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Gucci Mane

The Black Escalade Crew

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Are you looking for an active group of casual DayZ players to run around with? Are you sick of driving a Sedan with no one in the back seat? Do you always die because you don't have any fucking friends in-game to bloodbag you?

Those feels broseph. I know them. And that is why my friends and I created the Black Esclade Crew. Not only is there brotherhood in numbers, but there is strength, and the ability to accomplish tasks and goals that one man alone could never tackle.

With that said, if you think you have the balls and/or ovaries to be a brother in the Black Escalade Crew, feel free to inquire here, via Steam, on our website @ blackescaladecrew.netau.net or feel free to just drop by our TeamSpeak @ vs24.tserverhq.com:7009.


-A microphone and the willingness to install/use TeamSpeak3

That's about all we ask for... We have low expectations. Just don't smell funny.

P.S. We do have our own Public Hive which we try to populate often ;) Check out more info on it here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/138217-us-1581-1771103718-hosted-by-the-black-escalade-crew-hfbserverscom/

Edited by Gucci Mane

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I heard you guys drive pink escelades you know, I read it on a toilet door somewhere....


Good luck guys

Edited by Box

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Another shameless bump :P


We've got a solid 8 active members and a total of over a dozen guys in the group that casually game DayZ. If you're looking for a group of bros who have a server, are always chilling in TeamSpeak, and always have a some people on to play - the BEC is your group. Just stop by our TeamSpeak or DayZ server and talk to us sometime ;)



Edited by Gucci Mane

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