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The solution for DayZ- Ruinization 2: The Wowification

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I think that, despite our differences, that we can all agree that our precious DayZ is being ruined, molested, and raped. All of the filthy casuals, WOW-fags, carebears, care-fags, Cowaduty-kids, WOW-kids, COD-bears, and filthy-wowitizors are turning our precious, manly, hardcore milzomsim into L4D: Manwoman-Edition.

I, however, have the ultimate solution. Our attempts to call of these invaders by the name "WOW-fags", "carebears", "care-fags", "Cowaduty-kids", "WOW-kids", "COD-bears", and "filthy-wowitizors" whenever they make a suggestion that differs from our opinion, as well as our ability to call them those names over and over again in extremely angry tones, have all failed. All of this is despite the fact that we have heightened our inability to distinguish between realism v. arbitrary difficulty and sensibly scaling back v. pussifying.

We can, however, shove spiky, painful dildos up our behinds. This is the perfect solution, as it is viable at any point in the game.

Successfuly snuck by a zombie because it was too girly-faggy-weak to see us? Shove the spiky dildo up our butts.

Survived in a fight because there was a logical amount of zeds spawned? Shove the spiky dildo up our butts.

Thought that we were, possibly, having fun? Shove the spiky dildo up our butts and twist our bodies so that it has the strongest effect.

Thus, in the next hotfix, I call for rocket to release DayZ-branded, spike-covered dildos. Maybe then, we won't be able to speak out of our asses and will think about what we say for once.

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I hate the "carebears" just as much as the next jerky-eating lumberjack, but you've got some serious problems man.

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