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DayZ Origins Glitch Doors

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In a bit of a predicament right now due to some buggy doors on DayZ Origin's part. Any help or advice is appreciated.

If you look at 111, 157, there's a military barrack. At the very back,there are closed doors that don't open like the airfield ones do. However, you can walk straight though like most of the glitchy closed doors in DayZ Origins. Particularly, with the military barracks.


Now, I walked through no problem (well, ran), and I can't seem to get out of the room. There are windows behind me and only one entrance. I tried to run through the door again, step over (you can't vault in this server that I'm on in DayZ Origins), walk, prone, shoot, and even flare the door. The flare passed right through the door as if it were transparent btw.

My group is currently raiding the airfield north of there in an attempt to find satchel charges or anything with explosive potential to blow up the building so that I can escape. If that's unsuccessful, they're going to loot me and kill me(whichever comes first if the military area is too crowded) so that I can respawn in Kameni.

Does ANYONE know how to exit such a door? Perhaps it is due to the size of my character and the door's frame, but I simply can not go through no matter how much I try to jam myself through.

Edited by Haizakokaru

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Get a friend to get his gun through the door, shoot you in the chest so you pass out, he drags you outside, bandage bloodbag etc.

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ORIGINS ARE WELCOME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try use the origins forums, or just move on

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