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The zombies need to be more dangerous.

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In contrast to what some people have said on this forum, I really feel the zombies are still not dangerous enough.

At the moment yeah they bleed you after one or two hits normally and they can pick up on where you are when sneaking if you aren't careful.

But at the end of the day they are still incredibly easy to kill and are an absolute joke if you have half an idea of how to play DayZ, since the latest patch I've done what I've always done when I have a horde of zombies on me..

I either pull them inside and lay them out with the huge amount of ammunition I have because it's laying around everywhere I look (I normally run out of space to carry all the ammo I find! It's silly.) or I just peddle backwards, wait for a zombie to try and swing at me and stop, stop for a second shoot him and a few others then continue back-pedalling, rinse and repeat.

My proposal? Allow them to swing while running, if that is even possible in the engine and also make them require more bullets to put down but keep headshot as a one hit kill requiring people to aim their shots.

Also cut down on the amount of ammo lying around which I touched on before, I'm literally tripping over ammo there is so much of it.. it makes it feel less like a zombie survival game and more like a shooting gallery at times.

I really feel like this game would benefit so much if zombies became that ever present, unrelenting threat that you simply CAN NOT AFFORD to piss off because they WILL mess your shit up almost every single time unless you run (now possible with line of sight agroing), hide from or avoid them.

This would also do wonders for player cooperation.

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Sorry, but if you want zombies even stronger than now then you'll be the only one left playing soon enough. No one is enjoying it (as evident from the forums this evening), attracting zombies by crouch walking when out of sight and even from distances even regular people couldn't hear breaks the immersion for me.

Hopefully Rocket ignores players like yourself who are clearly out of touch with the rest of the community.

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Sorry' date=' but if you want zombies even stronger than now then you'll be the only one left playing soon enough. No one is enjoying it (as evident from the forums this evening), attracting zombies by crouch walking when out of sight and even from distances even regular people couldn't hear breaks the immersion for me.

Hopefully Rocket ignores players like yourself who are clearly out of touch with the rest of the community.


I completely disagree with you about how no one is enjoying it.

Everyone I have talked to (Quite a few people, around a dozen people in my clan as well as a few dozen more people I have on Steam and then there is people on other DayZ community websites) seems to absolutely love the new difficulty besides a rather vocal small minority that want this game to turn into some kind of open world Left 4 Dead.

We have enough easy and "play it for you" games in the world.

Can't us gamers have one, just this one, just one semi difficult game for us to enjoy? You guys who don't like being challenged when gaming and just want to sit back, turn your brain off and relax have hundreds if not thousands of other titles to satisfy you.

I've had over 800+ zombie kills and 7+ day characters multiple times before 1.7.1 and it was boring as all shit. I would literally run into town and shoot off my DMR to pull every single zombie in town and then decimate them with my sidearm in 30 seconds.. it just wasn't fun.

The difficulty being upped slightly in 1.7.1 did stop me doing stuff like that but the game is still far too easy, It's still way more efficient for me to just run into towns to the buildings I want to loot then finish off the zombies I have pulled with a quiet weapon, I want to be forced to sneak and avoid. I want to be forced to think. I want to have to distract the zombies and move around them, not straight through them.

Make physical confrontation with zombies that require me to shoot an absolute last resort.

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How about just a few stronger zombies that use a different a model? A few different type of zombies would be interesting. Im not talking about getting resident evil crazy zombies, maybe just like arnold schwarneger zombies that are really buff.

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I don't play DayZ to kill zombies, I play DayZ to find awesome guns and kill other players and steal their awesome stuff. I don't get the challenge from the zombies, I get it from the other players. For me there is nothing more intense and nerve wrecking than PvP in DayZ. I was alive for multiple days with about 400 zombie kills that were mostly from covering my friends who sniped players at a distance. We used to wait at NW airfield and ambush people looting the place. We used to follow people after the left and find their stashes and take them out and raid their tents.

We play very different games. Unfortunately, you want to shoot AI and I want AI to be the wildcard factor for my PvP.

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How about just a few stronger zombies that use a different a model? A few different type of zombies would be interesting. Im not talking about getting resident evil crazy zombies' date=' maybe just like arnold schwarneger zombies that are really buff.


Things like this are always an option to, as you have said I certainly don't want Left 4 Dead/Resident evil style "special" infected with vastly different characteristics but having maybe some rare super strong/fast special infected that can leap around over obstructions and hunt you to the ends of the earth would be a cool way to make zombies more threatening.

