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Veteran playing looking for a group after a two-month break

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Hey bandits and heroes!

I've played DayZ for well over a year now. I got bored of it a few months ago but following the E3 coverage I had an urge to get back into it. Everyone from the old group I used to play with have stopped playing, so I'm looking for a new one to have a lot of fun with.

Add me on skype: osca,r

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HI We are a small organised clan looking for more survivors. We hope to help those that need it. We have 2 DayZ server (Custom DayZ Hive and Vanilla DayZ Hive) . We also have our own Teamspeak3 server : becks-privateers.com. so if your interested in joining BP. All you have to do is register on our website : http://becks-privateers.com/ and put an application or come on our ts server : becks-privateers.com and talk to Beck or Tantrum.


Recruitment Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...-noob-friendly/

Server Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...custom-scripts/

Server Changelog Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...s-changelog-22/

Update Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...tes-are-coming/


b_560_95_1.png Custom DayZ Hive

[b_560_95_1.png] New Vanilla DayZ Hive

b_560_95_1.pngPublic Teamspeak Server

b_560_95_1.pngMinecraft Factions PvP Server

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Visit youtube.com/pushindayz to watch a few videos of HollowAddiction and TRUNHKS in-game kickin some ass! or visit our FB page at facebook.com/pushindayz.

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The Saints Clan is looking for new members that are 14+.

We have a small gaming community, we play many games such as Mine craft and BF3 and many more.

We respect all applicants and take our clan seriously.

Required of you.

Teamspeak 3

Dayz and Arma 2 OA

Respect for all gamers.

Please fill out the following application on our Enjin website.

Some of our members have a streaming or youtube channel.

We will be looking forward to meeting you

Our Teamspeak 3 Server ip: TheSaintClan.mainvoice.net

The Saints Clan is looking for new members that are 14+.

We have a small gaming community, we play many games such as Mine craft and BF3 and many more.

We respect all applicants and take our clan seriously.

Required of you.

Teamspeak 3

Dayz and Arma 2 OA

Respect for all gamers.

Please fill out the following application on our Enjin website.

Some of our members have a streaming or youtube channel.

We will be looking forward to meeting you

Our Teamspeak 3 Server ip: TheSaintClan.mainvoice.net

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I currently play with a group of 5 people. Me and my friend which are vets to dayz as well. we play on a origins pve server. we use mumble and are looking for more people to add to our small group. Its nothing really intense. just a group of people looking to form a closeknit origins team for anything. If your interested pm me for details

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The Last Survivors


The Last Survivors are a new fresh clan who is currently underprogress of starting a good ,friendly and most important a fun clan!

We are currently on search for a good server to settle on and find som competative clan action!

Myself is a experienced clan leader and member and we together with you, will start a great Clan together.


-Must be over 15 years old (Exceptions can be made)

-Mature and respect other members!

-Have a microphone that works well!

-Have raidcall where we can talk to our Team members (Its like TS,Vent etc and free aswell)

Do you feel like you have what it takes to become a member?

Add me on skype: Edslatt007

Will be gone over the weekend.. Dont worry i will be back on sunday!

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Legion of Honor is recruiting



See our recruitment post for details:

Legion of Honor is recruiting again!

We have a minimum age requirement of 16. Our members are friendly and respectful, as well as active. Legion of Honor always kicks ass.

Come hang with us on TS! IP is

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Hi there! Are you looking for a clan to play DayZ with? Tired of wondering Chernarus all by yourself? Or maybe you and your friends want to play a bit more seriously with a good group of players? Well, Eternal Overwatch could be the place for you. Here are some of the features of the clan:

The Clan Overall

  • We are a community of friendly and helpful gamers from across many countries in the world.
  • We use Teamspeak 3 for communication and have a clan website with its very own forum.
  • There are currently 350+ members in the clan at this time.
  • All ages and genders are accepted but maturity is required. Many of us do have a sense of humour but we also respect all members and their cultures,beliefs and opinions.
  • There are many other divisions within the clan that you can join up as well as DayZ including: Guild Wars 2, League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Rift and many more. New divisions will be created once more clan based games are released.

The DayZ Division

  • The DayZ division is in the process of being created. Some current clan members will be joining but fresh blood is what we need to make this division popular. At the time of writing this, we are only just getting started and we ask you to be patient in the early stages of setting everything up.
  • We like to play a mix of serious and casual play sessions depending on the mood we are in and what we are aiming to do in game. You will never be forced to play in a way that you don't like to play.
  • If you are new to DayZ or don't have a lot of experience with the game, there will be people around to help you. We can offer information, tips and help you in game. This will be a huge difference in the Standalone version. The game is being almost completely re-thought and will create a new learning curve, this is where I hope that DayZ will really shine as a clan based game.
  • We like to play as both Bandits and Heroes to mix the style of play up. This all depends on the amount of players in a group and what they all want to achieve.
  • We now have our own server. Search Eternal Overwatch in your filter and try it out.

If you are interested, go to http://www.eternaloverwatch.com to register. If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me


Eternal Overwatch DayZ Admin

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