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An Interesting Bandit Life

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So I'll try to keep this short, but just the past couple days I had quite the interesting life cycle in Dayz.

I was playing on a common server I enjoy; It's private hive, extra vehicles, and 1.7.7 patch. (I actually enjoy the new, more difficult patch!)

DAY 1: I started off my life in Elektro with one goal : I wanted to live this life as a bandit somehow.

I had no idea how I would become one, but I wanted to live the life of a bandit this playthrough. As anyone who starts in Elektro would do, i scanned the key buildings... and as anyone who plays 1.7.7 would know, I found much less than I would have hoped. The server only had 15-20 people and I hadn't seen anyone, yet I did not get a whole lot of gear from the town. But then I heard a few revolver shots to the west side of the city by the industrial buildings. Being the curious person I am, I walked over there cautiously to find that a bandit had holed up in a small building and was trapped by zombies. I took my trusty Makarov and shot him in the head right through the window, and then proceeded to finish the zombies and loot him. He had a CZ 550 with 5 rounds, some food, a revolver with a few mags, and some key essentials such as a map and a knife. A great find for just starting! Then, I walked over to the school and got on the roof slowly with my shiny new sniper rifle and continued to scope out the town. Nothing. A barren wasteland in the city of Elektro. But then I noticed something I hadn't before - two people were talking in side chat about how they were going to meet up at the Elektro gas station and then head North. Ahh I remember those days of meeting up with people in side chat... how cute. I thought I'd run North a ways into "Counter-sniper" hill of Elektro and see if I couldn't watch their little "meet up." Sure enough, about 5 minutes later two people walked into the gas station. As they sat there (presumably chatting) I shot one of them directly in the head and the other one instantly crouched. I killed one of them instantly, but the other wasn't to be seen. That was when the guys in side chat started yelling at each other, "YOU SET ME UP! YOU FUCKER." I actually audibly laughed in my computer chair. The second guy waited a good 5 minutes before attempting to sprint to the industrials of Elektro. I killed him too, but not after wasting all of my CZ ammo. I looted both bodies and found tons of food and water - perfect for my trip up North! I then left Dayz until tomorrow to continue.

DAY2: Now I was a bandit! I had the cool skin, and I felt pretty cool having killed three people already! I started back where I was at the gas station, and decided to head to Cherno to pick up more med supplies and grab a bike. (Elektro was densely populated with heavy gunfire and the admin placed many bikes in Cherno to encourage North-travel) When I got to Cherno, I instantly realized it was a mistake, there were players everywhere! Every 2 seconds a shot would go off and someone would die. I took nearly 15 minutes to crawl to the med tents to loot. (I was playing cautiously because I actually wanted this character to survive a long time - I wanted to play strategically) as Iooted, a car drove up next to the med tents with a horde of zombies behind it. Of course, the zombies instantly turned to me and surrounded me in a tent. I eventually killed them all, but not after I lost nearly half of my health. Now even more zombies came because of my firing, and I became scared that players would be congregating around me soon. So I decided to jump the guys car and wait. After 2 minutes of waiting (the guy must have been afk) he started it up and started to drive away, unaware of my presence. I then said a soft "Hey". and he freaked out. He was just 14 years old by the sound of his voice, and because I don't remember his name, we'll call him person "A". Person A at first was scared but then, as we drove out of cherno, started telling me how he just got the game and found this cool car by the docks. I actually felt bad that I wanted to kill him, but I was a bandit and sometimes things have to be done. As I planned in my head how to kill him when we stopped the car, I noticed he was driving pretty fast down the road to Kamenka. He was just mindlessly talking my ear off as I watched his driving get worse and worse. Eventually the inevitable happened, I couldn't even yell "Watch out!!" in time, he slammed the car into some debris and I lost almost all of my blood. We both survived, but with broken legs and undoubtedly under 1000 blood. We walked a ways from the smoking car into a field and I asked him for a transfusion. He gave me one and gave me morphine and he said he was going to go get another blood bag from the car. I waited patiently in the field, and when he was searching through the trunk of the car heavy sniper bullets started raining onto him. I sat in the field and watched as someone from a hill near Kamenka shot a good 15 rounds of m24 or as50 into my little friend and our car - blowing it up. I decided that was enough for one day, layed down in the grass and logged out.

