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Brick's 1.7.7 Review

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Seeing how my opinion is so HIGHLY regarded amongst DayZ players (sarcasm) I figured I would write an unbiased review on the changes I've noticed in 1.7.7. I am a DayZ enthusiast so to speak, I've been around for over a year now and seen many changes to the game. All in all, this patch was fairly excellent.

The Amazingly Good

- The new Zombie AI is great, they move far more intuitively.

- Wild spawning zombies are a great addition. I was sitting on sniper hill in elektro watching zombies milling around thinking there was a player in the city.... and there wasn't. GREAT job.

- Removing the "i win" AS50 and M107's.

- INFECTED CAMPS!!!!! Awesome!

- Higher rate of infection from zombies... I love it.

- Bandit Skin -- Need I say more?

- The new script detection is off the charts. A LOT less hackers kicking around US 520 ATM...

- No more LOOT cycling... DAMN RIGHT... this was ri-ri-ridiculous.

I cannot comprehend the amount of complaining I've read on here. This is a ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GAME.... I think we've all forgotten about that big Z in DayZ. They were more of a nuisance prior to this patch because they had no way to kill an experienced player. Now, if you get hit ONCE you can get infected and die... and I must say I like that. Zombies should do more damage than they currently do... a player should die in around 7-8 hits in my opinion.

The Almost Amazing

- Military weapons are still very common, much more so than medical loot.

- Lots of kicks for lots of scripts.... that probably shouldn't be kicks.

- Maybe adding in antibiotics to the supermarket loot table. Lots of supermarkets have pharmacy's so its pretty realistic.

Overall... I must say I am pretty content with the changes.

- Brick

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nice review, i have not played 1.7.7 much yet, but before this the zombies were a complete joke. not a threat at all.

although i think they do need to clean up some stuff.

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nice review, i have not played 1.7.7 much yet, but before this the zombies were a complete joke. not a threat at all.

although i think they do need to clean up some stuff.

There are always bugs and things that need to be ironed out... but the overall gameplay in this patch was a huge step in the right direction. I am now sneaking around cities and barns trying to avoid aggro'ing zombies.... before I just ran in looted and ran out. If this is the eventual principle behind what standalone is going to be based on... I'm excited.

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Zombies in 1.7.7 are a real threat now, even without the *cough* infection. Some are stronger. They can hit very quickly. I was trying to be super careful looking for the new spawn spots in Kamenka, and of course got spotted so made a run for it. One technique is to make a sharp turn around the corner of a building. Well, surprise, there was a zombie there and he popped me right in the gut, down I went, and dinner time for the zombies. Very scary.

On the other hand, I was just running along and some zombie got a piece of me form what seemed like too far away, infected after just 1 hit. >:(

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I do like most of the new patch, bit it does need just a few minor tweaks

And saw my first 1.7.7 patch hacker with an AS50 spamming at everyone, the side chat was full of laughing as he didn't know about the 0 damage

Also I don't get why people can't find food, I just spawned and went through balota and already have 4 sodas, 3 cans of food and Alice pack, hachet and pistol

Most of the food is from dead zombies but its out there

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The Amazingly Good

Agreed :D

The Almost Amazing

- Military weapons are still very common, much more so than medical loot. Yup i've noticed this too, Have seen more DMR's and M14's than ever and i haven't even been to the NWAF yet.

- Lots of kicks for lots of scripts.... that probably shouldn't be kicks. This is down to server admins not updating their battleye scripts.txt file, this happens every patch, its the admins responsibility.

- Maybe adding in antibiotics to the supermarket loot table. Lots of supermarkets have pharmacy's so its pretty realistic. Antibiotics can be found literally in all loot tables.

Edited by Fluxley
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Very nice review Mr.jBrick, but as you stated a small piece of tweaking (which I think they are working on) and this patch will be on of the best released so far. I'm really enjoying it, even died a load of times to the infected already.(Brings back fond memories of when I first started playing).

What else would you expect in a zombie apocalypse, not everyone will make it.

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I love the new patch myself, zeds finally pose a threat, you will need antibiotics...alot of it....awesome

From what i have tested so far,teamwork is the way to go,solo players will now play on hardcore :D

The 1.7.7 finally made Dayz what it always should have been.... im excited

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"This is down to server admins not updating their battleye scripts.txt file, this happens every patch, its the admins responsibility."

Yeah the new scripts help a lot (obviously LoL) but there are lines that I've had to comment out in order to keep people from getting kicked. Script #200 for example to stop people from getting kicked for blowing up a vehicle.

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There's always going to be a few they dont catch straight away i guess, have you reported the script errors you found to R4ZOR49?

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I'm diggin' the patch, Just wish they'd keep working on the zed pathfinding so the fuckers wouldn't run through buildings and such.

