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[WAR]Clan first time playing Breaking point.

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Hey everyone. WARSilent here showing all you guys and girls our first run through of Breaking point mod.
Remember there are only 3 of us old [WAR] members atm and a one new addition to our team.

There will be more days and episodes to come.


Hey everyone WARSilent here to tell you our clan [WAR] has a new server.

We would like anyone and everyone to join. Bandits, Heros, Clans are welcome as well. Join our server and check it out.
Also please know that we are constantly looking for people hacking as well. We do not appreciate the level of hacking going on
In the DayZ community and we are striving to get rid of these players. So in hopes we can have regulars on the server and an
enjoyable gaming experience for everyone.

Here is our SERVER info.
Server ip:

Official DayZ Origins #GX Confederacy of the Wasteland  - [WAR] ReD Gaming server DayZ Origins (1.7.5/103419) [4h Day/Night]Hosted @ GTXGaming.co.uk
7 Dayz Origins on tavi

For rankings on the server check out game tracker.

We have our very own youtube page as well. Feel free to stop by and check out our DayZ Origins videos at.


Sorry for the low mic volume. It is working much better starting Day 2 Ep 1.
Feel free to comment and thanks for watching. :)

Edited by WARSilent
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Hey everyone. This is Day 2 of us running around breaking point. Mic should be better during this one.


Hey everyone WARSilent here to tell you our clan [WAR] has a new server.

We would like anyone and everyone to join. Bandits, Heros, Clans are welcome as well. Join our server and check it out.
Also please know that we are constantly looking for people hacking as well. We do not appreciate the level of hacking going on
In the DayZ community and we are striving to get rid of these players. So in hopes we can have regulars on the server and an
enjoyable gaming experience for everyone.

Here is our SERVER info.
Server ip:

Official DayZ Origins #GX Confederacy of the Wasteland  - [WAR] ReD Gaming server DayZ Origins (1.7.5/103419) [4h Day/Night]Hosted @ GTXGaming.co.uk
7 Dayz Origins on tavi

For rankings on the server check out game tracker.

We have our very own youtube page as well. Feel free to stop by and check out our DayZ Origins videos at.


Day 2 Ep 2 should be even better.
Feel free to comment and thanks for watching. :)

Edited by WARSilent
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Hey guys/girls. Got the third video up. Things get more interesting at black lake. Shorter video and so for the high contrast from youtube fixing it. I've taken it off but still has yet to fix it.


Hey everyone WARSilent here to tell you our clan [WAR] has a new server.

We would like anyone and everyone to join. Bandits, Heros, Clans are welcome as well. Join our server and check it out.
Also please know that we are constantly looking for people hacking as well. We do not appreciate the level of hacking going on
In the DayZ community and we are striving to get rid of these players. So in hopes we can have regulars on the server and an
enjoyable gaming experience for everyone.

Here is our SERVER info.
Server ip:

Official DayZ Origins #GX Confederacy of the Wasteland  - [WAR] ReD Gaming server DayZ Origins (1.7.5/103419) [4h Day/Night]Hosted @ GTXGaming.co.uk
7 Dayz Origins on tavi

For rankings on the server check out game tracker.

We have our very own youtube page as well. Feel free to stop by and check out our DayZ Origins videos at.


only maybe 2 more videos for breaking point because the mod is slightly broken still and needs some work.
Ill be releasing footage from Hive servers and or the official DayZ servers.

Feel free to comment and thanks for watching. :)

Edited by WARSilent
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Nice videos bud, keep them coming, i love playing breaking point but the clan im in is mainly focused on DayZ origins for our own server we have. Its hard trying to get them to play with me lol. Let me know if you ever would like another player to run with.

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Heya Apoc21. Thanks for the reply. If you want to check out some of our new Origins videos here is the link.

[WAR]DayZ Origins: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/140718-warclan-come-back-to-dayz-origins/

We are down with gaining more people to [WAR]'s ranks. Pretty small atm which is not always a bad thing in DayZ :).

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