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Do you just kill anyone you don't know?

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Avoid all human contact :P

That's what iv'e always done, on the very rare occasions i make contact, i end up dead, so i keep myself to myself at all times.

And i still haven't killed anyone in this game.

Edited by Crazy one

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That's what iv'e always done, on the very rare occasions i make contact, i end up dead, so i keep myself to myself at all times.

And i still haven't killed anyone in this game.

Here's the thing, if you just avoid human contact, what is the fun? I mean the zombies are hardly even a threat. It literally takes standing still for a minute before a zombie crowd kills you. Even if you are being chased, you run into a house and exit the opposite side and your fine. The whole point of DayZ is to play with other players in this zombie apocalypse.

If you avoid all human contact and don't engage, there really isn't much else to do other than hide from humans and scavenge... If you are avoiding humans, the danger of running into an unknown human can be interesting and fun, but it gets kind of boring after a while, which is the point where I am at. Right now I'm considering going to higher population servers and seeing if I can get into a few "fights" so things get more interesting. However, if you choose that way, unless you are really good, you will end up dying often, and it just gets annoying since you have to keep re-scavenging gear.

Would really be nice if there were deterrents to killing on sight, like you die or come close to it because you need one and other to survive. Or maybe you can press a button which changes your clothes or puts an icon above your head, and when this icon is over head, you can't shoot other players who also have the icon on their head unless you press the button again, but it takes 20-30 sec to disable so it warns other players if someone is disabling it. Could be nice since you can shoot other players without the icon, but not others with the icon. So if you run into another unknown player with this icon above their head, and you have one also, you can work together. Although I can't really complain since this game is still developing.

Edited by PooPoo

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What about if dead survivors become very hard zombies (more than viral) when somebody comes close ? Maybe bandits will stop killing just for fun. Or at least will not get gear from it.

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What about if dead survivors become very hard zombies (more than viral) when somebody comes close ? Maybe bandits will stop killing just for fun. Or at least will not get gear from it.

I like the idea of a survivor becoming a hard zombie. But what happens if he is shooting at you first? Then you get punished for defending yourself. Or if your in a group and one of your friends dies, and wreaks havoc on your whole group

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Yeah but think what that would mean for being infected in a group and can't find antibiotics

They can eiether shoot him in the head or let him turn, would make for some interesting situations

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