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Norway/UK Breeze Taviana 2,0 500Vehicles, 15Choppers, Custom Buildings & Locations, 100% HACK FREE, 24/7 Day, Active Admin, More

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Welcome to Norway/UK Breeze! This server started off as a Chernarus server and had at the time 50/50 people online almost


I then decided to change the map to try new mods out and because of this I lost alot of active dedicated players.

I just want you to know that my server is back, this time on Taviana 2.0 and I need my players back! I can guarantee you a very active

admin and I strive to keep everyone happy, so I take all of your suggestions into consideration. Whatever you want, I'll provide! (As best I can:D)

Here are some of my server features:

* IP:

* Taviana 2.0

* Veteran difficulty, CH: ON

* 500 Vehicles and 15 Choppers.

* Custom Buildings and locations. I'm constantly adding custom locations and more buildings to the server, giving you a unique Taviana gaming experience.

* New anti hack. I got this anti hack about 2 months ago and I havent had a SINGLE hacker on since then. Close to a 100% hack free environment!

* 24/7 Daylight. This is obviously in the beginning. Night time can be considered later once I get more players.

* Extra crash sites and more loot.

* An admin who listens to you and who's online all day constantly working on creating a server that suits YOUR needs

* MV22 (Osprey

* AC130 Gunship

* And more!

I hope you'll log on and check my server out. I can guarantee you wont be disappointed!


Sh1zn3t, Server Owner

Edited by Sh1zn3t
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Great server, played on it from day 1. Friendly active admin, and great comunity

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This server is epic, Active admin, very low amount of hackers and a nice community

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This is a great server. I've been playing here for a looooooooooooooong time (took a break recently tho). It barely has any hackers and the active is regularly online. (Attila)

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