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Straight sprint zombies

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If its possible, i think it would be better if zombies ran straight towards you instead of doing all types of crazy zig zags.

I'd rather have them run towards me in a line so i can have a better shot without them spontaneously twitching left and right causing my shots to miss at the most crucial times.

As for zombies sprint speed, they should be like 10% quicker than ours, and they should get tired too so its fair. Then there should be zombies who dont sprint, they just run or jog like how we run without double tapping w. They should be random, so some zombies sprint, some run, then theres the monkey zombies lol

The good thing with this is even if the zombies reach you, which they will if they run straight ahead instead of zig zagging and randomly stopping at random points, they will eventually have to stop when they attack, giving you a chance to gain some distance an take a shot.

Really want this in ):

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i fully agree! the zeds shall be difficult to kill? but the in a more realistic behavior instead of "zig zagging". i think the way they are is already good enough. just remove that zig zagging...

this is not a stupid ego-shooter where the AI wants to avoid the bullets.

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yay :D i hope they can fix the zombie pathing :/ shouldnt be too hard?

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lol i don't even know if its an intended feature or a bug :D

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It's been posted a few times that this is actually fucked up Arma 2 NPC pathing.

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maybe a code can fix it? if a code causes it im sure it should be fixable, but im not a scripter or anything so idk. if its not possible then that sucks ):

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Yeah, in theory it's possible to fix it. Easy? If it were easy this thread wouldn't even exist. The AI has always been criticized in the Arma family of games but it's been accepted as the lesser of evils...

Understand that this mod is taking a milsim capable of hosting over 1000+ AI on *one* server. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Hopefully the Arma3 version of AI will have better path finding without sacrificing AI maximum numbers.

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I never said it was easy, i was just saying maybe it wouldn't be too hard? the pathing after all? maybe increase the intervals between each time the zombie changes directions to lock on to you. I noticed they zig zag because they try to stay in a narrow path but instead of heading straight toward you, theyre a little off and they have to turn to adjust, and cant ever get it perfect.

Maybe somethin to do with that, but i never said it was easy.

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I'd like to see a little bit of zigzagging zombies and straight sprint zombies. The zombies feel more dangerous when they move unpredictably, but they'd be easier to take on in large hordes if they ran straight

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I wouldn't mind if they would come at me in straight line, but the thing is servers would most likely need way more zombies to make them more dangerous, or that they would have more HP. Actually i would like them to take more punishment in the torso area, but still go down with a single headshot.

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I don't even think that zombies should be running... :( I think that they should all walk but be much more numerous.

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I never said it was easy' date=' i was just saying maybe it wouldn't be too hard? the pathing after all? maybe increase the intervals between each time the zombie changes directions to lock on to you. I noticed they zig zag because they try to stay in a narrow path but instead of heading straight toward you, theyre a little off and they have to turn to adjust, and cant ever get it perfect.

Maybe somethin to do with that, but i never said it was easy.


The AI pathfinding (it's like this in regular Arma too... not just this mod) is sloppy looking... "zig zaggy"... because it's kept very, very simple to be very, very resource efficient. It basically boils down to better pathfinding = more system resources = fewer AI on a given server. Literally, before DayZ there was almost never any examples of 1000+ AI, even though the coding was there, because it ground your computer into the dirt trying to do it. Look on youtube... you will find one, two, maybe a few more videos of guys running 1000 (more or less) AI just to show it could be done... not because there was any popular mod being played that had that many.

You can have huge hordes of clumsy zig-zaggy zombies or you can a fraction of that number that actually move in a realistic manner. I'll take the 1000+ :)

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They do need to be hard to shoot, but I think they're just glitchy now so it doesn't really need to be a suggestion but a fix they're probably already looking at.

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Atm i don't mind the fast zombie movement, although sometimes it seem like they are lagging and they are teleporting left and right. I almost shot a friend in the back because of one of these zig zagging zombies, i thought it was tense and exciting at the same time. I like that they are challenging to kill, if you dumb them down then it will take the fun out of it, especially if there is a big group with you.

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