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WTB - Help setting up server scripts! Will pay $10-25 via paypal!

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Hey guys, i need help setting up some scripts for my dayz server heres what i need:


-- Auto refuel at any fuel tanks

--Sarges AI

--Admin tools (admin abilities: Teleport, God mode, invisible skin, zombie shield etc... BATTLEYE TESTED!)

--House light

--Deleting garbage/barricades from the road

--Street lights

--Heli lift

--Debug monitor

--Vehicle Flip

--Vehicle tow

--Full moon nights

--Increased helicrash spawns

--HALO Jump

--Fast Rope

--Custom Skins

I would offer 40-60 but i was just scammed of 35$, so i will happily pay you for the work you do now, and then pay you maybe in a week or so when i get the rest of the money.

I would really appreciate the help, please add me on skype for further details, or if you feel like being a nice person and helping me out!

Skype: GrizzlyJuan

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