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Make infection /different/

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I feel that in it's current form infection doesn't add nearly as much to gameplay as it should. This is because in it's current form it boils down to a less immediately dangerous but more annoying to cure form of bleeding. Now people complain about how rare antibiotics are ect ect and they can tweak that all they want but I do not think that will make any difference beyond either making it a death sentence (like it more or less was in 7.7) or just annoying because you've got more shit you /have/ to carry. (yes I know there's the whole 1% chance of curing it by resting in a tent)

Now here's what I propose to use as a new infection system:

Make the effect related to the level of blood you're at but not always influence it.

For example (these values are pulled out of my ass as I don't recall the exact values blood related effects occur already)

regardless of blood level:

Need to drink twice as often

12000 - 11000 blood

You're healthy and as such the infection doesn't have much of an effect. you're coughing every 30 minutes or so which makes a racket but beyond that you won't have too much trouble from it. (so keeping your blood level up marginalizes the effects)

8000-11000 blood

colour starts to fade early. Additionally the coughing has worsened (every 15 minutes or so) and there's a small chance of you starting to shake. (same effect as pain.)

6000-8000 blood

Vision rapidly deteriorating. All colour gone and things starting to blur. Coughing frequently (5mins) and shaking a lot.

3000-6000 blood

Vision completely fubard (like it is currently when you're very low on blood) Coughing more or less constantly (1min) and constantly shaking (short breaks still possible by popping painkillers but you're popping a lot of painkillers to stop that shaking). Possible to lose consciousness randomly like you do at below 3k blood.

<4000 blood.

All of the above plus constant blood loss (5-10blood per sec). Extended duration of unconsciousness. Basically you're fubar'd unless someone manages to save you.

As for curing the infection I feel there should be two ways:

1) Antibiotics: Four uses per item 95% chance of working regardless of your current state.

2)resting: Resting is directly dependent on your blood, food and drink levels. All three in the green? odds are it'll cure you. Staving to death while being next to dead and dying of thirst all at once? Minimal chance for success.

And as for catching the infection I'm not sure. Would like to see how it plays out first.

TL:DR: Make infection a debuff related to your current state. Healthy = hardly noticeable. Nearly dead = large issue.

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Looks good, probably a few tweaks here and there though, I like it for the most part, actually feels like an infection

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They are adding a lot to the disease system for the Standalone, I'm sure there will be added effects along the lines of these.

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They are adding a lot to the disease system for the Standalone, I'm sure there will be added effects along the lines of these.

Mostly referring to the mod but yes, that'll be improved in the Standalone..

I heard one of the DayZ devs for the mod are expanding the infection such as being able to use alcohol as an antiseptic for wounds within an hour before you become sick from a bacterial infection. That'll be expand in the upcoming time along with the new crafting system in the mod.

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