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Patch plays perfectly fine...

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Are you guys playing the same game as me? I just did a proper install of all patch files manually including beta. Then I joined a server. I left the safety of my woodland hiding into berenzino with same gear I aborted with. I snuck into town with my M4 cco sd, mostly crouch walking and sometimes crawling. I proceed to fill my slots and Alice pack with loot. I had to kill maybe 20 zeds during my night raid, but never dropped below 10,000 blood due to a hit. I then went north, and killed three animals, pitched tent in the woods, started a fire with the wood I found in town. Then cooked my fourteen steaks... Back to being a woodsman. What's the problem?

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Just try making that run with a Makarov/Enfield/Winchester and no matches/hatchet/hunting knife/NVG's. It's a little different. I personally lost all of my equipment upon updating to and was forced to do it, I'm up and running now, but it wasn't the same as using my SD weapons and NVG's.

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well your lucky, i logged out of with an kobra and a g17, i logged in with a makarov, relogged to see if i'd get my stuff back, found multiple server spouting script violation, finally found one that let me in but i spawned off the map in the featureless hills.

after making my pilgrimage back to the known world i ended up by Myshkino, went down to find some loot, aggro'd some zombies and started taking them out inside a house, after a couple of buffering or loading freezes i found myself unconscious (which i must add is really fking random, also if your guy is unconscious how is he able to scream in pain?)

well luckily i managed to crawl my ass out of there and log off in a field with about 3k blood.

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*Uses silenced weapons*

*Wonders why everyone's having trouble with aggro*


Haha, ^^ This. Enough said.

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