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Not really. Right now they're detecting people from dozens of meters away when even just crouch walking, which is just plain silly. Running, crouching or upright, will bring a whole town down upon you. It's not fun, it's destroyed the entire stealth aspect of the game. Make them any more dangerous and we may as well be up against super-robots instead of zombies.

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I don't play DayZ to kill zombies' date=' I play DayZ to find awesome guns and kill other players and steal their awesome stuff. I don't get the challenge from the zombies, I get it from the other players. For me there is nothing more intense and nerve wrecking than PvP in DayZ. I was alive for multiple days with about 400 zombie kills that were mostly from covering my friends who sniped players at a distance. We used to wait at NW airfield and ambush people looting the place. We used to follow people after the left and find their stashes and take them out and raid their tents.

We play very different games. Unfortunately, you want to shoot AI and I want AI to be the wildcard factor for my PvP.


I love PvP in this game as well and I agree, there is nothing else in gaming that can provide the pure adrenaline rush hunting someone in this game can.

But at the same time zombies are a crucial element and add a lot of enjoyment to the game.

Think how boring this game would be if they just completely removed the zombies altogether and only left PvP.. it just wouldn't be the same.

I think PvP is awesome at the moment but the AI is sadly lacking. I want AI to have the same adrenaline rush inducing effect as PvP in DayZ

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I don't want to sound like a douche, but I dont agree with this. I suck at Dayz with this new patch but making them EVEN harder? I couldn't even be able to play Dayz because I would be destroyed by everything. I dont want an easy game like L4D but I don't feel like ripping my hair out from pissing of one zed and then dying from the other 10 that chase after me. To me zombies shouldn't be super humans. But thats just my 2 cents.

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Yeah, so far, from the posts that I have read, zombies are just a side problem to the bigger issue of facing other players, and for some reason, the players are happy with that.

Isn't this a zombie survival sim? Not a PvP game with annoying zombies on the side.

More zombies, harder zombies, etc. Force the players to play together instead avoiding and killing each other.

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1) You mentioning that you play with a group of friends already makes the game tremendously easier in more ways than one. Being taught things that you may not know, having backup, having an extra pair of eyes, more guns, more ammunition, more supplies, etc. helps alot. Of course the game becomes easier when you play it with a coordinated group of friends. Try playing it fresh without any help at all, with no knowledge of the game other than where to go for stuff. Yeah, I thought so.

2) Rocket wants DayZ to simulate a Zombie Apocalypse that is realistic. He wants it to be difficult and challenging. He wants it to break you in half and make you cry and have tears roll down your face. There is nothing realistic or difficult about the current Zombies, they are just complete retards. Sneaking is not an option, you are better off running through the entire city and looting shit quickly rather than sneaking around. You and me both know this is true, and it is unrealistic for it to be this way.

3) Stealth under the current patch is not viable. No one ever said that we wanted to make the game easier. We want stealth to be a viable option. Right now, it takes a tedious and unrealistic amount of effort to make stealth work under the current mechanics. It's unrealistic, it's stupid, and dumb as fuck. Not only that, having to unload magazine after magazine on Zombies or attempting to lose them through glitching their glitchy LOS mechanics is just dumb, unrealistic, and not challenging in the slightest. Having to prone crawl your way through a town is both unrealistic and retarded all at the same time. Not only are you exposing yourself at close range, in real life, you would be making a fuck ton more noise crawling around like a snake than you would be taking careful steps from a crouch walked position. The only advantage proning has is that it reduces you from a visual standpoint. It doesn't make less noise; and yet in DayZ right now, prone crawling makes less noise than crouch walking does. It's unrealistic and dumb all at the same time.

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I wonder how many people would be happy if it was harder for zombies to detect you, but they hit a lot harder, have a large hearing range for gunshots (if you shoot in a small/medium town you are going to attract all the zombies there), maybe run faster, and can go normal speed in buildings. (if possible)

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1) You mentioning that you play with a group of friends already makes the game tremendously easier in more ways than one. Being taught things that you may not know' date=' having backup, having an extra pair of eyes, more guns, more ammunition, more supplies, etc. helps alot. Of course the game becomes easier when you play it with a coordinated group of friends. Try playing it fresh without any help at all, with no knowledge of the game other than where to go for stuff. Yeah, I thought so.

2) Rocket wants DayZ to simulate a Zombie Apocalypse that is realistic. He wants it to be difficult and challenging. He wants it to break you in half and make you cry and have tears roll down your face. There is nothing realistic or difficult about the current Zombies, they are just complete retards. Sneaking is not an option, you are better off running through the entire city and looting shit quickly rather than sneaking around. You and me both know this is true, and it is unrealistic for it to be this way.

