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Shorty (DayZ)

Sounds Range While Shooting?

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So with the most recent patch ( it seems the distance zombies can hear shots is a extreme. For Example, I Was in one of the Cherno Factory/whorehouse towers I fired 1 Makarov shot at a zombie near the top.

I hear a few zombies yelling out side, No big deal right? Well I look outside of the window over Cherno"s main street, And What I see shocked me, Just hordes and hordes of zombies from everywhere running in the the factory! This just amazed me they all run up the tower and kill me. End of that guy.

And Another example using M9 SD, Inside a building made 2 other zombies aggressive. End of that guy as I was instally K/DED and nomed to death heh.

What on earth am I missing, Or Is this working as intended.

Doing it wrong and loving it tho heh :3 adds some super burtelness.

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The way to play now is run into town, and lose the zombies by going into/through buildings.

That's... Pretty much it...

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