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Looking for a Clan or small group of Origins players to join

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I've been playing DayZ for a couple of months now when I have the time, and I have been flying solo for the most part, aside from occasionally teaming up with fellow Heros that I have come across.

I would like to join a clan or small group of players be either Hero or Bandit, no real preference as long as it's a good group of mature players (no children, sorry). I am in the US and in my 30's. I do prefer to be around like minded people.

If interested please send me a message or a reply on this thread.

I have Skype, Ventrillo, Mumble (have my own mumble server). I can get Teamspeak or Raidcall if need be.


Edited by Blynn4501

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here is my skype :limitidedition

i made a thread a couple of dayz ago looking for the same thing i have gotten a few request so maybe we can make a group

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Anybody here thats looking for a clan. Should come try us out. Were KOS and have our own clan server for origins 1.7.5 bunch of experienced guys and we like to keep our numbers small. We use mumble on our clan mumble server. Anyone looking for some info or that are interested should pm me here. See you ingame

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