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What would be my max fps ?

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Ok so im planning on upgrading what would be the best options to maybe get atleast 30-40 fps in cities? and also so i can run modern games like bf3. i do would like the best economical option but if spending more money outways for a better performance by a significant margin then i would do it. So dont pick the option thats best help me choose which one would be cheaper but still perform the way i want it too? if you guys have suggestions lmk!

1st Option

CPU- AMD phenom ii x4

GPU- Gtx 650 ti

500 watt Corsair

Total = 330$


CPU- i5 3570k

GPU- gtx 660 ti

500 watt Corsair

Total= 530$


CPU- Amd phenom ii x4

GPU- gtx 670

500 watt Corsair

Total= 540$


CPU- AMD phenom ii x4

GPU- Gtx 660 ti

500 watt Corsair

Total= 450$

imo i think the 4th would be good but i heard amd are not good? see i wanna balance between cpu and gpu and get good framerate and high quality and i dont know which is the best option so thats why im asking all of you guys ): better options please post help

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the 2nd one for sure, upgrade that power supply to a 650 or higher, i suggest a Thermal Lake power supply. One more thing, if possible try to get a SSD for a 2ndary drive keep the HDD for your main components such as main system files and OS, then use the SSD as a 2ndary to play games on.

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the 2nd one for sure, upgrade that power supply to a 650 or higher, i suggest a Thermal Lake power supply. One more thing, if possible try to get a SSD for a 2ndary drive keep the HDD for your main components such as main system files and OS, then use the SSD as a 2ndary to play games on.

May you tell me what SSD is because i dont know so i can better understand what youre saying. and corsair is no good i know theres a 600 w corsair what makes thermal take better? ):

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The second build is by far the best.

An SSD is a solid-state drive is essentially a super-fast hard-drive. It would be a great idea to buy one and install your OS, ARMA games and DayZ mod to it.

If you have any more questions please use the Can I Run It? topic, which you can find here...


Edited by mZLY

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