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The Crazies vs. Dawn of the Dead vs. STALKER

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So. If I am understanding correctly, these zombies are not zombies, but infected? In the movie "The Crazies," people become infected due to a man made virus in their water. As the title says; people go crazy and start killing each other. In this sense, in DayZ, zombies should be able to use guns and go nuts as they not only kill survivors/bandits, but each other. In the movie "Dawn of the Dead," zombies are zombies. If I remember correctly, over time, zombies become smarter and learn how to use weapons. In this sense, in DayZ, some zombies should be smarter than others. Maybe make traveling around military bases more dangerouse and give military zombies weapons? In the video game series "STALKER," zombies are people effected by radiation, and get parts of their brain cooked, so they are shambling bandits with guns. Easy to kill, but slow and deadly with their AK's.

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The thing that you need to understand that unlike zombies, which are usually defined with exact qualities.

Infected is a vast group of types, many games have infected enemies such as left for dead and dead island but they have many different qualities in them. This is become a infection virus or some type, would physically change the infected body or mind with either giving or taking away certain qualities. That means that there isn't a one type of infected, since there could be a infected that grows weird limbs or a infected that loses all mind functions but movement. There could be a infected that loses just the memories functions of the mind which therefor can't use a gun.

The infected that is used in DayZ, is the type that rocket envision and should be viewed as it own group of infected.

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I like your thinking! Much like the T-Virus in Resident Evil. People lose their memories and don't give a damn on what they munch on.

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