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Patch is nice. TY to R4Z0R and the team.

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Well your right on for first point.

What's your opinion on.

Zombie super powers of speed, reach, sight, hearing, and their magical abilities like moving through matter.

On a side note, have you ever tried killing things with your hands, it's quite difficult, why would zombies do more damage from hitting,

Tearing with teeth yes, but not from grabbing and hitting.

And how exactly your patch review unbiased, when you haven't mentioned all of the things broken in the patch.

Not much o a review really, looks more like your a troll, trying to start a flame war, rather than a serious discussion

Edited by smokeyassassin

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Well your right on for first point.

What's your opinion on.

Zombie super powers of speed, reach, sight, hearing, and their magical abilities like moving through matter.

On a side note, have you ever tried killing things with your hands, it's quite difficult, why would zombies do more damage from hitting,

Tearing with teeth yes, but not from grabbing and hitting.

And how exactly your patch review unbiased, when you haven't mentioned all of the things broken in the patch.

Not much o a review really, looks more like your a troll, trying to start a flame war, rather than a serious discussion

The bulk of what you've made mention of are things that were broken PRIOR to this patch. Although the new patch doesn't make DayZ a complete package it is a step in the right direction in gameplay. Obviously zombies are still walking through walls and docks are still projecting players into the air high enough to kill them -- This patch didn't fix those things. However, if you are to look at the changes made in comparison to the previous patch it looks rather well done. Truth is, some of the issues you bring up are actually related to the game engine and not the mod itself. And as for my troll attempt.... yours was much better.

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- Wild spawning zombies are a great addition. I was sitting on sniper hill in elektro watching zombies milling around thinking there was a player in the city.... and there wasn't. GREAT job.

Shit addition imo.

They dont spawn in the wild they spawn around the player regardless of location or proximity to loot.

There is a giant 100m-200m bubble surrounding the player and at the edge of this bubble zombies just so happen to spawn.

It is a game breaking, immersion breaking feature especially when you see them spawn in.

Ultimate solution is to have the zombies spawn server side and not spawn in because of a player.

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Ultimate solution is to have the zombies spawn server side and not spawn in because of a player.

You'll have to wait for the standalone for that i'm afraid, if they did that in the mod the performance hit would be too great.

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The only thing, IMO that needs to be changed is where antibiotics are found.

Like you say there should be a chance of it spawning in supermarkets and maybe even a low chance in residential buildings?

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1.7.7: I agree with Gibonez...

Zombies in ultra small villages (with one enterable cabin) are still spawning in congo lines and every single one has to enter the house making it simply unlootable. They just keep spawning. This is way out of whack. A totally small group of houses and MORE ZOMBIES THAN CHERNO!?!?!?! Spawning by these houses and being unable to loot a house, which probably just has nothing or tin cans, is unrealistic and immersion breaking.

What to do when aggros chase you into the woods? I think from now on, when I can't lose a zombie, I'm just going to see how many I can get and go find a bandit to dump them on. Or just some poor sucker. Even dogs lose interest after a while. It's too unrealistic not to be able to lose zombies.

I won't even repeat what I think about infection and lack of medical supplies. Even if you find antibiotics or morphine, you'll only find one. Then what. Use it and your back to playing the death simulator that this patch has created.

Harder is one thing. Unbalanced is another. It just feels broken. Melee still busted. Crowbar still stops working sometimes.

Please adjust zombies to realistic numbers. They're harder now. We don't need an endless line of spawns in a one house town.

EDIT: spelling

Edited by need matches

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Infection should have been in there from the beginning and it should have been caused at the rate it is now. Lets be honest, there were no repercussions to massing zombies chasing you previously.... now its quite the opposite. If you have a horde on your trail and need to weave around zombies... you may get a fatal infection. I like that. I like that zombies can be fatal rather than them being an annoying inconvenience. I think as a whole it makes low population servers more viable.

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Infection should have been in there from the beginning and it should have been caused at the rate it is now. Lets be honest, there were no repercussions to massing zombies chasing you previously.... now its quite the opposite. If you have a horde on your trail and need to weave around zombies... you may get a fatal infection. I like that. I like that zombies can be fatal rather than them being an annoying inconvenience. I think as a whole it makes low population servers more viable.

Not when the zombies are zig zagging, buggy walk through wall idiots - then challenging zombies is not necessary.

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The Amazingly Good

- The new Zombie AI is great, they move far more intuitively.

i Stopped reading there...

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even without the *cough* infection.

He's showing signs of infection, quick kill him! haha

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The Amazingly Good

- The new Zombie AI is great, they move far more intuitively.

i Stopped reading there...

Bet you didn't.

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