3) Stealth under the current patch is not viable. No one ever said that we wanted to make the game easier. We want stealth to be a viable option. Right now, it takes a tedious and unrealistic amount of effort to make stealth work under the current mechanics. It's unrealistic, it's stupid, and dumb as fuck. Not only that, having to unload magazine after magazine on Zombies or attempting to lose them through glitching their glitchy LOS mechanics is just dumb, unrealistic, and not challenging in the slightest.


1) I quite often play solo. I realize I can't start over this patch with no knowledge of the game and play solo as that is impossible but I really don't think it would be super hard after I figured out the basic gist of the game.

2) I agree with you here completely, the zombies are just shit in their current state and aren't even a secondary threat to players they are just a minor annoyance as long as you have your head screwed on.

3) I was stealthing around last night in just fine but perhaps the stealth has been changed yet again since then (Haven't done much sneaking since and if so then yes I completely agree, but remember stealth is being constantly tweaked. I agree that stealth should be a viable option - it should be THE MOST viable option most if not all of the time. I want the zombies to be dangerous enough that I should have to sneak.

I wonder how many people would be happy if it was harder for zombies to detect you' date=' but they hit a lot harder, have a large hearing range for gunshots (if you shoot in a small/medium town you are going to attract all the zombies there), maybe run faster, and can go normal speed in buildings. (if possible)


This is kinda what I'm saying would be good.

It should be possible to stealth around as long as you are careful (Kind of hard at the moment from what I'm hearing about the new stealth changes) but if you piss off a zombie you are in for a world of hurt.. I want the zombies to be a threat instead of an inconvenience.

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I don't play DayZ to kill zombies' date=' I play DayZ to find awesome guns and kill other players and steal their awesome stuff. I don't get the challenge from the zombies, I get it from the other players. For me there is nothing more intense and nerve wrecking than PvP in DayZ. I was alive for multiple days with about 400 zombie kills that were mostly from covering my friends who sniped players at a distance. We used to wait at NW airfield and ambush people looting the place. We used to follow people after the left and find their stashes and take them out and raid their tents.

We play very different games. Unfortunately, you want to shoot AI and I want AI to be the wildcard factor for my PvP.


I love PvP in this game as well and I agree, there is nothing else in gaming that can provide the pure adrenaline rush hunting someone in this game can.

But at the same time zombies are a crucial element and add a lot of enjoyment to the game.

Think how boring this game would be if they just completely removed the zombies altogether and only left PvP.. it just wouldn't be the same.

I think PvP is awesome at the moment but the AI is sadly lacking. I want AI to have the same adrenaline rush inducing effect as PvP in DayZ

For me, the zombies are there to get in the way of the PvP. I like that. If you aggro when you don't want to, then you'll give away your position. If you are forced to fire your gun to kill a zombie, then suddenly every group within ear-shot is on the alert suddenly.

Now, you can't do anything BUT reveal your location. I honestly think zombies were fine before, I didn't think they were hard but it was never about them being too easy, it was about dealing with them when needed in a way that best suited the PvP.

Unfortunately now PvP is almost entirely gone because whilst your trying to get into a town and aggro every zombie there, forcing yourself to fire your weapon, you're pretty much done in terms of stealth. We've killed so many players because they were being chased by zombies, most of the time we only killed them for shits and giggles.

If zombies were even harder, it would just be annoying and I, personally, would stop playing along with quite a large number of people, mostly because I don't want the killing of zombies to be the main focus, I want to be able to dodge them and deal with them without having to run 28 weeks style after every gun shot.

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1) You mentioning that you play with a group of friends already makes the game tremendously easier in more ways than one. Being taught things that you may not know' date=' having backup, having an extra pair of eyes, more guns, more ammunition, more supplies, etc. helps alot. Of course the game becomes easier when you play it with a coordinated group of friends. Try playing it fresh without any help at all, with no knowledge of the game other than where to go for stuff. Yeah, I thought so.

2) Rocket wants DayZ to simulate a Zombie Apocalypse that is realistic. He wants it to be difficult and challenging. He wants it to break you in half and make you cry and have tears roll down your face. There is nothing realistic or difficult about the current Zombies, they are just complete retards. Sneaking is not an option, you are better off running through the entire city and looting shit quickly rather than sneaking around. You and me both know this is true, and it is unrealistic for it to be this way.

