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Sonblade (DayZ)

Dynamic loot drop rates dependent on Humanity

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(Don't know how possible this would be, leaning more to impossible imo)

Simple enough idea: the lower your humanity goes, the less likely you'll find ammo and food. This gives incentive to be a survivor while also forcing bandits to decide between shooting another player or just robbing them. It would also help against people wasting ammo on fresh spawns since it will make them less than likely to recover the ammo used.

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This tells you to win at the game you can't be a Bandit.

Mechanics can make it tough on players but it should never pick which style is the WIN play style.

Understand what your targeting for though.

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Here is a repost of mine from another thread like this.

I don't think that any system that gives either side a advantage should be added, I don't mind too much about a way to see what the player has been doing.

Adding a disadvantage to bandits and a advantage to survivors due to just a choice of actions, will force the game to have less choice overall. You will basically be limiting the choices that players have by actual force than just what they desire or feel like. It would be the same as basically telling them to play like a friendly survivor if you don't want to be ass raped regardless by the game mechanics.

There is a reason why certain classes in rpgs are mostly used, over others in games which is because of the advantages that they have over other classes. This would cause the same thing with there being hardly any bandits due to being forced not to, in turn causing the game to be limited and affecting how different each experience can be each day.

Bandits are a part of DayZ with allowing the players to experience many different things each day, you might get days where you are killed often by bandits. On the other hand if there was no bandits at all but friendly survivors, the majority of the players would end up with the best gear quickly or by friendly trades. There would be far less deaths since only the zombies be the threat which is hard to die if you got the best gear and enough ammo, also adding in those now forced friendly survivors to help you.

Many of the players will quite quickly in a week or two be at the point, where they got no reason to go looting, exploring or etc. The only thing left is roleplaying with other survivors in made up stories, that won't go well because many people wants to be the lead actor or want it to go their way.

Without bandits there would be less tension and fear in the air, since all you have to do is listen out for zombies and don't have to worry about players. You would just be strolling along instead of crawling or keeping a eye out every time for nearby players.

With allowing freedom of choice with no disadvantages or penalties, some players can or might become bandits but they might not be the hardcore bandits or the dick bandits. They could become wise bandits that only kill those that are a clear threat or have what they want, otherwise they might just help someone on a limb or protect those who would help them later on.

With bandits, there are more deaths therefor you get to experience the game more by having to go looting and gearing up again, cool firefights or events could happen due to a bandit finding you that would otherwise be unable to with lifeless zombies. Eventually there might be bandit groups that actually do hired hits on clans or people for supplies. A group of bandits that hunt other bandits to protect the weak or bandits that try to contain and control the whole of cherno from all outsiders.

By enforcing any kind of advantages or disadvantages upon a type of player, could and most likely would limit or get rid of many of these possible events or situations from the game.

There will always be dicks in video games, no matter how heavily you enforce the game rules, they will find a way to piss people off. Trying to control bandits, won't get rid of these dicks.

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(Don't know how possible this would be' date=' leaning more to impossible imo)

Simple enough idea: the lower your humanity goes, the less likely you'll find ammo and food. This gives incentive to be a survivor while also forcing bandits to decide between shooting another player or just robbing them. It would also help against people wasting ammo on fresh spawns since it will make them less than likely to recover the ammo used.


This is how it could work - http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10295

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(Don't know how possible this would be' date=' leaning more to impossible imo)

Simple enough idea: the lower your humanity goes, the less likely you'll find ammo and food. This gives incentive to be a survivor while also forcing bandits to decide between shooting another player or just robbing them. It would also help against people wasting ammo on fresh spawns since it will make them less than likely to recover the ammo used.


This is how it could work - http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10295

Thanks for the link that is interesting!

OP, if it's going to work in any way, see the link from Hoik. There is very little chance that your individual actions will have any change on the loot tables, and it honestly doesn't add anything to the game besides making bandits shunned more than they are.

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Punishing bandits for no reason at all is just bad.

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sounds like karma... i believe in a flat server drop rate... if i walk up with full humanity i expect to find the same loot that the prick who just shot at me found when he cleared the place...

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You could have just wrote "*UCK YOU BANDITS!"... These punish the bad guys and give goodies for the good guys suggestions are really getting old. Please stop.

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I don't think this is a horrible idea to think about. It'd make being a bandit more hardcore and actually make bandits have to kill for food and supplies (rather than just killing for the sake of it). And any bandit that has a really low humanity rating will have killed alot of players and gathered alot of loot so it evens out. I don't think you should reduce the amount of ammo/weapons that spawn for bandits though as they need them to take out other players to survive.

Having said that i think there are better ways to deal with the bandit issue.

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I don't think this is a horrible idea to think about. It'd make being a bandit more hardcore and actually make bandits have to kill for food and supplies (rather than just killing for the sake of it). And any bandit that has a really low humanity rating will have killed alot of players and gathered alot of loot so it evens out. I don't think you should reduce the amount of ammo/weapons that spawn for bandits though as they need them to take out other players to survive.

In other words play as easy mode or hard mode... That's just plain stupid. Besides you don't have to kill for food. There are forests full of game and ponds full of water...

Having said that i think there are better ways to deal with the bandit issue.

There is not really any "bandit issue" in the first place. It's just an issue in the peoples head who are shocked about the fact that they could get shot because of no good reason. Long as there is possibility to shoot others this will happen and some artifiicial punishments for doing so doesn't really solve the problem... Because first of all you never could know the motive for the murder and comon where you draw a line? Killing once a day is ok? once a week? ... IT JUST WOULDN'T WORK. When PvP exists and there is no fixed factions to fight against each other you can get shot and it's completely irrelevant why you got shot. That's the price of the trust.

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As I've just stated in ANOTHER anti bandit thread, bandits are a designed part of the game, we are encouraged to blow each others brains out, it's survival, and if someone has something you NEED...well shit you put a bullet in their heads and take it.

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Bandits are currently in their most base form. Infact they resemble mindless animals with no concept of anything beyond their own imediate gratification - kill counters and leaderboards only encourage this single minded attitude.

I know "morals" just do NOT translate in game - so there has to be "rules", ones that dont decide right/wrong but impact on your choices given your situation (IMO anyway) . Of course its easy to say this without coming up with any concrete ideas (well, theres the one in my signiture...).

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