DAY 3:This was my final day as a Bandit but an eventful one! I found a bike and decided to head up North, probably to Stary Sabor. On my way there, I came across a perfect-condition car sitting outside of a random town. When I got inside, it was full of food, morphine, blood bags, and a few low rarity guns like AKs and pistols. As I started to drive away, I heard one guy over direct chat say "He's taking my car!!" They shot many rounds at me, but I was out of there fast - getting away with the car intact and my face not blown in! I continued to drive for a few hours in a specific routine - park outside a city, loot it, return to car, rinse repeat. Over this period of 3 or 4 hours of playing I killed 2 more people (In much less-interested ways, just simple sneaking up while they were killing zombies) After this routine I ended up near Berezino, and I looked into the distance to see a downed chopper. As I approached the chopper I saw two guys running towards my car from it. At first I was scared, maybe they'd fire upon me? But then I realized something.. the voice was familiar.. The 14 year old who had driven me earlier was one guy, (Person A) and the other guy was the person I stole the car from. (It must be said that I was not driving the same car, but driving a jeep instead, I simply transferred the gear over because Jeeps are better offroad, so he did not realize I was the same person. Person A kept complaining that he was infected, and so was Person B, so I decided to drive them to Berezino to search the hospital. I took them there and they looked around, not finding antibiotics. I told them to get back in my car while I texted someone quick, but once they got into the back of my jeep, I took out my revolver and aimed at their heads. I said "Sorry, zombie rule #1, never travel with infected!" and shot them both in the head killing them instantly. I felt like a true, proud bandit now - I had killed with stealth, with aggression, and with deception, and it was all to gather gear and survive. I was not killing "Bambis", I was playing the game how a Bandit should, and I was having fun! But of course, as I was in the North Eastern Airfield, karma hit me. Well, a zombie hit me. I got infected and as I casually strolled back to my jeep to get antibiotics, I realized I had none.. I only had half of my blood and that's when I realized the situation was actually extremely urgent.. my blood was going down fast! I was going over 100km/hour down debris filled roads just so I wouldn't bleed out. I got to Berezino, checked the hospital.. none there. I rushed down that road to Elektro and to the hospital, it was then that I realized actually how much this "Infection" plays into this game. It adds (at higher play) a sense of urgency.. a reason to go back to the coast.. it actually *scared* me! I rolled up to Elektro hospital quick, got out, shot out the windows and started to loot. I had a hundred noobs in side chat saying "WHOS CAR IN ELEKTRO?" CAN I HAVE A RIDE?" "SOMEONE SHOOT IT!" After 2 bold survivors with axes tried to take me out (with no success) I started taking sniper fire from the hill and decided to book it to Cherno. My screen was hazy now as I got to the Cherno hospital. I sprinted out of my car and smashed all the windows furiously, Where the fuck was the antibiotics??? I checked last box.. boom, jackpot! There were three antibiotics, I quickly took one. My screen was still hazy and blood was low, but now I could finally relax for a second. I got back to my car and started to head West to Kamenka. As I was driving down the road, a helicopter passed me.. It was towing a large humvee. I stopped on the road briefly to let it pass trying to go undetected, and it started to turn around... I typed into side chat "Helicopter friendly?" The chopper paused a few seconds, and started to unload chain gun into my car. I hopped out and ducked behind my Jeep as a hail of bullets rained down on me. It paused, reloading, and I decided to stand up and return fire with my M4A1. I shot a good 3 clips into the chopper and it flew away briefly. I thought I had won, but as I started to drive away it returned behind me, chasing me and gattling me down simultaneously. I reached Kamenka grocery store and ran in - I watched as the chopper destroyed my Jeep and continued to circle me. After 15 minutes of trying to shoot through the windows and me spraying clips into it when he reloaded, it finally flew away. I stopped for a second and just stood there, catching my breath from all the shit that had happened. Just before I was going to log out, a player (new) ran into the grocery store. All he had was an axe. He screamed "Please don't shoot! I'm friendly, I just got this game!" I was going to shoot him, but decided I'd done enough Banditry that day, and I was out of M4A1 ammo anyways, most of it had burned up in the jeep explosion. I said "It's alright, I won't kill you, I'm out of ammo anyways."

He took this advantage to run towards me and hack at me with the axe, as I backed into the corner of the grocery store and screamed "No no no wait wait stop!" Then I died. From a noob with an axe. After all that. Damn I love this game.

Edited by Lockdown127
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Great story! If you get into banditry again you should spice it up and be a bandit that holds people up and demands for their loot without killing them, that would make banditry a lot more fun and challenging. And By the way, what server were you playing on?

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This is how banditry is supposed to look. And with the new patch it is becoming imperative to team up when you do not have the gear to survive solo. Ripe targets for backstabbing

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Day 3 - i had no ammo to reload..his reloaded hatchet took care of my problem.

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