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player allowdamage true v2.0

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Hello there again. I suggest in all:

"Balancing" blood in PvP. I mean increasing damage for all weapons up to standart ArmA config. Player MUST die after 2 AK-74 chest-hits, (but he doesn't, lol).

So I suggest:

(- try out ACE2 mod for ArmA 2)

- increase weapon damage up to hardcore

- bodyarmor? yes, but decrease speed of player


- ah god, i have to prone now all the time

- survivor ALREADY has a bodyarmor! (well this is very light BA, it can stop pistol bullet or grenade fragment)

- one hit kill is a CoD feature! (maybe, but you have medikits and a large island, not 10x20m bordered map with silent-step ninjas and sprinters)

- try out Hardcore servers! (it wont help, DayZ has another gunfire wounding system, so everywhere you can handle 1 CZ-550 hit)

- loot up good guns! (AKM and AK-74 are my favourite guns, best damage in assault rifles + i am too lazy so shut up)

- go to your fucking PvP servers, get out of DayZ! (well ArmA 2 is a military simulator, not RPG, so DayZ is a war simulator too, you can also buy cute WarZ with anal donating system and hat-trading with ugly graphics)

I am waiting for AKM one hit kill. Yes, one hit kill.

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Yes, I agree that any gun should be able to one-hit kill without hitting you in the head. However, most fatal chest wounds wouldn't be instantly lethal, and I wouldn't want to see 2 chest shots = dead, 100% of the time. There need to be more variables than that, more precise hit location on the player's body, and wounds depending more on where you are hit than bullet damage. Complicated, but that way you have a realistic health system and the rare chance of surviving 10 shots from an assault rifle. Oh, and more forms of being wounded (e.g. crawling on hands and knees, writhing in pain, immobilized but still able to shoot with a lot of gun sway). Basically, I want something other than hitpoints.

Edited by Clumzy
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I read the title and thought this was going to be an invulnerability hax post (this setdamage false)... Suffice to say, this is better than what I was planning to flame about.

Being shot in the stomach won't instant-kill anyone with a 7.62. It'll knock them on their ass if it's not an AP, of course, and they won't be able to eat or really bandage up their internal organs, but no! 1 Hit KO is not the answer. Being able to survive 6-7 Stanag SD rounds at point blank to the chest isn't the answer, either.

I know people are going to cringe if I positively bring a triple-A FPS title into the discussion, and sorry, but we could all tip our hats at Battlefield's system: A lot of the guns will kill each other at close range, no problem. But dammit, if I shoot you in the back with an AKM at 600M (which I've done), it shouldn't have the same damage as point-blank. There should be damage drop off.

The M107 and AS50 have been removed, so we don't need to worry about the "God Guns" being even MORE powerful (because they're designed for INSANE distance shooting). But my DMR and my Cz50 shouldn't be killing in one hit because I got you in the lower back at 1KM.

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This is all about balancing between fun and realism.

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  On 6/19/2013 at 9:57 PM, Applejaxc said:

Being shot in the stomach won't instant-kill anyone with a 7.62. It'll knock them on their ass if it's not an AP, of course, and they won't be able to eat or really bandage up their internal organs, but no! 1 Hit KO is not the answer. Being able to survive 6-7 Stanag SD rounds at point blank to the chest isn't the answer, either.

I know people are going to cringe if I positively bring a triple-A FPS title into the discussion, and sorry, but we could all tip our hats at Battlefield's system: A lot of the guns will kill each other at close range, no problem. But dammit, if I shoot you in the back with an AKM at 600M (which I've done), it shouldn't have the same damage as point-blank. There should be damage drop off.

I can repeat again and again:

BATTLEFIELD and DayZ: you can handle 7 5.45mm bullets, and damage decreases with distance (10m - 100%, 50m - 20%, dafuck with u, realism?), BECAUSE BATTLEFIELD HAS SMALL MAPS (stop talking shit, they are really small, Heavy Metal, etc., you are not allowed to flank big groups)

ARMA: you can handle 2 or 3 (lucky man hah) 5.45mm bullets AT FUCKING 400m DISTANCE.

REAL LIFE: 10 METERS OR 900, YOU WILL HAVE A BULLET INSIDE YOUR BODY (if you got hit, ha), if not AP, then heavy (8-15 kg) armor suit will save you.

1 hit of AKM in body MUST kill a man, because after bloodbag he just gets... almost new. People, if you like arcade games, dont play ArmA at all. If DayZ is not ArmA, then motorbike is a dog (or whale).

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just dont get hit!

dont run in the open, dont stand on a field, dont run towards a town without cover...why am i telling you this?

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I have no idea what this thread is about but if you are suggesting Rocket implement ACE features such as realistic ballistics, wind, deployable bipods, acre radio system then Hell yes.

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If I was developing the SA I would take what works from ArmA II and then expand on it. I would create a hit box (or the equivalent on the engine) and make it a base damage for through and through wounds on limbs and non fatal chest shots. Then I would create sub hit boxes around the heart, liver, lungs, stomach/intestine area, head, jugular vein, femoral artery, etc... Then I would code in variables for each sub hit box. Say a variable would be, if shot in the femoral artery hit box there is an 93% chance of the bullet causing massive blood loss after an initial damage number. Meaning you would bleed out in a minute and a half or so if you do not get a tourniquet or two on the leg. The head has a 100% one shot kill. (I know people have survived head shots IRL but it is a game... how are you going to simulate permanent brain damage?) The heart has a 100% chance of instant death. You get the point. Then I would code in that the base damage hit box is null if any of the sub hit boxes are hit. Distance should play a role in the damage factor as well as caliber. 7.62x39 is a little larger than 5.56x45 but they still do the same thing. They punch a hole in you. The 7.62 would put a little larger hole in you put it's damage would stay a little higher at longer range than the 5.56.

