mods that have appeared. Steam Username : loubido123.


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Hey man, I know you are looking for 18+ only but I am only 16. If this is a must be requirement that is understandable, but if you are able to give me a chance and let me play with you guys you'll realize it doesnt matter that much. I have been playing Dayz for about 9 months, I have been playing Origins for about 3. I am not too familiar with Raid Call but I can learn how to use it.

Add me on skype and we can talk a little if you're interested. Animzy

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I am looking for a decent (experienced) set of players to team up with on Origins. I have beenplaying the game for over a year and meet all of your 'requirements'. Get in touch.

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I live in the UK, if thats not an issue then ill play. Steam-UKFOverlord

Edited by Overlord240

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hey man, ill play. i meet all those requirements. the only im a little noobish when it comes to where im at in the game. but i know how to play. :D

steam: d3v1n

Edited by d3v1n

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