3) Stealth under the current patch is not viable. No one ever said that we wanted to make the game easier. We want stealth to be a viable option. Right now, it takes a tedious and unrealistic amount of effort to make stealth work under the current mechanics. It's unrealistic, it's stupid, and dumb as fuck. Not only that, having to unload magazine after magazine on Zombies or attempting to lose them through glitching their glitchy LOS mechanics is just dumb, unrealistic, and not challenging in the slightest.


1) I quite often play solo. I realize I can't start over this patch with no knowledge of the game and play solo as that is impossible but I really don't think it would be super hard after I figured out the basic gist of the game.

2) I agree with you here completely, the zombies are just shit in their current state and aren't even a secondary threat to players they are just a minor annoyance as long as you have your head screwed on.

3) I was stealthing around last night in just fine but perhaps the stealth has been changed yet again since then (Haven't done much sneaking since and if so then yes I completely agree, but remember stealth is being constantly tweaked. I agree that stealth should be a viable option - it should be THE MOST viable option most if not all of the time. I want the zombies to be dangerous enough that I should have to sneak.

I wonder how many people would be happy if it was harder for zombies to detect you' date=' but they hit a lot harder, have a large hearing range for gunshots (if you shoot in a small/medium town you are going to attract all the zombies there), maybe run faster, and can go normal speed in buildings. (if possible)


This is kinda what I'm saying would be good.

It should be possible to stealth around as long as you are careful (Kind of hard at the moment from what I'm hearing about the new stealth changes) but if you piss off a zombie you are in for a world of hurt.. I want the zombies to be a threat instead of an inconvenience.

That's the point, most of the complaints are to the fact that the current Zombies have super detection to the point where stealth is utterly useless, and you're better off doing a full sprint in the middle of a fucking zombie infested town with possible snipers on rooftops, other survivors in the middle of the town with guns maybe, etc. while entering buildings looting, line of sighting the zeds, and getting the fuck out.

It's stupid gameplay, it's unrealistic, and not fun at all. At least in 1.7, where stealth was king in looting, you had to balance out the fact that you could get potentially shot by some asshole on a rooftop or something. The only thing Rocket needed to do IMO was add a shit ton more Zeds, which would inadvertently make sneaking harder and more challenging (and more realistic anyways), and it would make it a much more dangerous decision to let off a gunshot in town.

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I don't play DayZ to kill zombies' date=' I play DayZ to find awesome guns and kill other players and steal their awesome stuff. I don't get the challenge from the zombies, I get it from the other players. For me there is nothing more intense and nerve wrecking than PvP in DayZ. I was alive for multiple days with about 400 zombie kills that were mostly from covering my friends who sniped players at a distance. We used to wait at NW airfield and ambush people looting the place. We used to follow people after the left and find their stashes and take them out and raid their tents.

We play very different games. Unfortunately, you want to shoot AI and I want AI to be the wildcard factor for my PvP.


I love PvP in this game as well and I agree, there is nothing else in gaming that can provide the pure adrenaline rush hunting someone in this game can.

But at the same time zombies are a crucial element and add a lot of enjoyment to the game.

Think how boring this game would be if they just completely removed the zombies altogether and only left PvP.. it just wouldn't be the same.

I think PvP is awesome at the moment but the AI is sadly lacking. I want AI to have the same adrenaline rush inducing effect as PvP in DayZ

For me, the zombies are there to get in the way of the PvP. I like that. If you aggro when you don't want to, then you'll give away your position. If you are forced to fire your gun to kill a zombie, then suddenly every group within ear-shot is on the alert suddenly.

Now, you can't do anything BUT reveal your location. I honestly think zombies were fine before, I didn't think they were hard but it was never about them being too easy, it was about dealing with them when needed in a way that best suited the PvP.

Unfortunately now PvP is almost entirely gone because whilst your trying to get into a town and aggro every zombie there, forcing yourself to fire your weapon, you're pretty much done in terms of stealth. We've killed so many players because they were being chased by zombies, most of the time we only killed them for shits and giggles.

If zombies were even harder, it would just be annoying and I, personally, would stop playing along with quite a large number of people, mostly because I don't want the killing of zombies to be the main focus, I want to be able to dodge them and deal with them without having to run 28 weeks style after every gun shot.

You can't talk for other people. You don't know they will stop playing if zombies are made more difficult.

Lets be clear as I've said in the thread earlier - I'm not saying zombies should detect you easier. I think they should detect you how they used to, where you could sneak past them as long as you are careful. From what I am hearing, it is now almost impossible to do that due to buggy Line of sight and detection issues which are still being tweaked.