Just my idea, instead of just using a quite old system with set damage values why not create something from scratch like they have done from the start in SA?

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  On 6/20/2013 at 3:00 PM, mick17 said:

If I was developing the SA I would take what works from ArmA II and then expand on it. I would create a hit box (or the equivalent on the engine) and make it a base damage for through and through wounds on limbs and non fatal chest shots. Then I would create sub hit boxes around the heart, liver, lungs, stomach/intestine area, head, jugular vein, femoral artery, etc... Then I would code in variables for each sub hit box. Say a variable would be, if shot in the femoral artery hit box there is an 93% chance of the bullet causing massive blood loss after an initial damage number. Meaning you would bleed out in a minute and a half or so if you do not get a tourniquet or two on the leg. The head has a 100% one shot kill. (I know people have survived head shots IRL but it is a game... how are you going to simulate permanent brain damage?) The heart has a 100% chance of instant death. You get the point. Then I would code in that the base damage hit box is null if any of the sub hit boxes are hit. Distance should play a role in the damage factor as well as caliber. 7.62x39 is a little larger than 5.56x45 but they still do the same thing. They punch a hole in you. The 7.62 would put a little larger hole in you put it's damage would stay a little higher at longer range than the 5.56.

Just my idea, instead of just using a quite old system with set damage values why not create something from scratch like they have done from the start in SA?


make your own post saying all this and force Rocket to do it. This would be fantastic.

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  On 6/20/2013 at 3:00 PM, mick17 said:

If I was developing the SA I would take what works from ArmA II and then expand on it. I would create a hit box (or the equivalent on the engine) and make it a base damage for through and through wounds on limbs and non fatal chest shots. Then I would create sub hit boxes around the heart, liver, lungs, stomach/intestine area, head, jugular vein, femoral artery, etc... Then I would code in variables for each sub hit box. Say a variable would be, if shot in the femoral artery hit box there is an 93% chance of the bullet causing massive blood loss after an initial damage number. Meaning you would bleed out in a minute and a half or so if you do not get a tourniquet or two on the leg. The head has a 100% one shot kill. (I know people have survived head shots IRL but it is a game... how are you going to simulate permanent brain damage?) The heart has a 100% chance of instant death. You get the point. Then I would code in that the base damage hit box is null if any of the sub hit boxes are hit. Distance should play a role in the damage factor as well as caliber. 7.62x39 is a little larger than 5.56x45 but they still do the same thing. They punch a hole in you. The 7.62 would put a little larger hole in you put it's damage would stay a little higher at longer range than the 5.56.

Just my idea, instead of just using a quite old system with set damage values why not create something from scratch like they have done from the start in SA?

I'd also like to see more appropriate after effects of being hit in certain body parts, shot in the arm cant use that arm for a long period, shot in the leg cant walk, this would be great if friends could carry you while concious or simply help support you to slowly move away. shot in the balls gives you a permanent high voice.

Getting shot at all should cause severe impairment to vision and aim until the wound has been tended to and painkillers given, we have some of this already in the mod but nowhere near severe enough.

OP i agree that the current system is a bit too dumbed down, but theres so many other ways add greater consequences to being shot.

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  On 6/20/2013 at 3:00 PM, mick17 said:

If I was developing the SA I would take what works from ArmA II and then expand on it. I would create a hit box (or the equivalent on the engine) and make it a base damage for through and through wounds on limbs and non fatal chest shots. Then I would create sub hit boxes around the heart, liver, lungs, stomach/intestine area, head, jugular vein, femoral artery, etc... Then I would code in variables for each sub hit box. Say a variable would be, if shot in the femoral artery hit box there is an 93% chance of the bullet causing massive blood loss after an initial damage number. Meaning you would bleed out in a minute and a half or so if you do not get a tourniquet or two on the leg. The head has a 100% one shot kill. (I know people have survived head shots IRL but it is a game... how are you going to simulate permanent brain damage?) The heart has a 100% chance of instant death. You get the point. Then I would code in that the base damage hit box is null if any of the sub hit boxes are hit. Distance should play a role in the damage factor as well as caliber. 7.62x39 is a little larger than 5.56x45 but they still do the same thing. They punch a hole in you. The 7.62 would put a little larger hole in you put it's damage would stay a little higher at longer range than the 5.56.

Just my idea, instead of just using a quite old system with set damage values why not create something from scratch like they have done from the start in SA?

Ehm...applause for your anatomical knowledge, but I get quite some rumbling in my tummy when thinking about all the cpu-resources you would need for such a system to work in a proper gunfight. I personally am absolutely into evolving the damage-system, but after all we have to focus on simple things that make the game more intense.

Correct registration of arm/leg/hands hits with the result of that limb beeing impaired. falling on the ground, loosing your weapon, lose speed and other effects as easy as this. I dont think that adding features for every major bloodvessel would add much to admosphere/tactic/authenticity. But if would be a great and much more simple addition, if I could decide to cripple a player instead of killing him. I would say add hitbox-effects for the limbs based on the amonth of damage/bullet they took (low dmg getting slower; high dmg fall to the ground for example). Then add a lethal hitbox for the head and maybe one for the heart and thats about it. If that works we could possibly discuss about evolving from there.

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I have a thread now for the idea if you wiah to read it in a little more detail.


You wouldn't have to simulate all that stuff because all of that happens inside. All you would have to do is say, you get hit in this box make the character bleed at this rate so that he/she dies in one minute. You get in the the stomach you die in 30 minutes or whatever. The treatments to those if I'm not wrong would be where it would have to be a little morr in depth.

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