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Recruiting [Fruit Clan] [Open]

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Hello all,

I am reviving an old clan I used to manage back in the old days :D But anyways, we will mostly be playing Origins, and maybe some Breaking Point as well. We only have 3 ranks and they are: Clan Leader(s), Clan Member(s), and Clan Recruit(s) You must be at least 16 years of age and/or have the maturity of an adult. You must have prior experience with the mod. You must have a clear and working mic. I need to hear you and you need to hear me. You must be able to attend when we play. I want to roll as a squad. You must have a [Fruit] clan before your name. Example:

[Fruit] Bob. If the server doesn't allow it, don't use the brackets.

Got it? Good. That is all you need to know for now. Please fill out this form as completely as possible.



Prior experience with Arma? DayZ?:

What days out of the week are you able to play? What hours?:

Time zone:

Can you speak English clearly and understandably?:

MY SKYPE INFO: minecrafter723. Call me or message me if you have any questions.

Oh and don't forget, this is still a small clan. We only have 2 players at the moment. They are the two Clan Leaders, which include: Rylan (hey, thats me!), and my very good friend T.J.

Keep in mind I am in charge of the clan, and T.J is second in command, but we work together and make decisions together. We both work together to form an unstoppable force.

You will most likely be assigned a smart-ass nickname by me or T.J. We are cool like that.

If you desire, you may call us by our nicknames. T.J. is White Buffalo. I am Spanish Rice. Hola.

Everything T.J. or I say, goes. No arguments. Of course we are open to suggestions, but don't be demanding. We are very easy going and easy to talk to. I don't give two shits if you're black,white,gay,straight,purple,Lady Gaga, or have a disability. We are open to everyone and everything.

Seeya in the Zombie Apocalypse buddy!


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Skype: You already got me added pal. :)

Prior exp.: 1 year of panthera and namalsk

When am I free? Most evenings during the week, not all though.

Timezone: Eastern Standard time

Can I speak English?: Yessir

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Age: 23

Skype: krig514

Prior experience with Arma? DayZ?: I've been playing DayZ and other Arma 2 mods on and off for a year, though I'm new to Origins.

What days out of the week are you able to play? What hours?: Most nights from 10 PM - 2 AM. Sometimes in the afternoon too.

Time zone: Pacific

Can you speak English clearly and understandably?: yes

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Skype: imablackolive

Prior experience with Arma? DayZ?: about 4 months

What days out of the week are you able to play? What hours?: Everyday all day no life lol jk most of the time

Time zone:eastern

Can you speak English clearly and understandably?: Yep

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