I just want them to be a threat once you have pissed them off. They should hit harder, be able to hit you while running and be absolutely ruthless.. you should want to avoid them instead of just playing DayZ the shooting gallery every time before you want to loot stuff/engage in PvP

That's the point' date=' most of the complaints are to the fact that the current Zombies have super detection to the point where stealth is utterly useless, and you're better off doing a full sprint in the middle of a fucking zombie infested town with possible snipers on rooftops, other survivors in the middle of the town with guns maybe, etc. while entering buildings looting, line of sighting the zeds, and getting the fuck out.

It's stupid gameplay, it's unrealistic, and not fun at all. At least in 1.7, where stealth was king in looting, you had to balance out the fact that you could get potentially shot by some asshole on a rooftop or something. The only thing Rocket needed to do IMO was add a shit ton more Zeds, which would inadvertently make sneaking harder and more challenging (and more realistic anyways), and it would make it a much more dangerous decision to let off a gunshot in town.


If those are indeed the reasons people are complaining then yes I agree with them, stealth should ALWAYS be a viable option, normally THE MOST viable option.

I'm just saying zombies should hit harder and be more of a threat once you do piss them off. But they should be completely avoidable if you play smart and stealthy.

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You can't talk for other people. You don't know they will stop playing if zombies are made more difficult.

Lets be clear as I've said in the thread earlier - I'm not saying zombies should detect you easier. I think they should detect you how they used to' date=' where you could sneak past them as long as you are careful. From what I am hearing, it is now almost impossible to do that due to buggy Line of sight and detection issues which are still being tweaked.

I just want them to be a threat once you have pissed them off. They should hit harder, be able to hit you while running and be absolutely ruthless.. you should want to avoid them instead of just playing DayZ the shooting gallery every time before you want to loot stuff/engage in PvP


Oh, well that I have absolutely no issue with. I assumed from your first post that you liked the new detection levels, which after today have made me not want to play until they are reverted (they're that bad). Yeah, fine, I'm down for making zombies more lethal if you can deal with them properly.

On that note, however, I do feel like the zombies movements and pathfinding need more development before this though. Right now zombies can move so irrationally that you'll actually wait until they're beating on you to shoot them. They're all over the place and completely unpredictable most of the time. So until the AI is properly developed, I think zombies shouldn't be that lethal.

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You can't talk for other people. You don't know they will stop playing if zombies are made more difficult.

Lets be clear as I've said in the thread earlier - I'm not saying zombies should detect you easier. I think they should detect you how they used to' date=' where you could sneak past them as long as you are careful. From what I am hearing, it is now almost impossible to do that due to buggy Line of sight and detection issues which are still being tweaked.

I just want them to be a threat once you have pissed them off. They should hit harder, be able to hit you while running and be absolutely ruthless.. you should want to avoid them instead of just playing DayZ the shooting gallery every time before you want to loot stuff/engage in PvP


Oh, well that I have absolutely no issue with. I assumed from your first post that you liked the new detection levels, which after today have made me not want to play until they are reverted (they're that bad). Yeah, fine, I'm down for making zombies more lethal if you can deal with them properly.

On that note, however, I do feel like the zombies movements and pathfinding need more development before this though. Right now zombies can move so irrationally that you'll actually wait until they're beating on you to shoot them. They're all over the place and completely unpredictable most of the time. So until the AI is properly developed, I think zombies shouldn't be that lethal.

I do sort of agree with you on that, the pathfinding can be enraging at times when they zig zag precisely at the moment you fire and you miss them completely.. pretty annoying.

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Ok, you say its fun and easy because you have guns and tons of ammo to kill them with. Go kill yourself on purpose like i did, losing my NVGs and automatics. Its horrific starting out with nothing. your only chance to survive is to run and if they could hit you while doing that it would be near impossible. I'm not totally against not having a gun, but at the moment they are way to powerful for people starting out.

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Ok' date=' you say its fun and easy because you have guns and tons of ammo to kill them with. Go kill yourself on purpose like i did, losing my NVGs and automatics. Its horrific starting out with nothing. your only chance to survive is to run and if they could hit you while doing that it would be near impossible. I'm not totally against not having a gun, but at the moment they are way to powerful for people starting out.


The first thing I did with the new patch was put my stuff in a tent then click respawn.

I've spent a good 10 hours playing as a noob and haven't been back to my tent to touch my gear I accumulated over weeks and it still isn't very hard.

No' date=' zombies are to strong now.


