nahholmes 0 Posted June 20, 2012 There are 2 kinds of complainers on this forums.The ones who think the game is too hard all the time and will complain almost no matter what and the ones who think the game is too easy and will complain almost no matter what.There is A LOT of work left to do on this mod obviously. They will need to find the right balance of zombie LOS and hearing before they can even begin to truly address zombie AI and difficulty. Even then there are enough exploits to drive a truck through.Basically the players complaining the game it too easy/hard have one thing in common. They expect a game that tens of thousands of people are playing to be set to their personal difficulty level. Get over yourselves. Buggy zeds will get patched and broken and patched again only to be broken again. I don't see the wisdom in asking for buffs to AI when the way they detect players is fundamentally flawed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aquilez 16 Posted June 20, 2012 Honestly, Rocket should just go with his own gut. Changing something will always anger a vocal minority and fixing that issue will anger the other side. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poundoff 32 Posted June 20, 2012 Quote There are 2 kinds of complainers on this forums.The ones who think the game is too hard all the time and will complain almost no matter what and the ones who think the game is too easy and will complain almost no matter what.There is A LOT of work left to do on this mod obviously. They will need to find the right balance of zombie LOS and hearing before they can even begin to truly address zombie AI and difficulty. Even then there are enough exploits to drive a truck through.Basically the players complaining the game it too easy/hard have one thing in common. They expect a game that tens of thousands of people are playing to be set to their personal difficulty level. Get over yourselves. Buggy zeds will get patched and broken and patched again only to be broken again. I don't see the wisdom in asking for buffs to AI when the way they detect players is fundamentally flawed.What this guy said.The zombie detection right now is a joke. In 1.7 it was okay and mildly realistic compared to what I'd expect a Zombies awareness to be, other than the running through walls and sometimes seeing you in a building.I don't care how hard the zombies are to kill, I don't care how hard they hit, I also could careless if they could run in buildings.I DO CARE about how Realistic their vision and hearing are. You can make them Zombie Gods for all I care. As long as they can't see me through a wall, run through it, and eat me after I crouch walk into it undetected for a soda. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 2 Posted July 6, 2012 The game right now, is extremely easy.Only humans are a threat, and most of the time an easy threat.Zombies are way to easy to get by, throwing cans, whiskey bottles, flares, chemlights etc can make u loot cherno or elektro quite easily.Even if u agro a zombie or 2, you can lose them by running around/inside buildings.For all those having trouble with zombies there is actually a very basic and simple guide on youtube. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InbredScorpion (DayZ) 1 Posted July 6, 2012 I agree with this for the most part however there needs to be a sense of balance. Simply put zombies are an inconvenience. The simple strategy is; Run through the town, aggro zombies, pick them off in a building, medicate wounds if need be, rinse and repeat. I mean the only time zombies are a threat is when I've fired something other than my sidearm in the middle of a town, and anything and everything within a 50km radius starts converging in on my location.Breaking my legs is annoying, but is getting patched thankfully. I like the idea of more than one shot to the body to kill, using the revolver or M1911 cuts through zombies like a hot knife through butter.Personally, I'd like them to simply shuffle within areas, however have the zombie count increase by an arbitrary value (ten-fold for instance). The real threat then becomes escaping and ammo.TL;DR Yeah, I agree with this idea, zombies aren't that much of a threat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LIMITID 28 Posted July 6, 2012 I love the people complaining about how hard zombies are and that it is not realistic that they can see you crouch walked from 30m away or something... As is in real life you can't see someone crouching down 30m's away or even prone. The game is not hard. The zombies are not hard and the PVP is normally over pretty quickly so again I don't see it as being hard, it's more of who got the jump on who and who is the better shot. Surviving is not hard, it's more just luck of the draw on what you find (food/water/ammo etc), and having patiance and keeping your eye out for danger.I honestly feel sorry for people who think this game is hard. Sure it is not a faceroll easy game, but as I said