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Everything Rocket has changed up to this point I've liked and applauded, he's doing a great job turning this into an amazing game.

Nerf sneaking: that's ok, I'll just learn to sneak better

Limit ammo and gun drops: makes sense to me because after an apocalypse who's going to run to each airfield and drop off the ammo!

Spawn zombies in buildings: ...No...

I like that the zombies hit harder, detect you easier, you make more noise and people can't spam the Side chat, but when I go by a gas station and see 3 zombies crammed into the little shop or go to raid a military tent and it has 2 zombies doing the Monster Mash inside it just kills it.

Also, before people bash this I understand its Alpha and he's just testing things to see what works right now but I honestly feel like this has got to go. It'd be like holding a lollipop in front of kid and then when he comes to get it you smack him in the face and when he yells out in surprise all your friends in the next 30 meters run over to smack him too :\

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Are you aware you can throw things like tin cans to distract zombies and make them walk outside so you don't have to engage them?

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I bought a god damn GTX 680 just to play this game I also paid $30 for. The FPS is shit. This Rocket guy is a fucktard.

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I bought a god damn GTX 680 just to play this game I also paid $30 for. The FPS is shit. This Rocket guy is a fucktard.

That's not needed nor is it constructive... I haven't had a single FPS issue since I started playing back at 1.4 or 1.5 and I have a 2 year old ASUS laptop.

I guess I could just start carrying around cans to throw from now on then :/ I just hate using up that inventory space when I need that for mah beans :P

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I bought a god damn GTX 680 just to play this game I also paid $30 for. The FPS is shit. This Rocket guy is a fucktard.

Arma 2 is quite largely dependant on hard drive performance also, which most gamers aren't quite used to dealing with. Best bet is to buy a SSD or do what is said in this thread (which personally gave me a huge boost in FPS):


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Today, I saw a zed standing in one of those tiny shacks with an awning jutting off the side.

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Ahh that is why i have zero issues with frames per second when I hear many moaning about it. I use and ssd. I often wondered why I was having such great performance with my amd 6790 vid card. I ususally thought it was the I5 2600 but maybe the ssd is the godsend. As for zeds in buildins I LOVE IT. I just wish we could sneak around a little easier.

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As for zeds in buildins I LOVE IT. I just wish we could sneak around a little easier.

I'm the opposite, I like that the zombies aren't quite so helpless and seem to retain some of their basic animalistic abilities. I just don't like the fact that there are 3 in a building that's barely big enough to contain them lol

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I bought a god damn GTX 680 just to play this game I also paid $30 for. The FPS is shit. This Rocket guy is a fucktard.

Why don't you come back in a month or two when some of the bugs are ironed out?

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Most zombies in buildings just sit staring at a wall while I loot the place. They definitely aren't a threat.

Orly?! I didn't want to risk it because the military tent had one of them facing directly at the door and the other was staring at the loot piles but if they just stand there then this changes things.

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Zeds previously spawned in buildings, it was broken at some point, and now FIXED.

I prefer it this way, I mean do you really think in a zombie apocalypse, every building would be empty? Zombie hordes would just congregate outside with a phobia of going indoors?

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