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Thank you SO SO much for this patch

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It made melee weapons useless because you're likely to get hit and get an infection, at which point you might as well suicide.

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Exactly, to be honest it wouldn't be so bad if you actually had a chance of getting rid of your infection, now antibiotics are near enough impossible to find, even in hospitals.

If they made antibiotics less rare it wouldn't be so bad because you'd know you have a small or better chance of survival unlike now where becoming infected is pretty much a death sentence...

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Every time there's a new patch you're in here saying that it's ruined everything forever and that you're stopping playing the mod because of it. Yet the moment the next patch comes out, you'll be back in here saying that you're going to stop playing it.

You should be careful with that, less someone more cynical than myself think you're just being melodramatic about a bit of change and will carry on playing regardless. :)

no i have only said this once in this patch. theyve killed the fun. all our group stopped playing instantly which shows its not just me or one or two if my whole group of 15 just said nah its boring now.

you would still have some carrying on playing but that isnt the case. watch the numbers tail off if something isnt done to rectify.

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haha this is my experience i stopped playing along with the 20 or so other regs i play with every day

all our group stopped playing instantly which shows its not just me or one or two if my whole group of 15 just said nah its boring now.

My whole group of 10 stopped playing
All 5 of us just stopped playing
I've stopped playing!!


Learn one thing dev's

What game have you made that you can teach the dev's where your opinion "apparently" speaks for us all....

Edited by Izziee

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Just dropped in to say this patch is awesome. Brings back all the stuff this game was about and even some more now with the high risk of getting infected, which feels very authentic to me.

But there are some weird things going on in the "this patch ruined DayZ" threads: lots of people are basically saying "i want to play chess but please change it more to hungry hungry hippos because otherwise it's hard to learn and boring."

So i'm afraid the devs will tweak the game back because not everybody has the skin to swallow all the critique, like Rocket apparently was willing to do when he created DayZ as an "anti-game", which propably even is the base to the "cult" surrounding his persona.

But one can hope. Awesome job regarding this patch!

Edited by sixfeetgiantbunnyrabbit

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Perhaps a fix to this is a difficulty level on servers and allow the people to decide how difficult they want the game to be? Im just talking a simple easy, medium, or hard rating which will decide the zombies attack strength and chance of infection. People either love it or hate it so why not have the best of both worlds?

Edited by {420}Mr.Smiley
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Perhaps a fix to this is a difficulty level on servers and allow the people to decide how difficult they want the game to be? Im just talking a simple easy, medium, or hard rating which will decide the zombies attack strength and chance of infection. People either love it or hate it so why not have the best of both worlds?

We have thought about this but to be fair any good admin can do this already :-) you don't need us to provide a switch. But nice idea :-)

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