if you have patiance and watch out for stuff you can be just as good as anyone else.Also I dont have time to play overly much, I am lucky if I get more then 1 hour in a day to play. I have died and had to start over with no weopon. All I did was Gtfo the coast, had patiance with zombies, proned to enterable building got some stuff and went from there. It is just as easy as it ever was. If you get seen by a zombie run and LOS it when possible. I am a casual player and did not need 100s of hours to work that out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shady Motley 0 Posted July 6, 2012 I don't know if it would be possible because of lag or stability w/e but I think it would be great to have much larger amounts of zeds around towns, maybe triple what they are now? Possibly make them a bit harder to put down, maybe double their current health? BUT don't have them respawn 2 seconds after you kill them, that way ammo means alot more and if you agro them sure you're in for a shit storm but play it cool and prey you have enough ammo and you might be able to clear a town for 10 minutes before they start respawning on the outskirts of the town and start running in to track you.On the point of too much ammo, sure I find heaps of ammo but it's all assorted! So it's a case of do I keep the STANAG or AK rounds in the hopes I find an m4 or AK or do I load up on shells? It's not like you just magically find piles of ammo for your current primary... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greensoxxx 3 Posted July 6, 2012 Your problem is a very "rich people" problem, since you got the ammo to deal with stronger zombies, you wouldn't mind them being stronger. But what about people without any weapons, and I mean that's everyone who respawns, if they can't sneak past zombie's to get a weapon, a lot of people will just stop playing. I agree that the zombies are easy to kill, but that's the whole thing about zombies, they're easy to kill, but there are bazillions of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kruemelkatze 5 Posted July 6, 2012 In my opinion, three aspects of the game should be changed:1.) Zombies should be able to move quicker inside buildings. Not as quick as when running outside (in reality, they would crash against every corner with this speed^^), but maybe twice as fast as they do now. 2.) Zombies should chase the survivors directly instead of running zig-zag and be able to punch them while running. Also, a kind of stamina system would be nice, so that after short or long, the zeds WILL catch you if you are running away from them. In order to give the survivors a possibility to get rid of zeds, the hiding system should be improved. E.g. run around some corners, letting the zeds a distance behind you and hide behind some barrels or containers.3.) Less Ammo. I have never been in a former sowjet-russian house, but I don't think every houshehold owns a kind of zombie survival kit, including flares, ammo, whatever.As far as I know, the devs are already working on the zombies AI and I'm really looking forward to see the results :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coolboynaked 0 Posted July 6, 2012 I think you misunderstand the point of the zombies OP. It's not them alone. The point is that they add additional elements to the player interaction. You don't not want to aggro zombies because they'll kill you, you don't want to aggro zombies because if you shoot them you'll make a lot of noise and alert other players, and other players will be able to see your position from the zombies chasing you. More zombies, of course, will also be attracted to the gunshots, which causes you to be exposed to other players even longer.95% of the tension and challenge in this game is created by the threat of other players and zombies are no different.If anything zombies should be easier to sneak by and stronger if alerted, since right now it's incredibly hard to loot anything with zombies around it without alerting one unless you're willing to prone for 5 minutes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Southpaw (DayZ) 1 Posted July 6, 2012 'OshiSeven said: I don't play DayZ to kill zombies' date=' I play DayZ to find awesome guns and kill other players and steal their awesome stuff. I don't get the challenge from the zombies, I get it from the other players. For me there is nothing more intense and nerve wrecking than PvP in DayZ. I was alive for multiple days with about 400 zombie kills that were mostly from covering my friends who sniped players at a distance. We used to wait at NW airfield and ambush people looting the place. We used to follow people after the left and find their stashes and take them out and raid their tents.We play very different games. Unfortunately, you want to shoot AI and I want AI to be the wildcard factor for my PvP.