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My opinions on 1.7.7

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I would say majority of people hate this and I do too for good reason. Antibiotics are hard as f*%# to find now because you have bambis dying and respawning dashing to hospitals now because guess what? EVERYBODY needs a handful of antibiotics so you better stock up while you can. However I like what it had us do though. Our whole group had to make a dangerous trip into Cherno for the antibioitics. Just it was really annoying and rather frustrating to be eaten up by the infection the whole entire trip because we all had it. And we also didn't find anything... so maybe for the current mod instead of an annoying high infection rate you can get a sprained arm or leg which severely affect travel or aiming. This would have the same desired effect but less agitating to deal with.

Viral Zombie

I'm not too excited or even really interested in a zombie that is genetically superior and harder. Now by all means they can be physically with armor and stuff but I still wouldn't desire one in dayz even in SA with it's own special infected model unless it was an undead military soldier with body armor. I guess I just feel it's not really a thing in the game but that's just an opinion. Maybe it's just annoying to shoot a zombie expecting it to die then being all like "What?? aghh *pew pew*"


This would be cool if it just didn't have the poor limitations of the current arma 2 engine. Sometimes Zombies spam it on you making it really annoying or even worse where if you are jogging backwards they can hit you which makes you run forward and dive into either more zombies or just past the one that hit you. Honestly I would prefer in SA where if you were cornered by zombies or they knocked you down they should be able to dog pile you where only if you have a friend you can get them off.

Zombie aggro

I don't know what they did but when a friend was looting Stary normally zombies swarm you but when I hovered my heli near the end of the tents all the zombies ran under and just stood there which I thought to be really cool and actually one of the most helpful things I've yet to see in dayz.

Rarer Loot

Cool and I'm actually all for it. I love being happy for the little things but I'm not sure if this actually works for a private hive because of the server control for the loot spawn. Hopefully it at least does until the admin changes it especially since the admin pbos and stuff had to all be reset to default.

Overall i'm pretty happy with the update except for the infection. I feel it's the most unbalanced thing always forcing you to shriek every time you get hit. I also wonder every time I look back at the zombies if they are running faster than before :/

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