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DayZ Teaser Trailer

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Hello chaps, me again. Some of you might remember a basic teaser for DayZ I posted a couple of months back. I wasn't really happy with it, so I've redone the whole sequence and added some more footage and a couple of effects to really nail the atmosphere of Chernarus. I'm much happier with how this one turned out, but I'd appreciate any feedback. Hope you guys like it!


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What do you want, gameplay? It's just a teaser guys, meant to pique people's interest and get them coming to the site where they can find out more.

Besides, Berezino? Heli crash sites? Green Mountain, anyone?

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I thought it was pretty good. Not to scary and got some eliments of day z in it like the russian writeing on the sign, the country side, the heli crash, and just enough in it to make people think "Hmm this looks interesting. wonder what it is. Must go to the site and find out"

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I thought it was pretty good. Not to scary and got some eliments of day z in it like the russian writeing on the sign, the country side, the heli crash, and just enough in it to make people think "Hmm this looks interesting. wonder what it is. Must go to the site and find out"

Or, people get bored in the halfway and stop the video.

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