[/quote']You actually made his argument for tougher zombies with your bandit story, apparently the zeds are not enough of a nuisance to you and your bandit pals and that's why there should be some balance to throw you off your game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evoxtom 142 Posted July 6, 2012 Like someone suggested earlier- bend the whole infected idea some and use the traditional model: only headshots kill. This would make zombies unrelenting and spawning so many at random unnecessary. Body shots render a zombie unconscious for a second or two before it stands back up and gives chase. Players should have to finish the job or run after the knock down. Make their defenses stronger since their offense is already potent. Slow their run speed just a tad and give them more frightening sounds and you've got some great foes. Their detection is already being address in 1.7.2Edit- with lower number of zombies spawning for gunshots (seeing they are tougher) performance would improve ( I would imagine) and there should be more challenge.2. Ammo could spawn at the rate it does now because you're going to use it.. A lot... Especially facing down 5 or so zeds with this difficulty. Let's face it, melee will not be a centerfold in this game. Hatchets look and act wierd because of the aoe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daemon587 0 Posted July 6, 2012 Now would be a good time to reduce the amount of ammo in the game. We now have melee weapons and a way of losing infected who spot you. If ammo was a little more scarce people might have to consider their options before opening fire on a group of infected or another player, it just might not be worth the ammo you use. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JustThatEpic 72 Posted July 6, 2012 They already glitch through doors and walls. They run faster than you, and they're rotting. I think they're hard enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albatros (DayZ) 40 Posted July 6, 2012 >more dangerouscan already; >knock you out>cause you to bleed>break your legs>all in one hitHas someone literally fucked you through the ear? Wanting them more dangerous is stupid, Rocket has already detailed they are glitched and fuck your shit up too easy.Also to the guy above me, they're 'infected' not actual dead zombies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ballistixz 12 Posted July 6, 2012 please IGNORE the OP. the zombies are far to buggy to be "made harder or easier" right now. they teleport, walk through walls, bullets phase through them, erratic behaviour, being able to spot u through walls and from far away distances even when crawling, etc. the way zombies are right now is just pure and utter cheapness. fix them and then think about buffing or nerfing them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PaleHorsePreacher 0 Posted July 6, 2012 I read this entire thread.. and I'm very confused with the responses. People who complain about the zombies being to easy are the very ones abusing their "stupid AI" to get rid of them. Don't complain about it and at the same time abuse it to your advantage. This game, by it's nature, is designed to offer many play styles (see sandbox). You want to make things harder? Stop farming heli-copter crashes for elite loot. Use only a melee weapon, or only carry 1 clip of ammo. There are numerous ways that you can manipulate your play-style to suit your needs. Lastly, this whole power-gamer mentality has to stop. Not everyone has the time to devote 6-8 hours a day. This game already takes hours to achieve a moderately geared character, couple that with the complete and utter loss of that time upon death, and you have a pretty challenging game as it stands. If you make things too difficult, it will eventually wear out the replay value. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WalkerDown (DayZ) 296 Posted July 6, 2012 The zeds aren't that easy, they are just "few".. to make them real, they should be eventually slower (at least not having that crazy speed and acceleration), but they should be like 100x more in the cities, also they should be all around the map (few) including the forest, etc. But unfortunately due to the limitation of Arma2 this is NOT possible (you would need a supercomputer to handle those many NPC on the current engine) so we ended to have not-so-scary zeds that are a little OP'ed if consider them individually, but are so low in number that most of the time you have no troubles at all to kill em or to outrun and avoid them running.Do you have an idea of the horse scene (last episode of the first serie with the tank..) of the Walking Dead tv serial? ...that's now the number of zeds thats we would ideally meet in cherno... but it's just a dream. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex067 4 Posted July 6, 2012 If zombies were allowed to swing while they were running, everyone's life expectancy is gonna be around 30 minutes since zombies run a whole lot faster then we do. Seriously, that would be ridiculously, if not, impossibly hard to survive... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites