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Walking Militia [WM] has returned!

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The Walking Militia [WM];

We are a mix of bandits and heros who have been together for over 2 years playing various Dayz mods. We play to have fun, but work together for the bigger goal or end game and know when to get serious.

Feel free to send me a PM if you have any more questions, or are interested in joining. We use teamspeak to communicate, so obviously you must have it as well.

Below are some simple requirements, but are by no means set in stone:

-18+ years old

-1 week trial period

-We don't need snipers, we need team players. People who can communicate.

-Give more than you take.


-Know when to be serious and when to mess around.

-Have teamspeak

Edited by MarshallLaw
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I concur with tempnauts' opinions. MarshallLaw is a wonderful leader and the I love this clan and its members. I hope tempnaut doesn't become a leader...

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Oh hell yeah. I messaged Legacy a week or two ago about doing this. I'd like to play with you all again, if possible.

Edited by TheDesigner

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i am interested in joining and i am 18, and will follow all rules, what else needs to be done so i can start playing with you guys?

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