Please don't come into the thread and just give basic, useless responses like this.

Elaborate. Discuss. Give your reasoning and add to the thread, save the yes or no answers for Rocket's 20 words or less threads :)

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The zombies aren't behaving in a realistic manner. The fact that I can sneak into a building undetected, close all the doors and then crouch walk up 5 stairs and draw a horde down on me is bad design.

It has completely removed stealth from the game as far as I'm concerned. The only option in daylight is prone and even then you have a good chance of being spotted. I love the slow pace, but crouch walking interspersed with crouch running and crawling should be how it's done. Right now, the only option is to run in a building and exploit LOS. If you don't already know which buildings to raid, then you are screwed (read any new player).

I think the zombie stealth detection had been well balanced in the last couple of patches. If they wanted to increase the difficulty, then I'm all for the attacks while running or increased damage per swing - but give me a break with the removal of stealth from the game.

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I have to agree with you about the danger level of zombies; it simply isn't enough right now. The danger that does come from them is from their jerky and poorly-done animations, not from the fact that they are undead killing machines that only crave human flesh. I like the fact that a well-placed headshot kills, but outside of exploiting the fact that zombies have to walk inside, aligning a headshot when a zombie is running at you while looping through broken animations is far too challenging and is not realistic in the least. I have quite a radical solution for the animation issue as well as the low-danger level of zombies.

I think zombies should have a chance to infect.

I believe that rocket should implement an infection system. While I am not going to type out all my ideas for this system due to it being late, I think having a system such as this in place would solve the two issues I outlined above.

1. Having an infection system would allow for the very buggy running and attacking animations to be eliminated. Give the zombies, at the most, a quick lunge attack for 10-20 feet (these are rotting corpses after all, not Olympic marathon runners from Kenya.) While they would no longer be able to chase you down, their danger would be greatly increased by the fact that each hit by them would mean a high percentage to infect (75%+.) Coupled with a slight increase in the amount that spawn in larger areas which would have higher populations in real life (cities, military bases, etc.) This solution would both increase the difficulty and danger of zombies as well as fix animation issues.

2. Make headshots the only viable way to kill a zombie. This is self-explanatory and with the fix I mentioned above for the animation issues, I think it would be fair but still require a steady aim. While headshots should be the only way to kill a zombie, I believe that enough (more than current) damage to the torso/legs should cause a zombie to drop into prone position. This would give the player the ability to down zombies in a panic but would not eliminate them, and would also cause the player to burn a lot of ammo.

With these things implemented I think Day Z would be greatly improved and they would address many of the issues that players are having while still keeping the game fair and fun.

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I love how the 1% of kids that are "OMG 2 1337" for this game come on here and act like everyone is being a scrub and destroying their good time and they are somehow entitled to have this game we all enjoy made too difficult for anyone who doesn't have 1000's of hours to invest into being a super elite video game player.

If you want someone to create a video game that only super godlike hardcore clan members could possibly enjoy I'd recommend you log off DayZ and pick up a book on programming, because not many people are going to spend almost all of their free time creating a game that immediately eliminates 99% of the player base.

In the mean time log into a nighttime server, respawn, don't get help from your clan, and throw your flashlight into the ocean if you want a challenge.

Can't us gamers have one, just this one, just one semi difficult game for us to enjoy? You guys who don't like being challenged when gaming and just want to sit back, turn your brain off and relax have hundreds if not thousands of other titles to satisfy you.

Give me a break.

There are plenty of games out there with difficulty levels and learning curves that would make you cry (If you don't believe me I have a Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo arcade machine in my basement that is ready to prove you wrong). If you want a real challenge play competitive games with the big boys. You will never get a REAL challenge from AI zombies or casual bean countering players anyways if you are as boss at this game as you claim to be. But no games to challenge gamers you say? I could die laughing if it weren't so sad...

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Ok' date=' you say its fun and easy because you have guns and tons of ammo to kill them with. Go kill yourself on purpose like i did, losing my NVGs and automatics. Its horrific starting out with nothing. your only chance to survive is to run and if they could hit you while doing that it would be near impossible. I'm not totally against not having a gun, but at the moment they are way to powerful for people starting out.


The zeds suck. They need to be able to hit you while running. I can kill zeds without a weapon. Lead them up a hill and down again. Seriously there are so many glitch ways to easily kill zombies, just the noobs play for a few hours and cause they don't know about these glitches yet come to the forums complaining about zed difficulty.

The solution is to fix the glitches, not make the zombies stronger or faster or more perceptive etc.

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